Bi-Polar Bear wrote:Eva wrote:Hey, bear! Guess what? God finally got back to me last night! He said He'd been thinking about it, and had changed His mind about us entwining and all. Said even He couldn't figure out a way to make it right with squinney. I think He's afraid of her.

As well He should be....I hate for you to miss out on this golden opportunity...but it's probably for the best....
Well, I argued with Him. I didn't want to miss out, either. But He said that anyone who can tame The Bear to the point where he sleeps on fluffy, yellow-flowered sheets...
and likes someone He
definitely doesn't wanna mess with.
I couldn't argue with that.
nimh wrote:I was listening in to that conversation, Eva - hey, His voice resounds across the world - and the thing I didn't get about it, right, was when He was pondering out loud over possible alternatives. I mean what he meant with the whole, Britney Spears, two hairy bodyguards and a bottle or two of KY thing. Did you get that?
Y'know, nimh, I was wondering about that, too. I think he meant for Bear to get Britney and me to get the bodyguards and the KY, but I wasn't sure. I sure hope he didn't mean it the other way around.
squinney had nothing to do with that...and it takes a real man to comfortable enough in his sexuality to do that...I am a bear for all seasons....
Bi-Polar Bear wrote:squinney had nothing to do with that...and it takes a real man to comfortable enough in his sexuality to do that...I am a bear for all seasons....
I believe that. The question is...were you that comfortable before squinney came along?
sure...I've always been comfortable in my skin...who wouldn't be comfortable in a thick luxurious bearskin?
Eva wrote:Or...who hasn't?
no one on the eastern seaboard that's for damn sure....
I'll bet you've made countless women happy, Bear. Yes. And countless doctors and pharmacists, too.

It's really too bad you're so far away. We could use a few more like you here in (as Dys calls it) Okla-damn-homa. Keep on rockin'. {{{smooch}}}
well. next time we're out visiting squinneys dad we'll have to get together... know...set the wayback machine for 1958, Oklahoma.
Oh Geez, no kidding.
Do you fly into OKC or Tulsa? It WOULD be fun for all of us to get together!
We drive...we're gluttons for punishment...actually we start in St. Louis..take the tour to Conway (central Missouri), finish the Missouri leg in Branson (squinneys Aunt and Uncle own the lions share of it) and head down from there.....
Ever try flying into DFW instead, and driving from there? It'd be MUCH closer.
So...after Branson, do you take I-44 (Will Rogers Turnpike) from the Missouri border into Tulsa, then head south from here?
It's been a couple of years but that sounds familiar....God I hate going there....I like my in laws but God I hate going there....
I'd hate going to Ada, too, Bear.
Next time you know you're coming through Tulsa, let me know. Tulsa's a great town. Not like Ada at all. I know a bunch of great restaurant owners...I'll take y'all to dinner. I probably owe you a drink for something (can't's late).
I've got a meeting in the a.m. Somebody wants me to get involved with a publication project. Gotta check it out. So I'd better get to sleep.
But I'm serious about the dinner, etc. Tell Squinney.
night dear...squinney will more likely be out there before I am. It's hard for me to break away. Being an entertainer is not like a regular job.
Fine by me. I'd buy her dinner with or without you. I understand about the job, and that sounds about right. I can't imagine you having a regular're not a regular person. (That was a compliment, btw.)
I can't imagine how badly I'd feel knowing I missed an opportunity to hang out with you.