What is Evangelism?

Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2018 12:22 am
Maybe it's all those carcinogenic substances your government lets you consume so as not to affect the profits of big food tech.
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Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2018 12:24 am
Trump's coming over here on Friday 13th.

Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2018 01:52 am
I will be popping some non GMO corn for the event for sure!

Please send the French President back in Trump's place. Smile
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2018 02:03 am
The Dumpster is starting a very dangerous slippery slope precedent.

If he starts a Muslim ban, well, it will open the door for a future Christian ban.

And what about a Jewish ban?

(I think someone already tried that in Europe.)

The fact that the supreme court is even considering this is ludicrous!

Tighten immigration criterion, background checks, affiliations and recommendations etc but using religion as a criterion for denial and labeling entire countries as ****-holes is an egregious travesty of power.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2018 03:21 am
He's France's president not ours, but you're welcome to Theresa May.

Stop Trump is a coalition of organisations and individuals that have come together to protest against Donald Trump’s planned state visit to the UK.

We were launched on 2nd February 2017 with this letter to the Guardian:

More at link, including letter.

Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2018 04:03 am
Haha, Theresa would be a slight improvement over Trump.
Reply Fri 27 Apr, 2018 04:53 am
She's in a lot of trouble right now for enacting racist legislation that meant legal immigrants who came over here in the 1950s have been threatened with deportation, denied public services, the right to work and some who visited relatives in the West Indies have not been allowed back in.

She thought she could get away with it because they're black, she was wrong.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 7 May, 2018 01:31 pm
Trump ridicules handicapped people who have no possibility of changing. Veterans who were "captured", parents who have lost children in war, and shows no empathy for people who are oppressed by a society that privileges others.
I sense empathy in Trump, even through his satire.

I am sure John McCain can handle a little hardball with a simpleton like Trump. (Or maybe he thinks he's earned the right to be above criticism. Not a good mind set to have if you are a senator.)

Parents who lost their children in war should stay out of the political debate if they don't want to be criticized for supporting the worst left wing candidate to run for office in modern history. (She couldn't even beat pee pee Trump) It is really low ball when politicians put parents who lost children in war and, children in general, on the political front lines so people like you can try to stifle debate. (at least pee pee Trump saw through that one) I consider that an abusive use of both sets of children and intellectual cowardice.
Reply Wed 16 May, 2018 09:15 am
Trump's big embassy opening featured prayer from pastor who says all Jews are going to hell

Last time I checked the Bible said this:

Matthew 7:7+8
7 Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: 8 For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2018 09:30 am
Brianjakub wrote:

I sense empathy in Trump.

Comment: Name one empathetic thing Trump has done?

Just one.

He has aligned himself with the most radical religious haters who pretend to be Christians.

His policies are racist, sexist, anti elderly, anti poor, anti disabled, he lies about giving to charity and steals from any charity he can, rips off students, doesn't pay struggling contractors who have rendered to him fair and reasonable service.

Your sense is wrong. he takes credit for things he has not done, exaggerates things out of proportion that he has utterly failed at. He lies about everything.

And you sense empathy?! How so? Where? In what deed or act do you sense this? I am struggling to find one single thing that the man has ever done that is not out of pure selfishness, hate, greed and immorality.

If you sense empathy, you are either a liar or stupid.

I smell a lemon, I see a turd and feel nothing is remarkable about the man at all. He listens to the most deplorable people, he is tasteless and out of touch...

You sense crap and call it a empathy. You have no sense at all.

John McCain is a war hero and is dying, kick a man who has devoted his life to service for our country and call it "humor"?

I certainly am not laughing. And I don't particularly care for many of John's policies either.

Trump disgraced immigrant parents who had lost their son in war fighting for this country. Is that the empathetic humor you sense?!
Reply Wed 16 May, 2018 09:40 am
Parents who lose their children in war should not have a say in choosing the leaders who may try and profit from those wars for their own personal gain rather than for principles that makes us all free?

What have you sacrificed for this country or anyone else, yet I hear you blathering your crap on here like your lousy opinion carries some weight.

Your opinion stinks and is degenerate just like your Trump.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 16 May, 2018 06:09 pm
I sense the same empathy in Trump that I sensed in your post(which is very little). I am not looking for a president that feels my pain. I am looking for a leader that delivers good policy.

What policies are racist, sexist, anti elderly, anti poor, anti disabled?

I served in the military for 12 years. I was an M! Abrams tank commander.

My 28 year old daughter was born with cerebral palsy and is a spastic qradrapalegic and has been in an electric wheel chair since she was 3 years old. She owns her house with a mortgage and pretty lives on her own. She received an associates degree in college and is looking for a job but, she manages renting out 4 apartments and her paraprofessional with my wife.

