But that's one of the wonderful things about this country . . . if ya gotta puke, we've got all the wide open space you need . . .
Set places it pretty well as I see it. I like living here, even in Texas, in general. But no single place or people is the greatest, most moral or best. If I had grown up in Britain or France or Brazil, chances are, I would be happy there.
I think what has made this country special is succeeding waves of immigrants who believe in its original ideals; and the high percentage of its citizens who welcome, rather than fear, the blending of cultures under a system of government that protects individual rights and freedoms.
I fear our greatest contributions to world progress may already have been made, as we move from reluctant world policeman to self-appointed world saviour.
I believe the nations of the world are wise to mistrust the intentions of any nation that thinks of itself as "great".