Atheists are averse to the world of empirical reality.

Reply Thu 29 Mar, 2018 10:33 pm
Oh dear, you have assumed there are atheists here. I'm not so sure, and really neither are you. You are swept up in some euphoric trip that confirms your sense of superiority which is why you erroneously assume you are talking to your equals. You are not, please leave the crack pipe alone for a few days, and I will reconsider your presence in my 'God, no God' class. You are seriously far behind all the other pupils and I doubt you can catch up.....however, if you can resist the hallulcigens (sp...I am not all that familiar with what the addicts like to smoke) for (oh, maybe 10 to 37 hours) maybe you can squeak by. I wouldn't bank on it, so I'm presenting you with the opportunity to withdraw from my course. Take it, leave it, I don't care, Im tenured. But remember, if you flunk this class because you are addicted to the pipe, we will be making sport of you for many years to come. Good luck
Reply Thu 29 Mar, 2018 10:53 pm
Dear glitterbag, I am informing posters here that I am trying to get them to exchange thoughts with me on philosophical grounds, about the existence of God.

And that I am not into proselytizing them - I was banned for spamming and proselytizing, and honestly I can't see how I had been spamming and proselytizing.

I take it very seriously that this a2k forum is intended by their founders and owners and operators for readers to learn something useful in the way of advancing their knowledge of reality.

And that is from my part by discussing with others in particular atheists, why God exists is a component of reality knowledge.

And I am modesty aside certain that I come to the truth and the fact and the logic, and it is part of the best thoughts of mankind, from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence, that God exists, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

And yes, I want to ask how atheists come to their certainty - on the assumption that they have come to certainty that God does NOT exist: because in the process of discussing with them, I will learn more of reality from their ideas though these ideas be wrong.

Coming to wrong ideas is a very good way to learn of the truths in the empirical world of man's knowledge, and atheists do have a lot of wrong ideas.
Reply Thu 29 Mar, 2018 11:19 pm
Utterly and transparently pathetic . . .
Reply Thu 29 Mar, 2018 11:59 pm
Well, I don't see any worthy thought from your message, dear Setanta.
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2018 01:00 am
You must be desperate to have to thank yourself for 'coming back' ! Try changing the medication.
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Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2018 01:17 am
I suggest that you would not know a "worthy" thought if it crept up and bit you in the ass.
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Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2018 01:23 am
Dearest pupil, you have tried my patience and my theology and my academic acumen. I have warned you twice, this will mark thrice you have been afforded the courtesy of my response. You must abandon the pipe, you seem to be hallucinating (because you know Y). As a renowned professor with credentials even Einstein would drool over, I warn you that you cannot pass my course if you continue with this outrageous baffaloney nonsense and inexplicable attacks on the faith/spirituality of my students. Even if you manage to squeak thru my curricula, you will still have to either drop out of my class and walk away from the university....or accept a D on your classwork, exam and participation. If I were you.....or if (how ridiculous is this)ryou were my nephew or son I'd urge you to hot foot it outa here with your dignity (I still have hope)....

By the way, I was discussing your situation with the almighty last week, but she is not able to place you. Are there any distinguishing marks you might have? A mole in the middle of your forehead? Does your sister have a bushy mustache? Can you please provide a hint? I tried to remember who you are but I kept drawing a blank....and honestly, our creator expects a little more out of me since I got the "God. No God" gig at Uni. If you think of something, I'll pass it along. But I still think you will be better off withdrawing from my class before the grades are assigned. Wink Wink, nudge nudge
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Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2018 02:26 pm
Well, honestly, I have not read anything from recent posters here, that are reminiscent of any rational thinking from their part.
Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2018 02:29 pm
I suggest you take up plumbing.
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Reply Fri 30 Mar, 2018 02:41 pm
Dear atheist posters here, please try your very best to contribute some useful thoughts to readers of this a2k forum.

See my earlier post.


Dear glitterbag, I am informing posters here that I am trying to get them to exchange thoughts with me on philosophical grounds, about the existence of God.

[ . . . . ]

[For the rest of the post of concern, see my post here.

