"Three times"? More like 7-9! The sort of low population growth we have in Western countries today is a very, very recent phenonomen. Women, especially Christians, were expected to have plenty of children - often to just ensure that more than three made it to adulthood.
When the bible says 'Be fruitful and multiply' - it is a sin to NOT do so.
Natural Phenomenom VS. Act of Yahweh
Note that the Scriptures fortell that there will be earthquakes, but it does not say that they are brought about by Father Yahweh.
I bet those bunker bombs shook the earth some and possibly cause future earthquakes.
Yahweh Can!
plainoldme wrote:To have more than two children is to act irresponsibly. To have one child is to benefit humanity.
Birth control is a good.
First of all, human women are optimally capable of reproduction three times. More pregnancies than that are bad for the health of the mother and the children.
Second, why would birth control be a sin? Abstinence is bad for people. I am certain you are incapable of sexual abstinence. Birth control allows a couple to strengthen their relationship, increase their affection for each other, relax. In other words, sexual activity with responsibility (birth control) makes a person a better partner and therefore a better parent.
Third, I am serious when I say that children born today could well end up Soylent Green. That is irresponsibility and a sin.
Just plain wacked.
Be fruitful and mutiply is indeed a command from the Creator.
Now this being the land of the Ignorant PHD's, one is can certainly be brave enough to dis the Creator. Who is Big Daddy to tell us what to do, eh?
However, do secularists really want to propose that "natural environmental pressures" and "evolution" are also garbage?
No children.
No humans.
Personally, I like the way that the Great Ball of Dirt and It's Handmaiden Nature, has set things up.
Lots and lots and lots of children.
This is responsible no matter which way you cut it.
This thread is about people so dumb that they take the Bible literally.
Written thousands to hundreds of years ago, what the Bible has to say about sociology is pure bunk.
Do men want women not to use birth control just so that these men can demonstrate that they have sex?
Breeding is a responsibility. When the Bible said, "Be fruitful . . ." well, there are other ways of being fruitful, like raising a child carefully and well. Hence, two children at best. If the world is to be saved, each woman will need to have only one child for the next three generations, or 100 years.
This will allow the undeveloped nations to flourish and will stop the sort of culling for cannon fodder that was illustrated in Fahrenheit 911.
If you don't like to use condoms, have a vasectomy.
First of all I have to say Im peeing myself to the first response to the original post.
And I just asked my boss what Soylent green is and thats horrid!!!!!
All I can say is that we are on this earth to eat, sleep and reproduce, anything other than that is made up by us.
I dont see why a tsunami is any kind of warning for anyone to curb their population.
Sex is natural and should happen when it wants with consenting people, it is not a sin.
I can't tell if materialgirl's problem is a lack of intellect or a sense of humor . . . however, since humor is an indication of intellect . . . I needn't say anything else.
Listen, when this tsunami thing happened, all I could think of was the Bible Beaters: those folks who take the Bible literally. The stupid fools who condemn Darwin and scientists for recognizing reality and speaking the truth.
Now, how can we tell when something is a right. The answer is when two rights are in conflict, one is not a right. No one has the right to have children. Period. It is often said that only one in three fertilized human eggs implant. A miscarriage is sign that something is amiss with the bastula -- or, embryo, if the process has gone that far. In other words, it is a good thing. Today, our medicine saves the lives of embryos that probably would have been culled by nature. These children never develop well and become a burden to society.
Furthermore, big families have come back into vogue for some inexplicable reason. All those working moms perhaps are making up for the fact that they can't make their way competantly around the kitchen by having three, four and five children.
As for another writer's claim that families in the past were large, well, that isn't really true. The upper classes were expected, from the height of the Roman Empire on through the Renaissance, to have large families and they practiced giving out babies to wet nurse in order to allow the mother to return quickly to ovulation and pregnancy.
In village societies up until the 20th C., women nursed their children up to four years, allowing nature to space children at intervals that were consistent with the economy and the local areas food-production capacity. Up until the age of Enlightment, women used herbal abortafacients to limit their births.
In the main, peasant women and the daughters of the artisan class, went into what the Victorians called service and, later, into the mills of the Industrial Age and put of marriage and child-bearing until they were in their late 20s. In general, these women had an average of three children.
Following WWII, women married while still in their teens, something that was last done universally during the Ice Age, when the life expectancy was 40 and women went through menopause in the 30s. Your notions are colored by that era.
Plainoldme-what do you mean?
I know im not particularly intellectual but I do have an excellent sense of humour.
