Cyracuz wrote:CoastalRat, what exactly do christians believe? I cannot find two christians who agree with eachother on that.
I will give you the easy answer Cyracuz. At least I will give you my simplified definition of a Christian. It is someone who believes that Jesus Christ is God incarnate who was crucified and died as punishment for our sins and who was resurrected and ascended into heaven, and acting on this belief repents of their sins. This is the basis of the gospel as based on Christ's statement recorded in John 3.
As for all the other stuff that different Christian denominations may believe, I don't get too caught up in arguing about. It is interesting to discuss, but has little basis on where you will spend eternity. It is not major stuff. Things like baptism by sprinkling or immersion (as one example of what you may be referring to).
Oh, and just as one other point, I believe there are many people who may say they are Christian but use it only as a label to distinguish themselves from other religious upbringing. Kinda like saying this is a Christian nation, when what we really are is a moral nation whose laws are based on Judeo-Christian codes of morality. IMO
Hope this answers your question.