My wife and I have 5 children (wev’e also had foster children at times) and started with nothing. I now am able to give approximately $10,000 per year to charity.

I don’t like Trump’s personality but his policies seem good to me.
Reply Thu 17 May, 2018 12:41 am
brianjakub wrote:

What policies are racist, sexist, anti elderly, anti poor, anti disabled?

You have to ask? Really? How about drastic cuts to social security coupled with massive tax hound outs to the mega rich? What about war veterans being deported because they can't prove citizenship? Then there's Nazis marching in Charlottesville and lack of reconstruction in Puerto Rico. Not to mention your disgusting healthcare system and children being gunned down in schools.
Reply Thu 17 May, 2018 12:48 am
brianjakub wrote:

I now am able to give approximately $10,000 per year to charity.

And you can make a big song and dance about it too. If rich people/corporations weren't allowed to avoid paying tax you wouldn't need charities to take care of people's basic needs.

Charities are a sop for the uber rich to avoid their social responsibilities. JB Priestley's An Inspector Calls gets it right. It's not by accident that Mrs Birling, who organises the charity for distressed women, is the cruellest, most cold hearted person in the entire play.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 May, 2018 01:13 am
Then there's Nazis marching in Charlottesville and lack of reconstruction in Puerto Rico. Not to mention your disgusting healthcare system and children being gunned down in schools.

I have a daughter on welfare due to total disability. She's fine. I was poor with a family at 20 years of age, I was fine without welfare. Why was I? Cuts in social security isn't hurting us because we have not depended on it when we could have.

If the law says they should be deported then we should change the law. I am a veteran and I got pulled over for not completel stopping at a stop sign. Should I be forgiven that ticket over a nonveteran. Maybe they should make a law exempting veterans from certian laws. Trump is the executive not the legislative branch. He enforces the laws, he does not write them.

If Trump rounded up Nazis just for marching the ACLU would be all over him.

Do you think he should round them up for being Nazi's and marching?

Why is there lack of reconstruction in Puerto Rico? What bad decisions has the Trump administration made?

Our healthcare system is one of the best in the world. Healthcare is expensive and always will be. Bad health can break you if you don't sacrifice a large amount of your income on insurance to avoid that catastrophe. The wonderful thing is, the economy is growing and if your health breaks you financially (or you were already broke before you lost your health) your friends will have money to help you and you'll be able to get a job after you go broke and have to start over.

Kids aren't being gunned down in our schools. They were gunned down in some schools by mentally disturbed people. They have a much better chance of being gunned down on the street in their local neighborhood by people from their own community by gang violence.

Unlikely there will be much gun violence in my kids neighborhood and school. Why do you think my neighborhood is special? Oh wait, in my part of the world all neighborhoods are like that. Do you think it is our gun laws?

I don't even own a gun but, If I lived in the middle of a large city like Washington DC, I might want to carry one.
Reply Thu 17 May, 2018 01:24 am
brianjakub wrote:

I have a daughter on welfare due to total disability. She's fine. I was poor with a family at 20 years of age, I was fine without welfare. Why was I? Cuts in social security isn't hurting us because we have not depended on it when we could have.

You're very lucky. Others aren't quite so fortunate.

Traffic violations are not the same as deporting someone who has served their country. Do you really think they're the same thing?

You asked for examples of your presidents anti poor, racist, and sexist policies. I've given you loads them. Saying the law should be changed while doing nothing about it is pointless. If you think they're wrong you need to vote Wotsit Hitler out.

Shouldn't you be in bed by now? Conscience stopping you from sleeping?
Reply Thu 17 May, 2018 06:09 am
I had to pee. Slept like a baby. I was not lucky. I was poor because was farming and lost all my crops in a storm that year. Got a job roofing in the winter. That sucked. Did not feel lucky it was damn cold at times. Got a night job in a warehouse working with a bunch of older women inspecting products. Did not feel lucky there either. Went to National Guard drill on weekend. And remted a 160 acre grain farm Wife had a job in a furniture store and was a full time student with one child and next year number two was on the way. I didn't feel lucky. I thanked God I had a beautiful wife and children and prayed I had enough energy to stay awake. 10 years later I rented another 1,500 acres and farmed and drove a truck for a living.

Today I own over a million dollars worth of realestae in apartments and farm ground. I am part owner of a company that services large farms from Nebraska to Texas and advise them on agronomy decisions. I taught myself the how to farm in a more biologically sound way by teaching myself chemistry, physics, and agronomy because I had gotten the math from two years of engineering when I went to college.