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Reply Sat 31 Mar, 2018 12:50 pm
Dear readers here and fellow posters here and also all the founders and owners and operators of this forum:

Do you notice that my fellow posters (atheists) have not contributed any messages that can be founded on rational thinking, and are relevant to the topic of this thread, namely:

"Atheists are averse to the world of empirical reality."

What they have been doing is to just engage in nonsense flippancies, instead of some thoughts grounded on rational thinking and relevant to the topic here.

So, again, calling atheists here, please contribute some useful thoughts from your heart and mind, conducive to the advancement of man's knowledge of objective empirical reality.
Reply Sat 31 Mar, 2018 03:44 pm
You first--as soon as you contribute a rational argument, rather than unfounded statements from authority (an authority you do not possess) and stop indulging in question-begging, by assuming the existence of your magic sky daddy, then you will be in a position to sneer at others (as you have chronically done in this thread). People who make claims have the burden of proving them, no one is obliged to disprove them. People who make extraordinary claims have an extraordinary burden of proof. Please, by all means, demonstrate that rational thinking (as opposed so self-serving rationalization) can provide evidence for your magic sky daddy. Remember, that's an extraordinary claim, so you will need an extraordinary argument for your imaginary friend.

Why don't you go find a different discussion board in which to sneer at others, to call them names and to prance around murdering the English language and the concepts and methods of logic.
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2018 05:19 am
He's been everywhere and has been banned from several forums.

He is not here to debate. His limited intellect sees his axioms as non negotiable.

He is simply here for attention and self reinforcement purposes.
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2018 05:25 am
I wish him luck with that. It doesn't bother me that his narrow view is such that he will be able to convince himself that he has "won."

Ed, what do we have for our winning contestant today?

Johnny, it's a brand new car!

If that is all he has going for himself, may it content him.
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Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2018 05:28 am
I'd spout a load of bullshit on a web forum if it would get me a brand new car.
Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2018 06:15 am
centrox wrote:
I'd spout a load of bullshit on a web forum if it would get me a brand new car.

Should be delivered any day now... Hope it's a Lexus.
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Reply Sun 1 Apr, 2018 06:20 am
That's just sarcastic satire. When someone states that they have "won" an online argument, they just expose themselves as a fool.


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Reply Tue 3 Apr, 2018 12:55 am
Dear colleagues here:

Here is the way to start from empirical reality to philosophize all the way to the existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

1. Choose any piece of empirical reality, like the nose on our face.

2. We philosophize by asking ourselves where does the nose come from?

3. We answer from basic philosophizing, "Simple, it comes with the baby."

4. And where does the baby come from? Simple, from its papa and mama.

5. And papa and mama, where do they come from? Simple: papa and mama come from their own papa and mama.

6. And where do the ascendant series of papa and mama come from? Again simple, from the very first pair of a man and a woman.

Dear colleagues here, do you notice that all this time we are philosophizing on empirical reality?

Now we will go into inferencing from empirical reality, i.e employing our faculty of reason to reach further into the last frontiers of knowledge, because we have the power to think on things in the realm of empirical reality, and draw conclusions to the ultimate source of everything in the universe, and even in the much more broader realm of the totality of existence.

Are ready to join me in the adventure of inferring from the nose on our face to the first and last cause of all existence that has a beginning?

We will be doing what is called the philosophy of existence.

Tell me what comments you have on this post, at this point in time.
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Reply Tue 3 Apr, 2018 01:15 pm
What is the philosophy of existence?

First, what do you and I know about existence?

Let us present to ourselves examples of existence.

Here, tell me if you concur with me or not, that the following below are examples of existence, even though we have as yet no formal definition in words on what is existence.

Examples of existence:
the nose on our face
the sun in the day sky
the moon in the evening sky

You get the idea already, namely, what are examples of existence?

Please, don't accuse me of sneering at you guys here, it is all inside your brain or mind and heart that I am sneering at you.

I just want to get to know how you think, doing philosophical investigation, is that all right with you?

You also, please do philosophical investigation on me, on how I think.

What do you guys say, will you join me in the big adventure of man's quest for more and more knowledge of empirical reality?

Or you want to continue with accusing me of sneering at you, of spamming, of trying to proselytize you into a religion or into a cult of whatever, like aliens from space created mankind on this planet earth?
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