Atheists are averse to the world of empirical reality.

Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2018 02:51 pm
I have this insight that atheists are averse to the world of empirical reality.

Here, ask them why they don't accept the existence of God, and you will see that they are averse to the world of empirical reality.

But what is the meaning of the word averse?

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adjective: averse
1. having a strong dislike of or opposition to something.
"as a former CIA director, he is not averse to secrecy"
synonyms: opposed to, against, antipathetic to, hostile to, ill-disposed to, resistant to;
disinclined to, reluctant to, unwilling to, loath to;
"why are you so averse to being hospitalized?"
antonyms: keen


late 16th century: from Latin aversus ‘turned away from,’ past participle of avertere (see avert).
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averse is sometimes confused with adverse
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Averse | Definition of Averse by Merriam-Webster
Jan 4, 2018 - Definition of averse. : having an active feeling of repugnance, dislike, or distaste —usually used with to. She was not averse to taking chances.

Averse | Define Averse at Dictionary.com
1. having a strong feeling of opposition, antipathy, repugnance, etc.; opposed: He is not averse to having a drink now and then.

averse Definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
averse definition, meaning, what is averse: strongly disliking or opposed to: . Learn more.

Averse Synonyms, Averse Antonyms | Thesaurus.com
Synonyms for averse at Thesaurus.com with free online thesaurus, antonyms, and definitions. Dictionary and Word of the Day.

averse - Wiktionary
The terms adverse and averse are sometimes confused, though their meanings are somewhat different. Adverse most often refers to things, denoting something that is in opposition to someone's interests — something one might refer to as an adversity or adversary — (adverse winds; an attitude adverse to our ideals).
‎English • ‎Adjective • ‎French

averse | Definition of averse in English by Oxford Dictionaries
Traditionally, and according to Dr Johnson, averse from is preferred to averse to. The latter is condemned on etymological grounds (the Latin root translates as 'turn from'). However, averse to is entirely consistent with ordinary usage in modern English (on the analogy of hostile to, disinclined to, etc.) and is part of normal ...

averse - Dictionary Definition : Vocabulary.com
To be averse to something is to be opposed to it on moral, philosophical or aesthetic grounds: my father is averse to people smoking cigarettes in the house, but he would not be averse to your smoking a cigar.

averse | meaning of averse in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary ...
averse meaning, definition, what is averse: unwilling to do something or not liking ...: Learn more.

averse (adjective) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary
Define averse (adjective) and get synonyms. What is averse (adjective)? averse (adjective) meaning, pronunciation and more by Macmillan Dictionary.

Averse definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
Averse definition: If you say that you are not averse to something, you mean that you quite like it or quite... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples.

[ . . . . ]

Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2018 03:02 pm
I have this insight that atheists are averse to the world of empirical reality.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding — atheists are averse to spiritual reality. There is no empirical evidence which substantiates the existence of supernatural beings.
Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2018 03:20 pm
I wish I could solve all my philosophical conundrums by flying to the dictionary.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2018 03:31 pm
Oh ye atheists, you have not told me why you deny God exists.
Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2018 03:32 pm
Hey, you're back!

0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2018 07:58 pm
Yuh-huh . . . hey, how about them Patriots?
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2018 08:38 pm
Jesus Mary and Joseph, susmariosep, you've got a dictionary and you aren't afraid to use it except for looking up empirical and reality.

Oh ye atheists, you have not told me why you deny God exists.

Oh ye badinageur, it's because there is no evidential support for the contention, but rather overwhelming indications believers clutch at straws that wouldn't float a boat let alone an ark.

[Incidentally, pay no attention to peacemaker888, the Philippines will not be taken as a precursor to the outbreak of WWIII in the Spratley's.]
Reply Tue 16 Jan, 2018 09:35 pm
Ekename says:


Oh ye atheists, you have not told me why you deny God exists.

Oh ye badinageur, it's because there is no evidential support for the contention, but rather overwhelming indications believers clutch at straws that wouldn't float a boat let alone an ark.

That is very good but still not good enough unless you tell me what is your concept of evidence.

Now, dear everyone, let us all sit back and await with bated breath to witness: who atheist will be first to stand up and tell mankind what is his concept of evidence.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Jan, 2018 11:29 am
Dear everyone, have you all noticed that no atheists have accepted my challenge to them: that they present to me and to mankind what is their concept of evidence - for the most sensible reason that they give, as with one atheist, ekename, is the lack of evidence, for denying God existing:

From Susmariosep
Oh ye atheists, you have not told me why you deny God exists.

From ekename
Oh ye badinageur, it's because there is no evidential support for the contention, but rather overwhelming indications believers clutch at straws that wouldn't float a boat let alone an ark.

So, dear everyone, it is obvious in effect that atheists do not know at all why they deny God to be existing.

And that is an irrational if not crazy attitude, to deny God existing but to be without the only I submit sensible reason at all why, which only one rational ground is namely the lack of evidence: because they do not have any concept at all of what is evidence.

So, that means they have no evidence at all, how is that?

Simple: When people use a word like evidence but have no concept of what it means, that is clear that they don't know what it is: wherefore they don't have anything inside their brain that corresponds to the word, as they do not know what the word means.

Oh ye atheists, you are averse to the world of empirical reality, why? because evidence belongs to the world of empirical reality, and you dare not take the time and work to find out what is the concept of evidence, and evidence if anything at all, it belongs to the world of empirical reality.

Wherefore, Oh ye atheists, you can call yourselves irrational i.e. crazy, for holding to an attitude without any ground at all.

