You just proved the point I made earlier. You want to read, watch, listen and spread hate about Islam at all cost and rejecting all proofs even if they are as clear as day light. Who told you these verses are abrogated? Just because these verses don't fit your agenda, you call these abrogated? You think Muslims scholars who spend their life time in studying and understanding Quran are lying and you with a magic can understand Islam by 2 minutes of google search. Why do you go to a doctor to get a medicine when you can search online to find what medicine will work for you? After all you are such a genius?
Keep wasting your time. Islam has been around since beginning of human history and will keep spreading. By hating Islam you are only hurting yourself. People will remember Prophet Muhammad PBUH and will read Quran even 1,000 years after your death but guess what no one will remember you. In fact you will be reaping the reward of what you are sowing right now after your death.
Islam is the truth and your lies can't stop the truth. Keep trying.....