So you served the war machine and this entitles you to worship a dick.
Your premise is like if Jesus had not existed there would be no poor.
Jesus is our version of government healthcare that you oppose. If they cannot afford shoddy insurance then let the republicans make the insurance cover even less and be more expensive.
Tax dollars paid your military service. The military is not a profitable business. If so it would not need handouts from the poor and middle class.
So you call taking a government middle class funded job "service"?
Your empathy only goes so far and then it takes a nosedive south.
Your premise might have some teeth if the republicans were not trying to make the laws even worse with religious travel bans and tax cuts for the filthy stinking rich even though trickle down has never provided a better economy or more jobs. Small businesses do not benefit from your tax plan.
The republicans have their hands in the till and are stealing from the middle class. It is as simple as that. Republican laws are being written by the corporate swamp while a right to clean air and water are being forfeited for corporate gain.
Radical racist judges are being appointed and crimes against humanity are being overlooked and ignored once again for republican gain.
You call yourself a Catholic... you are a crappy Catholic who has lost faith in the most rudimentary matters of the church.
You accept a middle class paid military pension and then slap the middle class with more debt. The rich certainly are not paying your pension!
While republicans plot to destroy the safety net and give that money to people who have only their greedy profits in mind.
The ACLU has already said they would not defend NAZI protesters. But Trump and your lawless republican sellouts will and do.
They will do anything for enough money.
I am not negating your military service but your attitude and gratitude stinks. You are bitter because you had to take few shitty jobs along the way to get by. Booo hoo...
As Izzy said, you still had it damned privileged and easy. You did not serve with all your heart and get deported after leaving the service.
You did not have to support a family on less than minimum wage or you did not have to shovel human feces or work in a meat slaughtering plant for years with no health insurance.
You take your seemingly hard times and take them out in bitter retribution on those who have struggled much harder than you while turning a blind eye to the billions of dollars being funneled by your party from the middle class to the rich.
These so called "hard times" didn't teach you anything about life. Instead they left you stupefied and easily controlled by the those who would take even what you have if they could.
They would leave you with a handicapped child with an insurance policy with so many loopholes it is a worthless instrument of death.
The only ones changing the laws and making them more ethical are the democrats whom you loath.
Your words and arguments all are empty and without a Catholic soul.
Jesus was an artisan who lived off charity, who would have no place in your godless world. Jesus was crucified by republicans.