Even if Im not intellectual it doesnt mean I cant have an opinion about something.
From what I can remember from the original post is that someone is asking wether the tsunami is due to God.
Its clearly down to plate techtonics, not God.
First of all, I do think that anyone alive since the release of Soylent Green ought to know what that means: the phrase has entered the vernacular.
Second, during the 60s,people did something called, "messing with minds."
Since the Bible Beaters are so obscene, it would be a wonderful thing to mess with their minds. While I know very well -- better than the average person -- about plate techtonics, Bible Beaters would take the whole thing one step backward and put it in the hand of god. BTW, they already have and some fundamentalist groups are already using the tsunami to convert Asians to Christianity. I am certain Jesus would throw those folks from the temple.
Furthermore, there are blogs where you can read conspiracy theories about aliens having caused the earth quake and its tsunami as well as it being GOD'S JUDGMENT and the action of nuclear testing. I rest my case.
http://www.naturalhealthvillage.com. Read the last paragraph if you think God brought this tsunami on us.
Quote:Among the intriguing stories to emerge from tsunami-affected South Asia are reports that few animals died in areas where deaths among people were numerous. According to one mainstream news story dated December 30, for example, "Wild animals seem to have escaped the Indian Ocean tsunami, adding weight to notions they possess a 'sixth sense' for disasters, experts said Thursday."
Animal authority Jack Hanna, director emeritus of the Columbus Zoo and host of "Jack Hanna's Animal Adventures," appeared on the CNN program "Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees" on December 30th to discuss the issue. In response to the question "Do animals like elephants have a sixth sense? Do they sense danger?," Hanna replied, ". . .Yes, they do. Elephants have a feel in their feet. They can feel things miles away. Their hearing is some of the greatest of any animal in the world. I just was in Phuket [Thailand], and I saw these animals in the wild. You have got to remember something, when these animals, like an elephant, feel something, like in Africa or Asia when we're filming, the elephant will trumpet or raise up like this, and all of the sudden, then the giraffe will do the same things and certain birds. Actually, predator and prey will warn each other. Giraffes look up at the lion, lions will look at the giraffe, and then they take off. Something's going on here. And what happened, at Yala national park [in Sri Lanka], what you're talking about, over 200 people lost their lives, and as you said, no animals. So obviously somebody [animal] knew something."
Hanna went on to note, "with the loss of coral reefs and with the loss of mangrove swamps, the big thing now is to build as close to the ocean as you can, if we have coral reefs to stop the waves and then mangroves, obviously, a 30 foot wave is not going to be stopped by everything. But it will be helped a great deal by what we're destroying on these coastlines throughout the world."
(Jack Hanna doesn't come across too eloquently in print, but the meaning is obvious, and hard to argue with.)
material girl, am I correct in guessing that you don't understand this discussion? :wink:
I think Im being a tad blonde today.
I cant work out who thinks it was down to God and who thinks it was nature.
I think its nature.
So, by Dec. 30 some-one had done a complete and accurate census of tsunami-related mortality amongst the human and animal population of Sth-East Asia?
They always jump the gun with death predictions.Why dont they just wait??!!
The point is that deliberate destruction of the coastline, not God's wrath, is partially to blame for the tsunami deaths. That and the ignorance of people, building too close to the water.
Do you think God thought 'Drat, they are building too close to the coastline again.Im gona have to teach them a lesson'
material girl wrote:Do you think God thought 'Drat, they are building too close to the coastline again.Im gona have to teach them a lesson'
Read more carefully, you didn't understand what I said.
material girl wrote:Do you think God thought 'Drat, they are building too close to the coastline again.Im gona have to teach them a lesson'
The Fundies may believe that, but rational people do not.
What are Fundies?
Good Im glad rational people dont think its God.It simply nature and sadly people died because of it.
material girl wrote:What are Fundies?
Fundies are fundamentalists.
Quote:Good Im glad rational people dont think its God.It simply nature and sadly people died because of it.
I might note, however, that many of the people arguing so vociferously that "it wasn't God"...are the same ones who, in other threads, will argue that their gods are willing to intervene because of prayer.
They argue that "studies" have shown that people who are "prayed for" heal faster than people who "do not get prayed for."
So they see their god as an intervening god.
One has to wonder why the god did not intervene here????
Perhaps the people killed didn't pray enough.
Or perhaps they, including all the infants and kids killed, were evil.
Or perhaps the god was too busy tending to medical prayer intervention studies.
Who knows?