Dear everyone, let us all sit back and await with bated breath to witness how atheists will react to my charge against them, namely, they are irrational i.e. crazy!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Jan, 2018 11:57 am
Oh, we've provided our positions on the matter. You've merely ignored it.
Reply Wed 17 Jan, 2018 02:03 pm
From InfraBlue
Oh, we've provided our positions on the matter. You've merely ignored it.

Empty words are easy and quick for empty minds and vacuous brain to exude from their oral cavity.

Produce your concept of what is evidence, or per Wittgenstein, keep quiet, i.e. shut up!

I regret my harsh words, but they are justified for the sake of emphasis.

Okay, Oh ye atheists, produce your concept of what is evidence, or go away to nurse your ignorance, in re your grounds for denying God existing.
Reply Wed 17 Jan, 2018 02:47 pm
produce your concept of what is evidence...

An empirical datum constitutes a piece of evidence relevant to a hypothesis or theory if it may either support of undermine it. A necessary condition for a datum to be an evidence for or against a hypothesis is that both datum and hypothesis be co-referential. This condition disqualifies scientific data as evidence for supernatural or paranormal conjectures. For example, since nobody knows what a god's fingerprints are, or whether it even has fingers, no piece of creation can be regarding as bearing the fingerprints of a god.

Reply Wed 17 Jan, 2018 03:24 pm
Susmariosep wrote:

From InfraBlue
Oh, we've provided our positions on the matter. You've merely ignored it.

Empty words are easy and quick for empty minds and vacuous brain to exude from their oral cavity.

Produce your concept of what is evidence, or per Wittgenstein, keep quiet, i.e. shut up!

I regret my harsh words, but they are justified for the sake of emphasis.

Okay, Oh ye atheists, produce your concept of what is evidence, or go away to nurse your ignorance, in re your grounds for denying God existing.

Go back and read your other threads. The responses are all there. Your own assertions for the existence of God are based on assumptions.
Reply Wed 17 Jan, 2018 07:36 pm
Dear atheist hightor, do you realize that you talk a lot but without clear and simple but still precise language, on what is evidence.

Let me help you to clarify your thought if you have any that is clear simple but still precise, in regard to what is evidence, in re the debate on the existence of God or not.

1. Let us ask ourselves what is the target to prove to exist in regard to the search for evidence?

2. Why and how the evidence is linked to the existence of the target thing that is to be proved to exist, via the evidence?

3. For example, we want to prove from evidence that the agent whatsoever exists which is the maker of a ring.

The above procedure for the search of evidence is in effect the concept of evidence: that is applicable to any and all search for evidence, whether it is to prove the existence of say Bigfoot, or the existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

Okay, in clear but concise definition, evidence is anything in existence leading us to the certainty of the existence of another thing, owing to the connection between them.

So, dear hightor, how do your many words fit into the my simple clear but still precise language, on finding out what is the concept of evidence we must concur on, before you atheists can declare that there is no evidence for the existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Jan, 2018 08:53 pm
The above process is sophistry. Begging the question, one assumes something exists, and sets out to prove it. That is not gathering evidence, that is manufacturing evidence.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 17 Jan, 2018 10:29 pm
I have this insight that atheists are averse to the world of empirical reality.

They are blind to your truth.

Please reveal the evidence so that they may see.
Reply Thu 18 Jan, 2018 02:40 pm
Dear ascribbler, you tell me:
"They are blind to your truth.
Please reveal the evidence so that they may see."

The evidence is everywhere, starting with the nose in our face.

We ask ourselves, where does the nose come from?

1. The nose comes with the baby.
2. Baby comes from their papa and mama.
3. Papa and mama come from their in turn papas and mamas.
4. In this way we come to the first agent to have started the chain of baby coming from papa and mama.
5. That is the evidence, the nose in our face, or if you prefer the balls in your lower middle groin.
6. You ask, how come we can't see God, the first agent to have caused the existence of baby and papas and mamas?
7. Simple, because God is everywhere, and man cannot see something that is everywhere.
8. But man can reason from the nose on man's face or the balls in his lower middle groin,
9. As to come to the conclusion that there exists God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything wsith a beginning.

There, that is the exposition of how the nose or the balls in guys' lower middle groin is evidence: leading man to conclude to the existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.
Reply Thu 18 Jan, 2018 04:00 pm
Your insults are pathetic. You don't have a solid argument, so you sneer at your interlocutor and denigrate their intelligence. That's all you've got.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 02:20 pm
Alert! Alert! Alert!

To the powers that be of this website, able2know.org, you are being hacked!

Get rid of the hackers, send them away and keep them out, good riddance!
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Reply Sat 20 Jan, 2018 02:34 pm
From Susmariosep
Okay, Oh ye atheists, produce your concept of what is evidence, or go away to nurse your ignorance, in re your grounds for denying God existing.

From InfraBlue
Go back and read your other threads. The responses are all there. Your own assertions for the existence of God are based on assumptions.

Okay, produce the assumptions which you allege that my proof for the existence of God are based on assumptions.

I will give you a hint, the existence of the nose on your face, is that an assumption or a fact in the objective world of empirical reality.

And Oh atheists, you still have not prewented your step by step argument for the non-existence of God, that is why you are so vacuous and inane, denying God without any grounds whatsoever that can be verified in the objective world of empirical reality.

And this website, able2know.org, is being hacked.

Paging the powers that be in of of this website, search and catch the hackers and throw them out, and keep them out, good riddance!

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