Atheists are averse to the world of empirical reality.

Reply Wed 14 Feb, 2018 01:31 pm
Dear posters here, I like to share some insights with you all who do contribute posts to his thread.

1. Please abstain from posting a video-audio link: for although you might think it smart that a picture with sounds speaks thousands of words: the trouble with your smart self-evaluation is that only words can even today focus your thoughts if any of importance to readers, than any video-audio link picked up from the web.

2. Your brain is indispensable for you to think even the most stupid absurd thoughts, like the gobbledygooks of infinite regress, and you don't get any headache for your gobbledygook nonsense thinking; nonetheless unless you get to the objective world of empirical reality outside and independent of your brain, to test the validity and utility of your thoughts, you are just into the vacuous swamp of an inane brain.

3. Here is a regular exercise to sharpen your brain for productive useful rational thinking: you know what is existence, okay then: verbalize in not more than fifty words your concept of what is existence.

Happy thinking!
0 Replies
Reply Wed 14 Feb, 2018 03:06 pm
So you are not a native-speaker of English, right? I may have already made that observation. You also don't control anyone here, and no one is going to swallow your "instructions." You are arrogant and insulting.
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Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2018 03:42 am
This a2k is a very good forum dedicated to the advancement of knowledge with mankind.

I am not up to the present conversant with how it operates, * except that the founders, owners, and operators are not sadistic with quick banning of posters, who have something to say which they don't feel comfortable with.

Of course they don't tolerate grossly uncivil speech in particular against fellow posters.

On the other hand, uncivil speech but not pornographic cussing is a good instrument for a poster to emphasize his ideas, to address posters who react without thinking but with what I see to be gobbledygook.

You see, my impression is that a lot of folks don't really think at all, they just regurgitate fashionable gobbledygooks, like infinite regress and circular reasoning.

But when they are challenged to explain what they really know about infinite regress and circular reasoning, they resort to more gobbledygooks.

language that is meaningless or is made unintelligible by excessive use of abstruse technical terms; nonsense.
synonyms: gibberish, claptrap, nonsense, rubbish, balderdash, blather, garbage; informalmumbo jumbo, drivel, tripe, hogwash, baloney, bilge, bull, bunk, guff, eyewash, piffle, twaddle, poppycock, phooey, hooey
"a letter full of legal gobbledygook"

Courtesy of google:


*I just tried to use the preview feature but it didn't work, so I will just click on reply and hope this post will come out - unless I am suspended again.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2018 04:02 am
Good! My post came out!

Now, dear colleagues here, see if you can think on this statement from yours truly, and share some thoughts from thinking which I hope to profit from.

The default status of things in the totality of reality is existence.

Go to the objective world of empirical reality, instead of trying to recall what you read from others on say circular speech.

When you would only get accustomed to always go to the objective world of empirical reality, like the nose on our face, you would surely come to so many insights into the enhancement of your mind and the minds of folks, who take the chance to read you, just in case something of any cognitive worth should come from your quarters.

The nose is a piece of objective empirical reality which can avail you of so much insights into life and the world, than you always trying to recall some gobbledygook cliches and slogans from your iconic inane mentors like one atheist who's some writer of self-high-evaluation, perorating so solemnly but pure 100% genuine gobbledygook:

"It is not contradictory that the beginning of the universe was uncaused."

language that is meaningless or is made unintelligible by excessive use of abstruse technical terms; nonsense.
synonyms: gibberish, claptrap, nonsense, rubbish, balderdash, blather, garbage; informalmumbo jumbo, drivel, tripe, hogwash, baloney, bilge, bull, bunk, guff, eyewash, piffle, twaddle, poppycock, phooey, hooey
"a letter full of legal gobbledygook"

Courtesy of google:

Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2018 05:54 am
Jesus, Mary, Joseph, and all the saints , I love yer stuff.

Susmariosepsis empirical reality:

The evidence is everywhere, starting with the nose in our face.

We ask ourselves, where does the nose come from?

