A2k Mgr Bill, here's a shorter'n':
In another much earlier OP, apodictical existential pantheist Dale denies he's an atheist, contending His God is just different. It's just awful hard to 'splain, as I 'splain in another letter, a much, much longer 'splaination, which if Billy W [or was it M], Reader in Ch'f'v [the fine, upstanding, nondiscriminatin' A2K], even uses, I'll be 'prised. Anyhow, My God ain't supernatural. She's the Universe: It, All, Whole Shebang !! w/ the activity therein, Her thinkin'.
'Zample: Screen door [to our jacuzzi, where my sons Eeily and Nyllis and I consume exotic imports while Better Half Enerval keeps writ rec'd of our guesses,] won't close all the way 'cause I'm too lazy to remove the hose leading from the tub. I hasten to assure you, [with my God's full approval; indeed, Her very inspiration], we now empty it afterward into the pool. Smart ? You becha !! Environmentrally Sound !!! Anyhow so I went out to the barn where we keep most ever'thin', including just a whole lotta wood, and fetched just four lgth's's fit in the doorway to fill the gap so the bugs won't fly in. When I fetched only four, thinkn' to myself, one of these'll fit 'cause God will make it so….
[Never can 'mem', w/Alzie's, what to call the Tub Room, so just hafta go ask BH…lov'r !! ('S ' ..... ) ]
…provin' 'cisely the case. At first I tried all four, non'v'em worked, of course. But there's a rule, God's Command No. 44,562,101, that says, " 'F't don't work, go away, come back later, it'll be easy !! " […only about one-tenth of the number of Software Glitches I continualy 'plain 'bout.]"
And sure enough, 'twas !! One of the boards proved to fit nicely in the slot engaging the closed door, tho a bit loose, floppy, so when I walked away again, it just toppled over, klunk. Yet when I came back much later, the second plank slid nicely behind the first'n, holding it in securely, all this The Work of God [if only mine not urs], Now I know, a2k reader, you won't b'lv this, but it's literally true 'cause I never 'zaggerate, 'cept sometimes. It was a perfect fit, within a fraction v'ninch !!. Now, the third piece….. Tolja y' wun't b'lv' me…. [But speak'a not believing, both boards —first two— exactly length 'tween top of the hose and bottom surf of the top door slot. No way nohow bugs c'g't'n'n !! My God At Work. Rilly.]
No, yes, guys/gals, I'm perfectly serious 'bout all this, rilly. My God, T'wuz My God did all this. If you'd like more, thisn's gettin ' too long also, I'm
[email protected] and apparently don't care who else knows it when [after whaza matter, when at 86 (87 this weekend)] could wake up dead tmw morn ? !! [Oh, that's 'morn, not 'mom,' like in t'other OP I tellya 'bout typefaces and The Software Glitch,]
Dale Hileman
Apple Valley
[Home of The Champion Prevaricator]
[Well, 'wem' Bill, c'n del all'em " […… …..]" 's's but 't'least all fits on my PC screen…..]
[But Bill I don't get't read ur a2k Tue ('cept my own OP) 'cuz that's the day BH lets me do this all day. Spent 8 hrs't't so far…but thanks to Doris for her li'l short Letter, thanks to you guys for pubbin't; & note how the coloring of my link shifted? Software Glitch # 58,556 (j) 'twork !! (or wuz that (t) or mebbe (l) or (f), they all lookalike…]
Oh Bill, the bot still jumpin' up, down, while 'flag f' [find] still won't highlight anythin' b'lo bot !!! Unb'l'v'b'le. tho I do 'stand how diffi changin' software !!