Not "Dutch" good man.
"Pennsylvania Dutch".
My great-grandparents came to this country from Germany at the turn of the century.
Pennsylvania Dutch is a term used to include all those of Germanic Descent.
Don't get your Vaterland out of whack, it was meant as an endearment, I assure you.
How do you know max, Walter?
Thanks for the offers of assistance and welcome (Craven and others). But I think I found my problem. I had already been through the user profile settings, that wasn't it. But apparently I had a "watch" on certain forums which I was not aware of. I had to browse for them randomly to find them.
I see the link which shows "watched threads", but I don't see a link which shows "watched forums". Is there such a link somewhere?
Welcome to A2K rosborne - I don't believe there is such a link yet. Go to the topic below and read the posts there for more information on this.
Turning Off Watched Forums Notification E-mail
Welcome to A2K McTag and Rosborne :-)
Does anyone know what the icons next to each forum topic represent? Sometimes they are orange, sometimes they are white, sometimes they move and other times they do not.
I looked in the FAQ, but didn't see it.
Orange = unread
White = read
Jiggly = popular (popular is currently set to 10 responses but will very likely be changed one of these days)
Page = regular interaction
Oak leaf = featured interaction (only Moderators and Guides can feature - ask one if you've got a topic you'd like featured)
Softened triangle = announcement
Have I missed anything? Oh, and if I haven't already said it, welcome to Able2Know! :-D
Thanks Jespah. Nice to see you again also (I think I remember your userid from Abuzz?)
Hey, McTag. Glad you made it, buddy.

Looking forward to seeing a lot more of you.
Hello folks
My gratitude to everyone who took the trouble to post. Lots of friendly folk here.
I look forward to seeing more of you.
Thanks, McT
Quote:Lots of friendly folk here.
There are only friendly folks here, McTag! (Well, mostly. :wink: )
McTag, looking good there!
Hi Letty, nice to be here
rosborne- Welcome! I LOVE your avatar!
Thank God! At last there is someone else here who can spell 'favourite' properly. These Yanks are very nice, but they just can't spell properly.
Don't tell them I said that, or it could be the Boston Tea Party all over again!
Tonite, 4you, I will not quote Shaw's humor but Adam Cooper :
"Giving English to an American is like giving sex to a child. He knows it's important but he doesn't know what to do with it." :wink:
Stinger, I made a small research in the online dictionaries, and i revealed that both "favourite" and "favorite" spellings are legitimate. The first is British, and the second is American (and not a spelling error).