1. The nose comes with the baby.
2. Baby comes from their papa and mama.
3. Papa and mama come from their in turn papas and mamas.
4. In this way we come to the first agent to have started the chain of baby coming from papa and mama.
5. That is the evidence, the nose in our face, or if you prefer the balls in your lower middle groin.
6. You ask, how come we can't see God, the first agent to have caused the existence of baby and papas and mamas?
7. Simple, because God is everywhere, and man cannot see something that is everywhere.
8. But man can reason from the nose on man's face or the balls in his lower middle groin,
9. As to come to the conclusion that there exists God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything wsith a beginning.

There, that is the exposition of how the nose or the balls in guys' lower middle groin is evidence: leading man to conclude to the existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning.

qed gobbledygook
Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2018 06:01 am
This guy is the epitome of a troll. All he wants is a response irrespective of its content. He has been banned elsewhere.
Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2018 06:11 am
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2018 01:50 pm
This is a discussion board not a question board.

So I guess I cannot expect that people take the care to be useful to others who seek answers to their questions.

Now, it is a fact of life that with folks who don't think because they are not accustomed to think, they react in a discussion with the charge that the protagonist of a piece of thought for the advancement of knowledge with mankind, they react with the inane and vacuous charge that the protagonist is into trolling - whatever that means for them.

I was in the Infidels.org forum for years, and in that forum at that time when I was there, it was absolutely prohibited for anyone to hurl any charge against any other of trolling, the penalty is at least a reprimand.

In that forum they hold to the policy that posters must contribute useful thoughts, not camouflage for their vacuity of thinking with charging others with trolling.

If they have complaints, they should report the trouble-makers to the powers that be in the forum.
Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2018 01:58 pm
perhaps you should hqve stayed at infidels.org. We operate ith rather more freedom here to call bullshit bullshit.
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Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2018 02:08 pm
You have heard of the multiply=proven theory of evolution, haven't you? You have heard of the multiply-proven existene of DNA, haven't you? They tell you where noses come from. No god involved. You want reality, that's it.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2018 02:14 pm
Dear readers here, take notice on how atheists take to gobbledygooks instead of genuine objections to the existence of God.

When you examine their arguments or objections if any at all, they are in effect into nothing but all guises of gobbledygooks.

Read their writing against God's existence, it has nothing to do with the objective world of man's empirical reality, but are all guises of gobbledygook-ism.

Examine them, their contrary explanations for the existence of man and all things accessible to mankind, without God, them explanations are nothing but instances of gobbledygook-ism.

They are all into strawman, with God as the victim of their strawman-diversions.

At no time in the history of debates have the enemies against truths, facts, logic, and the best thoughts of mankind from since the dawn of man's conscious intelligence, take to such a kind of gobbledygook diversion from genuine argument, namely, calling God all kinds of ridiculous epithets, instead of directing their objections to first the concept of God, or second to the lack of evidence of God's presence.

Here are their gobbledygooks against God, with calling God the following diversionary labels, starting with one iconic atheist master, Bertrand Russell, who started that deceptive strategy of gobbledygook diversionary trick:

orbiting teapot in space (from Bertrand Russell)
(and from the emulators of Bertrand Russell):
flying spaghetti monster
invisible pink unicorn
tooth fairy
magic sky daddy
old man in the sky

language that is meaningless or is made unintelligible by excessive use of abstruse technical terms; nonsense.
synonyms: gibberish, claptrap, nonsense, rubbish, balderdash, blather, garbage; informalmumbo jumbo, drivel, tripe, hogwash, baloney, bilge, bull, bunk, guff, eyewash, piffle, twaddle, poppycock, phooey, hooey
"a letter full of legal gobbledygook"

Courtesy of google:


0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2018 02:26 pm
Tell you what, dear atheists all gone irrational into the gobbledygook evolution wagon.

There is ne'er evidence of evolution in the objective world of empirical reality that fits the concept of evolution - please produce your concept of evolution though.

