You are dabbling in a very deep pool.
Don't you realise that the Americans wrote these dictionaries? look out, it's a trap!
I know that the dictionaries were compiled by the American linguists. But, look, they are quite tolerant to the British version of spelling, while British people consider American version a spelling error. Does this mean that British should learn tolerance from Americans

Perhaps you have a look at Stinger's "favourite website"?
I would be glad to, but Stinger has not left a link to it, at least in this thread.
Of course, it is incorrect to confuse Germans with Dutch, but Americans were not the first. Russians in 13th-18th centuries called all the Westerners (including Dutch) Germans...
On the last line of each member's response are some icons:
"profile", "pm" and "www" [if filled out in profile].
Try the "www"
Stinger's, I meant - but mine could be of interest as well (if didn't look it up already).
Good point Seissd, and well put.
Thanks, Mr. Hinteler. The favorite site of Stinger (I still prefer American spelling, at least it is considered being the standard one in my country) is full of witty irony. But sometimes the latter thing is a bit exaggerated...
Well, that makes the difference: we "old Europeans" (and some others as well) refer to the original English language.
So do the Russians. But I got accustomed to the American version very quickly after having emigrated to Israel.
Emmm...It seems that I have been controversial.
Don't worry steissd. As Walter has pointed out, I was being 'ironic'. It's something that is still quite popular in Europe.
However, I hear that George Bush has asked Hans Blix to visit Europe and ensure we destroy our dictionaries, and replace them with US versions instead.
Hans Blix? I thought he was a European: German, Austrian, Swiss or Swede...
He's only from one those countries, steissd: Sweden.
I think he's a Finn or a Swede. Although George probably thinks Sweden is in Arizona.
I think he's a Swiss. Or a swizz
For additional reading on "the language subject" try this link:
How "Correct" Is British English?
Stinger, I agree that Mr. Bush is not a professional geographer. But, by all means, he has a university degree, so I guess that he is not so ignorant as you try to depict him. If he were, I do not think that he would be able to persuade the UN to accept the resolution #1441. Even if you disagree with political stance of Mr. Bush, this is not a reason to present him as an idiot. First of all, this is not true, then it may be insulting for the American members of the A2K.
Have you ever read some of his quotes?
I'm not trying to present him as an idiot. He's doing an outstanding job of being an idiot, without needing any of my help.