Fri 22 Dec, 2017 06:27 pm
Does this board have that ability?
if you log out, it will tell you how many users are on, but not specifically who...
@Region Philbis,
I've found if I log out any and all posts become marked as "new" indicating some reply to the thread which isn't necessarily true.
yes, read tracking was never perfected on this version of the site...
Well, if you are logged out, it has no idea of who you are and assumes you haven't read anything.
jerlands is referring to how read topics revert back to unread after you log back in...
@Region Philbis,
Oh! I guess I should log out from time to time.
i try not to, for that very reason...
@Region Philbis,
My browser clears cache on closing. When logging back in the statement "1473 people online" doesn't seem to change?