What you have are all gobbledygooks inside your brain by which gobbledygooks you cook up such nonsense as that random mutation results in natural selection, and voila all inside your brain, the menu of evolution is cooked and served all inside your brain, with ne'er a piece of empirical evidence in the objective world of the nose on our face, babies and roses, the sun in the day sky, and the moon in the night sky.

language that is meaningless or is made unintelligible by excessive use of abstruse technical terms; nonsense.
synonyms: gibberish, claptrap, nonsense, rubbish, balderdash, blather, garbage; informalmumbo jumbo, drivel, tripe, hogwash, baloney, bilge, bull, bunk, guff, eyewash, piffle, twaddle, poppycock, phooey, hooey
"a letter full of legal gobbledygook"

Courtesy of google:

0 Replies
Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2018 02:49 pm
Susmariosep wrote:
This is a discussion board not a question board.

Who says?
Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2018 03:53 pm
This troll has been on so many forums spouting the same repetitive rubbish and arguing with moderators that he probably considers himself to be an expert in forum manipulation. Any response to him reinforces that for him.

Ironically, the depth of his own religious belief is likely to be inversely proportional to the pathological degree of his bleating about atheism.

Reply Fri 16 Feb, 2018 04:52 pm
fresco wrote:
. . . the depth of his own religious belief is likely to be inversely proportional to the pathological degree of his bleating about atheism.

We've had these jokers coming to pick fights with atheists for most of the almost sixteen years this site has been in business. Overwhelmingly, they believe they have a knock down argument, but I am mystified at what they hope to accomplish.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2018 03:14 am
fresco wrote:
This troll has been on so many forums spouting the same repetitive rubbish and arguing with moderators that he probably considers himself to be an expert in forum manipulation.

He has been quiet for a little while recently. I thought maybe he had found a new hobby.
Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2018 01:32 pm

‘Avoid condoms, they’re not pleasurable,’ Duterte tells Filipinos

You never know, maybe this has something to do with it ! Wink
0 Replies
Reply Sat 17 Feb, 2018 02:06 pm
I think he may have been sent on a short vacation for name-calling.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Feb, 2018 03:28 pm
Dear readers here of this yours truly’s thread, when you are writing a research paper on the existence of God, you can introduce a new approach to the arguments of atheists, namely, that they i.e. their arguments are all in the core nothing but gobbledygook writing.

Now, let us all sit back and await with bated breath, to witness whether any atheist at all can and will present his step by step argument for the non-existence of God, instead of running to their cupboard of gobbledygook writings.

For the convenience of atheists here, I propose that you read your master atheist, master of gobbledygook writing in re his pseudo argument of God not existing.

One Bertrand Russell, a failed philosopher and a failed mathematician.

See this link below, and Oh ye atheists here, you might learn also the tricks on how to write gobbledygook, in order to beguile readers with having proven the non-existence of God.

Just click on the link below, for the entire article of master atheist master of gobbledygook writing, one Bertrand Russell.

Is There a God?.

From his trick of unjustified analogy on God with an orbiting teapot in space,
If I were to suggest that between the Earth and Mars there is a china teapot revolving about the sun in an elliptical orbit. . .

you see, this master atheist, Bertrand Russell, master of epistemological stealth, concludes thus:
My conclusion is that there is no reason to believe any of the dogmas of traditional theology and, further, that there is no reason to wish that they were true. Man, in so far as he is not subject to natural forces, is free to work out his own destiny. The responsibility is his, and so is the opportunity.

And we are left with the question:
“Hey Bertie, where is your step by step argument to the non-existence of God, in concept as first and foremost the creator cause of everything with a beginning?”

The text below the line _____________ is my signature


language that is meaningless or is made unintelligible by excessive use of abstruse technical terms; nonsense.
synonyms: gibberish, claptrap, nonsense, rubbish, balderdash, blather, garbage; informalmumbo jumbo, drivel, tripe, hogwash, baloney, bilge, bull, bunk, guff, eyewash, piffle, twaddle, poppycock, phooey, hooey
"a letter full of legal gobbledygook"

Courtesy of google
Reply Sun 18 Feb, 2018 05:01 pm
Dear readers here of this yours truly’s thread, when you are writing a research paper on the existence of God, you can introduce a new approach to the arguments of atheists, namely, that they i.e. their arguments are all in the core nothing but gobbledygook writing.

We have only your opinion that this character exists. Did you know that?
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