My husband is an academic who is currently a couple of years into a 5-year postdoc position. However, he has been getting a lot of interest from various institutions, and applied for 2 jobs this year.
He goes on his first interview/ talk today, (wish him luck!) and the other job he applied for (University of Minnesota) just asked him to come in early March. We were talking last night about the decision-making process; that the U of M people said they want to get going and may have their decision as early as mid-March.
So I was thinking, "OK, so they decide, offer [of course they may not make the offer], other job may make an offer, current job may put in a bid to keep him, that'll take some time to iron out, say mid-April, then we would move in the fall, no we moved here more like the end of July, lesse May-June-July
3 months...
... and a house, we have to find a house, do we buy one right away or rent and move twice... and the kiddo, how is she going to handle all of this, how do I prepare her???????"
It was about there that my head exploded.
I've moved twice so far 'cause of E.G. -- once from Madison to L.A., once from L.A. to Chicago. Some of you may know I kinda liked Madison (ahem), and moving to L.A. was agonizing for me. BUT, I had incredible professional opportunities there, opportunities I wouldn't have had in Madison. It was really difficult for me to leave all of that in L.A., BUT I absolutely love where we live now. "Bloom where you're planted" seems to work for me, but I don't like the uprooting much.
What about you?