those frog cakes by the way... I was a child connoisseur!
You haven't heard of Balfour's because it's South Australian margo.
South Australia.
Look west, there it is, beyond the outer western suburbs of Sydney.
Over the mountains.
Across the plains.
Skirt along the river (thanks for the salinity) and there it is
damn those frogs I live with!
I cannot eat one of those cakes anymore, they almost kill me.
goodfielder wrote:You haven't heard of Balfour's because it's South Australian margo.
South Australia.
Look west, there it is, beyond the outer western suburbs of Sydney.
Over the mountains.
Across the plains.
Skirt along the river (thanks for the salinity) and there it is
Smeggin' Sydneyites!
i was wondering about nicknames for people from each state. i got banana benders, crow eaters, sandgropers and mexicans but came up short on the rest. one idea i had came from a girl who doesnt like babies all that much. She calls them "crotch droppings"
I thought it might transfer nicley to tasmanians (as in tas dropped out of the mainlands crotch.)
Any others?
nope i dont like the crotch droppings name its a bit too much.
it is a bit too hardcore Aussie, but you know, that can be ok sometimes..
dearie...are you trying to say something???
at least I can now get some sleep!
But what does it mean?
Hey GF, would it be awfully untoward if I asked you a weeny legal question?
Mebbe over on Clinging to the Fringes, if it is ok?
yeah slogga what does it mean? hope i'm not intruding on private grief here
On tv here Special Broadcasting Service (SBS) - which is a government funded sort of BBC Channel 4 (I think that's the right reference) which began life as an broadcaster for our many non-Anglo-Celtic communities - showed the Ashes while Channel 9, Channel 7 and the ABC (reading the cartoon from left to right) didn't, for various reasons. SBS killed them in the ratings. Hence the ashes over the Ashes.
No worries Deb I will answer if I can or if I can't perhaps I will be able to refer you to where you can get an answer.
thanks for explanation gf. Was beginning to fret. Must go now and av a cardo.
margo wrote:Olga
dearie...are you trying to say something???
at least I can now get some sleep!
Jeez you lot!!! Ya can't tell the ABC, SBS, Channel 9 & 7 logos turning to ashes when you see them?
(Steve, YOU are excused here, not being from the Lucky Country & all ... :wink: ) Thanks, gf, you're absolutely right: SBS won the ratings war by taking on the Ashes when none of the others thought it was a goer. And you all know the rest!
Well, GF.
Say a certain...well...wabbit...registered her car, right?
And say she forgot to put the new sticker on in July, when she oughter, right?
And say she suddenly remembered, like, yesterday, and looked for the letter with the new sticker in it, and couldn't find it, though she hunted high and low, right?
So, just say, she rang and asked the transport people for a new one, I wonder would they demand to see the evidence of the first new one having been destroyed, which, Catch 22 like, she by definition cannot give?
And then they'd know she was driving round with an old sticker....
Which they mightn't never know if she just shut her furry trap...and waited until January...
But, if that, and the constabulary stop her, like, and see the old sticker, she kind of wonders how much trouble she'd be in, given the car IS registered and all?
And, like, the car is a '92 Liberty, which, if they get their mitts on it, though it be fine like, might never see the light of day again if ever it gets near the police mechanic, as you know happens to the cars of naughty folk sometimes, though usually naughty boyses, as I do solemnly believe.....