Sun 16 Jan, 2005 02:44 pm
Edit [Moderator]: Moved from Politics to Philosophy & Debate.
By Paul Andrew Bourne
Traditional societies have always place a particular sigmatization on women who display particular traits. However, as it relates to "whores" it appears that men are either arose by those individauls or that they are set free from particular social phobia by being involved with these women.
But who is a whore and when does a women becomes a whore. Knowing that economic valuation is the mark of valuation of a woman being called a whore are all women not whore given that they continuously are involve in some way with a man who is expected to supply economic resources to her for what ever reasons.
Therefore, when does a become a woman whore
Re: When Is a Woman not a Whore?
"When is a woman not a whore"
Answer: when she is not being qualified by a misogynist.
Personally I think women have it a lot easier than men...a woman could sleep with say 6 people a one would call her a whore...and rightly so....but let's say..I don't know, Kicky or Gus went out and blew one guy...just ONE GUY...just one time...just to try it.....BOOM!!!!! Branded for life. Not fair I tell you, not fair.....
Do you mean at what point are women called whores due to them recieving money for their 'work'?
That word is thrown around left right and centre.
I think women are called whores when they act(sexually) like men.
Sadly the name has nothing to do with economic resources from men.
I have been called slapper(bit like a whore) by the biggest male whore I know and I was deeply upset by it seeing as he has tried to unsuccessfully get me in the sack a number of times whereas he will f*ck anything in site!!!!!!!(and relaaaaax.....)and i havnt been touched for 2 years.
So I get the lonliness and the feeling that Im a slapper and get absolutely nothing from it..but Il shut up now.
I think whore refers to being paid for sex and that alone.
Not being a housewife and recieving housekeeping money from her husband to run the house, bring up the kids and sleep with her husband.
If it were case of a woman earning the better wage and the man staying at home would the name still apply to the man?
IMHO, val has it exactly right, however, I do sympathize with BPB's plight.
To me a Whore is either a person being paid for sex(usually applied to a woman)or
a name given to a woman after peeing off a guy so he can gain power over her and her future sex life.
ie a woman is a whore if she has sex and she is a frigid whore if she doesnt!Its a no win situation.
A woman could sleep with 6 people a year and not be called a whore!!!!
I would love to agree but sadly a few guys I know would make me feel like a whore if I even snogged a guy!!
Personally I think anyone can sleep with as many consenting adults as they like but if they brag about it, that is what makes them a whore.
I reckon I need to get rid of a few 'friends'.
Come on folks.This subject was being debated thousands of years ago and has continued to be at all points up to now.It has been shredded.
Germaine Greer said that due to the way money was distributed between the sexes and the exigencies of living all men were rapists.That means that no woman is a whore.They are rape victims.But she was just being sensationalist to get her name established in a place where she knew the population was obsessed with sex.I fear that
APB is at the same game.
Anyway-who cares one way or the other.
Why do money and sex have to be related?
Germaine made it sound like we dont like sex.
Id do it alot more if I wasnt worried about being labelled a whore.
Who cares if you're called a whore?
A man wants a lady on his arm and a whore in his bed. Why are men so god damned hypocritical?
Not all men are hypocritical.
"Whore" can be a term of endearment. Context is everything.
Zane wrote:Not all men are hypocritical.
"Whore" can be a term of endearment. Context is everything.

Tell that to the girl in college who is labeled a whore because she's slept with as many people as her boyfriend has. Men get the "stud" label. Women get the whore label. Plain and simple.
But if a woman is prudent in bed she's no good. No man wants a woman to lay there frigid and proper. They want someone who responds.
Edit: Spelling
Stupidly I do care if I get called a whore coz stupid people will believe the label and nice guys wont want me and Il end up getting a sh*t man.
I know Im not a whore(no blokes have been genuinely interested for over 2 years) but guys have a way of making me feel bad about doing anything physical.
I cant wait for some guys I know to have daughters of their own and see how many times they come home crying because their boyfrind treated them like pooh.
I reckon thats why dads are so protective of their daughters,because they know exactly what a guy will say and do to get what they want.
Oh and to answer the original question, "when is a woman not a whore?"----when she has had less partners than her boyfriend
Sorry you've both had such bad experiences with men.
I never did. I just know what they think and say behind women's backs.
You all say you don't care but honestly tell me that it wouldn't bother you if your new girlfriend told you she'd slept with 25 men.
Kristie wrote:I never did. I just know what they think and say behind women's backs.
You all say you don't care but honestly tell me that it wouldn't bother you if your new girlfriend told you she'd slept with 25 men.
You're generalizing, Kristie. And you sound bitter as hell.
I'm not bitter at all.
And you sound like a man.
Kristie wrote:
And you sound like a man.
You say that like it's a bad thing. :wink:
Completely agree Kristie,men get the stud label,women get the whore label.
Zane, Im assuming you have no idea what it is like to have to stop yourself from liking someone/persueing someone/sleeping with someone because of the names you may get called.
Being called names may be jokingly said as a bit of fun but it can seriously effect the person its aimed at.
I went to a club years back and ended up snogging a guy I met there.
The next time I met up with my pals there was a resounding 'oooooooh, what did you get up to the other night?'
Admittedly not the most embarrassing suiyuation but i don tsee why they were uncomfortable with me snogging a guy once in about a year and a half.
The past 3 guys in my life I have kept hidden from certain friends because of their possible reaction.