Quote:From Setanta
When someone makes an extraordinary claim, like the magic sky daddy, they have the burden of proof, no one is obliged to disprove the contention. I see that all you really have in your repertoire is more personal insults. I've reported your posts, and will continue to do so. Anyone at this site can post in this thread, so the only pathetic thing here is your silly command to me not to post in this clown car of a thread.
You say, "no one is obliged to disprove the contention [he does not make]."
That is not the rule in fact.
The rule in fact is that when anyone takes side in an issue, like on the question God exists or not, he is under burden to prove his side even though he is into denying the contention of the other party.
You see, when you take part in an issue, as on the positive side or as on the negative side, both parties are under burden to prove their respective claim, the positive side to prove the validity of his affirmative claim, like for example, the existence of God.
And the negative side to prove the negative claim that God does not exist.
The only time when a party is not under burden to prove any claim is when he does not make any claim, neither positive nor negative, but he is just into listening or reading as like on a fence.
You see, whether with the positive claim or with the negative claim, a human being is under burden to have reasons to adopt a position, whether positive or negative, in participating in an issue, like the existence of God or non-existence of God.
Why is this rule the true rule?
Simple: because humans for having a reasoning faculty cannot be acting according to reason when they talk without any grounds whatsoever: in defending a claim or in denying a claim.
This is not an insult to you, but my desire to tell you the genuine rule on who is under burden in a debate, whether as the positive proponent or as the negative proponent: and the rule is both sides, both the positive protagonist and the negative protagonist.
And again, the explanation why is because man is not free to defend or to deny a proposition without any reasons whatsoever: for that is not acting rational at all - and man above everything else and that is why he is different from non-rational entities, it is because he does not talk pro or contra a question without any reasons whatsoever: for that is to act irrationally and man is not allowed to act irrationally at all.
Now, you will challenge me why I say that man is not allowed to act irrationally.
And I will tell you, because such kinds of men are usually put in insane asylum by the sane society.
By the way, no theists are making the claim that there is a magic sky daddy, that is the claim of atheists among themselves.