<BIG grin>
On a side note: the meeting this morning went very well. Someone who knows me and my work actually wants to pay me to do top quality work. I've wasted too much of the last couple of years on people who don't know good from bad and only care about cheap. What a breath of fresh air this was. You know, the older I get, the less I care about how much a job pays. I care more about working on something that's worth my energy.
Believe me I know exactly what you mean...squinney and I had an events planning company and just got tired of people who would rather have chicken **** than chicken salad as long it was cheap....
I hear ya. We're too good for that, Bear. It's nice when, every so often, someone reminds us of that.
Hmmm... quite an exchange between the goddess of love and the ever hungry Bi-Polar Bear.
It seems that, after all, there is more on A2K than schemes to rule the world.
Who wants to rule the world?
God told me it's a thankless job that only an idiot would want.....that God.....never wrong....
Bear, how much would you charge me for a bowl of chickenshit?
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:what size?
What do you call it when you find Gus buried up to his neck in chickenshit?
Time to get more chickenshit.
I'm sorry I left last night and missed the end of this chickenshit conversation.
It had great potential.
Thanks, but I've heard about enough chickenshit schemes lately.
Eva wrote:Thanks, but I've heard about enough chickenshit schemes lately.
Let's bronze that one and put it up in a prominent area......
Personally, I'm to lazy to either take over the world or be interested in preventing other people from doing so.
I also think it's more likely that A2K serves to distract people who might otherwise conspire to take over the world. Think on it, people at a2k ( generally) form the cultural elite: unlike most people, they have can read (and use grammar*).
*even if they don't.
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I can beat that CodeBorg
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