My farming practices made me a lot more money than my neighbors, and now I advise others. (which makes me a lot more money) No luck involved just hard work and a moral lifestyle.

I have 4 adult children one at home and a grandchild. All are succesful and except never ask for any financial assistance except for my daughter who cannot walk.

The government is destroying communities by helping people. We used to have all these organizations and tight families that were formed to help people in tough times. They are all disappearing and are being replaced by government organizations. That is not good. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. The first place should be you neighbor, not the government.

The Shriners helped provide my daughters wheelchairs and equipment. They did a great job. Now I give them money even though I can't and don't want to join their organization because I am Roman Catholic. But the Catholic hospital let them work in their local hospital for nothing at times.

There is a better way than government control of healthcare.
Reply Thu 17 May, 2018 06:28 am
brianjakub wrote:

The government is destroying communities by helping people. We used to have all these organizations and tight families that were formed to help people in tough times. They are all disappearing and are being replaced by government organizations. That is not good. There is nothing wrong with asking for help. The first place should be you neighbor, not the government.

That's total horseshit. The government tests mean certain financial criteria have to be met, it's a formula based solely on need. Charities that are under no legal obligation to provide aid make value judgements, they deserve the poor into deserving and undeserving. Those who pass the test, suitably religious, of the right colour, married with children, etc. do alright. The rest don't because they're not deemed morally worthy.

Btw, you were lucky, if you'd been born an illiterate household in a 3rd World country things would have been a lot different, just being white and born in the West is an incredible stroke of luck.

Your healthcare system is right out of the 3rd Reich. Those who can't afford it die. Health insurance is in the pockets of big pharma, giving out a script is more cost effective than an operation. People who lose fingers have to decide which ones can be sewn back on. It's disgusting, immoral and obscene and it costs significantly more than UHC.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 17 May, 2018 08:44 am
So you served the war machine and this entitles you to worship a dick.

Your premise is like if Jesus had not existed there would be no poor.

Jesus is our version of government healthcare that you oppose. If they cannot afford shoddy insurance then let the republicans make the insurance cover even less and be more expensive.

Tax dollars paid your military service. The military is not a profitable business. If so it would not need handouts from the poor and middle class.

So you call taking a government middle class funded job "service"?

Your empathy only goes so far and then it takes a nosedive south.

Your premise might have some teeth if the republicans were not trying to make the laws even worse with religious travel bans and tax cuts for the filthy stinking rich even though trickle down has never provided a better economy or more jobs. Small businesses do not benefit from your tax plan.

The republicans have their hands in the till and are stealing from the middle class. It is as simple as that. Republican laws are being written by the corporate swamp while a right to clean air and water are being forfeited for corporate gain.

Radical racist judges are being appointed and crimes against humanity are being overlooked and ignored once again for republican gain.

You call yourself a Catholic... you are a crappy Catholic who has lost faith in the most rudimentary matters of the church.

You accept a middle class paid military pension and then slap the middle class with more debt. The rich certainly are not paying your pension!

While republicans plot to destroy the safety net and give that money to people who have only their greedy profits in mind.

The ACLU has already said they would not defend NAZI protesters. But Trump and your lawless republican sellouts will and do.

They will do anything for enough money.

I am not negating your military service but your attitude and gratitude stinks. You are bitter because you had to take few shitty jobs along the way to get by. Booo hoo...

As Izzy said, you still had it damned privileged and easy. You did not serve with all your heart and get deported after leaving the service.

You did not have to support a family on less than minimum wage or you did not have to shovel human feces or work in a meat slaughtering plant for years with no health insurance.

You take your seemingly hard times and take them out in bitter retribution on those who have struggled much harder than you while turning a blind eye to the billions of dollars being funneled by your party from the middle class to the rich.

These so called "hard times" didn't teach you anything about life. Instead they left you stupefied and easily controlled by the those who would take even what you have if they could.

They would leave you with a handicapped child with an insurance policy with so many loopholes it is a worthless instrument of death.

The only ones changing the laws and making them more ethical are the democrats whom you loath.

Your words and arguments all are empty and without a Catholic soul.

Jesus was an artisan who lived off charity, who would have no place in your godless world. Jesus was crucified by republicans.
Reply Thu 17 May, 2018 11:18 am
I served the military part time in the national guard. I farmed and trucked and worked in a factory and installed lawn sprinklers. I had. Middle class jobs at once to get ahead. Now I have one 6 figure job and lots of investments that give a middle class income as an annual return. Government isn’t the solution, hard work, family and local community is the solution to all problems. Government is for national defense, roads, and interstate commerce. I have no military pension.

I would defend any bodies right to protest.

I have never had a shitty job

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