Fri 8 Dec, 2017 09:03 am
I purchased this original watercolor about 21" by 16" (actual painting) by a C or L Emerson at a farm auction in NJ for $25.00. The painting has the name Hotel Thorndike, Boston, MA on the back. Hotel Thorndike was about 2 blocks from Emerson College. The Hotel went out of business in the 1930s so I assume that this painting is from the time period 1898 to 1930. It is in very good position. Any abnormalities are from the light reflecting off the glass cover.
I am wondering if this has any relationship to Emerson College since it is signed by an Emerson and is only 2 blocks away. More than a coincidence however I cannot find any info. If any of you sleuths can help me I definitely would appreciate it. Rich