Sun 16 Jan, 2005 04:33 pm
By Paul Andrew Bourne, BSc. (Hons) Economics and Demography
The media are always the last bastian in the defense of democracy; and so, when any such institution fails in excuting it mandate by way of unbiasness and transparency, should individuals within that entity be asked to resign.
It seems that CNN is oftentime bias in it presentation of pertinent and valuabe information to the peoples of this world. With that biased position of this institution, what is the credability of this company
All TV and Radio stations are biased - it's what we humans are predictable at doing. If there was no bias, then we wouldn't have so much choice.
Horses for courses!
Welcome to A2K, paul, but is there a reason this is posted in Film?
Light, I haven't seen a reply from this member yet!
Well, you gave the right answer. Just read the titles of all these editorial shows that are on CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CSPAN, et al. Of course they are going to be biased. If one is weak minded enough to fear being brainwashed, better watch your local news (if that's even safe).
(CNN Headline News -- a separate cable channel from CNN -- is virtually free of editorializing but can be rather boring to most viewers).
(Also, misspelling "credible" twice as just an example of poor grammar doesn't make the poster's credibility earn any high points).
'wiz, I'm with you on this one.
I try to ignore SP errors, but it's rather difficult when they're in the Topic/Header.
And when the particular word is "credible" ...
Also calling CNN a "station" and asking a question sans the question mark could make one incredulous. I also chuckled at the spelling of "bastion." Maybe that was suppose to be Sebastian and it's someone who's an executive at CNN. It's when something is written that has an imperious, authoritative tone and it reads like it was written by that child that was left behind. I'm not normally the grammar and spelling police either but maybe this one should be forwarded to President Bush to use it as an example. No, wait -- he wouldn't notice the mistakes.
(Somone should also be checked up for cancer of the semi-colon).
BSc. (Hons) Economics and Demography
The BS stands for, well -- you know.