THE MEANING OF OZ - All you need to know!

Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 10:48 pm
Lmur this could only happen in South Australia with a Premier who is totally out of touch with the wishes of the public.
Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 11:12 pm
A case of spectacular bad judgement - such as this one appears to have been - wouldn't inspire confidence, that's for sure.
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Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 06:31 am
Lmur this could only happen in South Australia with a Premier who is totally out of touch with the wishes of the public.

Oh I don't know about that, Dutchy. I'd say there's a pretty serious challenge from Victoria in the "out of touch" Premier competition! Wink

Hi Imur. Good to see you here! Smile
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 07:07 am
Good evening msolga, I don't know what your Premier has been up to, but our fellow pushed through a tram-line that nobody wanted, he has announced a new Adelaide Hospital at $1.7 billion and at a location where nobody wants it without even consulting the Medical Profession. On top of this he now has had the gall to appoint this hoon to Minister for Road Safety. I ask you how arrogant or stupid can you get with an election coming up within 12 months?
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 07:16 am
I will (perhaps) tell you of what our Premier & state government has been up to when I have a bit more time, Dutchy. Things like development at any cost, over-riding existing democratic processes to achieve this development, insane population targets (when we're running out of water! Help!)
Sadly, there's much more. A lot of really disaffected Labor folk around the place, I can tell you! Sigh.
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 04:25 pm
Good morning msolga. This morning it has been revealed our hoon's driving record is far worse then originally reported, Court records show he has in fact 58 convictions for road traffic offences. Laughing
Reply Mon 20 Apr, 2009 04:51 pm
Goodness me! What a scamp!
He made the the Vic news last night, Dutchy. It's not all his fault, you know ... seems other family members were sometimes driving his car, not he. (I hope it wasn't his government issue car! Wink )
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 May, 2009 03:26 am

Reply Fri 1 May, 2009 03:35 am
Politicians should defend the public interest, not Pratt's reputation:
Reply Fri 1 May, 2009 03:43 am
Good article msolga, I agree 100% with the points made, must say I was astonished to see the array of 'big shots' attending the funeral.
Reply Fri 1 May, 2009 03:55 am
Hi there, Dutchy.

Yes, obviously Dick Pratt had an extraordinary number of powerful friends in high places. I have no problem with these powerful friends grieving his death, but I have a very BIG problem with the attacks on the unfortunate folk trying to uphold the law on behalf of the community. No one should be above the law. Not even this very rich man with his powerful connections!Evil or Very Mad I've found the attacks on Graeme Samuel & co quite outrageous, appalling ..... What the hell is going on here? Have they all lost their heads? Confused
0 Replies
Reply Fri 1 May, 2009 05:21 am
I found this fascinating. Two tall poppies - Richard Pratt & Marcus Einfeld. Both brok the law (Pratt big time!) Yet entirely different treatments metred out.:

Some are tall poppies are taller than others
David Bernstein
May 1, 2009

THE extraordinary public reaction to the final chapter in the life of billionaire philanthropist Richard Pratt points to many admirable features of Australian society.

It reflects a genuine admiration for the achievements of this self-made Jewish-Polish migrant " a success story of incredible proportions, and an inspiration for the millions of migrants, however humble their origins, who have been fortunate enough to make it to these shores.

It also reflects the deep appreciation of Pratt's great generosity, a man who has given of his bounty to a wide range of worthy causes, from the arts to his beloved Carlton Football Club.

But, having said that, there was something profoundly unsettling about much of the premature public eulogising of Richard Pratt in the days before he died, and the frequently over the top, unconditional praise meted out by politicians, from Prime Minister Kevin Rudd down, and just about every captain of industry in the land.

That there was a disturbing, dark side to Pratt " he was, after all, fined $36 million in the 2007 civil proceedings over massive price-fixing between his packaging company Visy and its rival Amcor " was pointedly ignored by those so intent on singing his praises.

Not only that, but the vicious assault on Australian Competition and Consumer Commission chairman Graeme Samuel, the man intent on revealing that Pratt had possibly perjured himself in Visy's unsuccessful defence of the price-fixing allegations, bordered on the obscene.

Insinuations last week that Samuel's pursuit of Pratt had accelerated his decline in health were beneath contempt.

One can only speculate on what might have driven this unbridled, in-life beatification of Pratt, which received saturation media coverage.

Almost completely submerged in all the adulation heaped on him " there is now even talk of a state memorial service in his honour " has been the continued public humiliation of another once-revered Australian, former Federal Court judge and president of the Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission, Marcus Einfeld, who is serving a three-year jail term for perjuring himself and perverting the course of justice in a bid to avoid paying a $77 speeding fine.

