Tryagain wrote:Elysian, I nows you reckon us southern folk is a mite behind the times. But I was only joshin about the elsan. We have the "Silent Valve less Water Waste Preventer" (No. 814) this is a siphonic discharge system that allowes a toilet to flush effectively when the cistern was only half-full. Important when you have got to fill it from the kreek.
Pretty funny, but even funnier...if Crapper hadn't bought the 1819 British patent from Giblin for said device, I suppose we would be resorting to comments such as:
"I have to go to the Giblin."
"Man, do I have to take a Gib."
"It smells like Gib in here."
"What the !@#$$# is this Gib."
"Gib, Gib, and more Gib."
and on and on and on....
Just doesn't have the colloquialism as "crap" does now does it?
OK, I think I deserve to have my status kicked up from Nebie to something a bit more profound considering I contribute quite eloquent and entertaining content. Remember, its quality people, not quantity! Ha ha ha