A small item in Tuesday's Age reported that Einfeld had been stripped of his Order of Australia " ironic, in view of the moves now afoot to reinstate Pratt's AO, which he had returned following the price-fixing scandal.

Einfeld, who was not a successful billionaire, generous benefactor or saviour of a famous football club, was, nevertheless, an Australian of very considerable stature and substance who had made a contribution to this country at least as praiseworthy as that of Pratt " in particular, to the welfare of Australia's most deprived citizens, the Aborigines.

Like Pratt, Einfeld, too, has a dark side " in his case, an inexplicable "fatal flaw", in the true Shakespearean tragic sense, that caused him, a prominent and highly respected judge, to perjure himself over the most trivial of trivial matters: a $77 traffic fine.

Einfeld's conviction and jailing " the court, of course, had no option but to deal severely with a former judge who had ridden roughshod over the most sacred principles of the legal system he had been sworn to serve and uphold " was a breathtaking fall from grace for a man of his stature. And, for anyone with an ounce of compassion, a deeply moving human tragedy.

Yet Einfeld generated not an iota of the support emanating from the politicians now eulogising Pratt or from the Australian public, which seemed to revel in the public humiliation of this once-revered figure

There was no groundswell of public sentiment that his punishment, though justified in pure legal and philosophical terms, might, in more human terms, have been too harsh, that there might have been room for compassion.

And the fact that Einfeld, like Pratt, was suffering from prostate cancer when he was tried and jailed, appeared to elicit little or no sympathy.

The Australian public takes an often spiteful pleasure in the lopping of tall poppies. But not all tall poppies are created equal, evidently, as the contrasting treatment of Pratt and Einfeld clearly demonstrates. If the tall poppy in question happens to be a convivial good fellow with lots of mates in high places and an endearingly Aussie passion for his footy club, even if he may have been a price-fixer on a mammoth scale, he is more likely to be spared the secateurs than an aloof, somewhat arrogant former judge who, despite his magnificent record of good works for Aborigines and other underprivileged people, lied in a statutory declaration to evade paying a speeding ticket. Off with his head! What does all this say about us?

David Bernstein is a senior Age journalist

Reply Mon 4 May, 2009 04:26 pm
Makes you wonder msolga! Personally I feel Einfield's punishment of imprisonment was far to severe, and the accolades bestowed upon Pratt were over the top.
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 07:12 am
Yes, it's a strange state of affairs alright, Dutchy. I mean, to lie about who was driving his car (to avoid a $77 speeding fine, for god's sake!) compared to being guilty of the biggest price fixing racket ever seen in Oz .... it just leaves me shaking my head in amazement & wondering why Einfield ended up in gaol & Pratt didn't. I think it's fair to say that Einfield did a lot more good for this country than Pratt ever did. (He made far more money through his price fixing (criminal) activities with Amcor than he distributed through his "good works" in the community.) I feel terribly sorry for Einfield. Sure, it was wrong & very foolish to lie about that speeding episode, but he didn't deserve gaol & total disgrace. Just goes to show you, doesn't it? - it sure helps to have friends in high places! Rolling Eyes
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Reply Thu 28 May, 2009 07:30 am
Reply Thu 28 May, 2009 07:37 am
Strange state of affairs at work today. A case of the dreaded Swine Flu reported at the primary school next door, yesterday. A very close next door. Today heaps of students from the secondary school I work at were absent. Rumours circulating (amongst the largely Turkish Muslim student population) that Swine Flu is being spread by eaters of pork!) I must say I felt a bit uneasy, myself. Lots of older brothers & sisters from the primary school at my school. I have become an obsessive hand washer & am keeping my fingers firmly crossed!
Reply Thu 28 May, 2009 07:47 am
And check this out. Pretty amazing.:


Smoke haze from Victoria's devastating bushfires has become trapped in the atmosphere above Antarctica.

The ferocity of the fires has seen smoke reach heights never seen before and it has now travelled south.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 May, 2009 04:19 pm
Talking about the Swine Flue msolga. We have three life size bronze pig statuettes in our Rundle Mall as a tourist attraction. The other day some smart Alec fitted them all with a mask which made it to the front page of the daily newspaper The Advertiser. Laughing
0 Replies
Reply Thu 28 May, 2009 04:40 pm
msolga wrote:

Rumours circulating (amongst the largely Turkish Muslim student population) that Swine Flu is being spread by eaters of pork!)

Demonstrates just how effective religion is at promoting ignorance.
Reply Thu 28 May, 2009 09:26 pm
Like the Egyptian government trying to slaughter all the locally bred pigs without compensation. Because the owners are all coptic christians and a disfavoured minority.
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