oooh, such a witty comeback . . . i must concede my points to you now.
(immense amount of sarcasm).
honestly, if you have any zest for life you should try to do well in school. I know it's hard... I was a straight a student up to 11th grade, but then I got a b (friggin retarded spanish teacher) and couldnt be valedictorian, so I didn't try as hard. Also, I lost my religion and moved on to nihilism. It's pretty hard to care about your grades if you dont even care about life. But believe me, sir. If you care about life, you should care about school, because you're just gonna be silly when you grow up if you don't. Not only will you lose most of your debates, but you will probably be doomed to be on the wrong side of them, which is a much more grievous crime.
I was abused by other kids in school, so I hated it more than anything, but if things were different, I probably wouldn't have minded.
School sucks goodstyle.
Just look how fast everybody has learned to type on this kit.They used to have typing schools with two year long courses with instruction given by well paid clunkers.
Learning is about being interested.Schools are for teachers.Oh-and building contractors etc.Schools crush the manly virtue of idle curiosity.Hence the mass popularity of the scallywag.
Cue for song-
One fine Sunday morning
When church bells were ringing
To call decent folk
To their praying and singing
A bunch of young ruffians
Had dodged Sunday Schoo'
An' were lookin' about
For some mischief to do.
I'll refrain further.
I always enjoyed school, but never went into academia. I couldn't have given a toss about what or what was not actually being taught, but from early days, it was the social aspect that attracted me. Hey, I had a girlfriend in kindergarten. How cool is that? I never really worried about grades, as most of the material was banal and easily done. Most of what I actually learned, I did on my own. Oh, and if you think you would prefer work to school, an office is just a playground with paycheques. People don't change all that much. If you want to work, do good, honest blue-collar work with other folks lacking education. They are way more down-to-earth, and won't criticize you for your choice of beer.
That sound exactly like where CPD denigration has its deepest roots.
I'll have to revisit that thread of yours spendius.
Re: school sucks
pie12 wrote:kickycan wrote:pie12 wrote:school sucks and so does homework...

You think school sucks? Ha! Just wait until you have to go to work.
lol id rather work than go to school at least i wouldn't have to sit down all day...
how old are you mate and what year are you in "assuming you live in england
Be careful.We are on foot kissing.
spendius wrote:cav-
Be careful.We are on foot kissing.
Okay, I'll spit out the hobbit hair.
Re: school sucks
D'artagnan wrote:kickycan wrote:pie12 wrote:school sucks and so does homework...

You think school sucks? Ha! Just wait until you have to go to work.
Too true!
How about the percent of high school kids who go to school, work, and play sports, while maintaing good social standing, grades, and that job is steady for them.
Hey I have an idea. Since all teenagers hate school, and all adults wish they could be in school, we can change everything. At the age of 13, youre put into the work force until the time you have your midlife crisis, at that time, you report to the principal's office for the first day of 8th grade. Now everyone's happy right?
For some, it's the process of learning itself that leads them to question things. In questioning things, they decide that there's no point to anything. And since there's no point to anything, they are sour about having to go to work for no good reason.
I think no matter what point in life your'e at, once you can make desicions for yourself and think for yourself when it comes to ideas and stuff like that, everything seems like its bad. People take things too much for granted.
"The youth of today dress and behave immodestly, have no respect for their elders, regard for their own futures, nor concern for their nation."
Thank goodness for that eh?
They might still be running things.
I adore school... And no, I do not have a pocket protector. Okay, well I don't wear it damn it.
I was "homeschooled" for the last two years. The program I was involved in was online; meaning that it was up to me to log in, up to me to read the chapters, and up to me to put in around 6 hours of that a day.
Ha! Right. I learned nothing. You have no appreciation for filling your days with education until you've sat at home for two years amounting to absolutely nothing... learning nothing, doing nothing, going no where, seeing no one... etc. A break is nice now and then but it gets old very quick for me.
I got tired of it. I got back into public school (high school, 10th grade) this year and I am happier than ever. I love the work, I love the socializing, I love learning...You take it all for granted until you don't have it any more.
We've been out on break since the 21st, and my mind is complete mush. No, really, it's seeping out my ears as I type this. I'm pretty sure it's cherry flavored. When I go back, being that we're on block schedual, I will have all new classes and all new surroundings. It's nerve racking but I'm relieved to be going back.
I used to hate school, I'd skip constantly and I was failing all my classes... all it took was those two years of "rock bottom" for me to appreciate how great it is to have the chance to actually do something with your days.
yup, i agree, school does suck, badly
or at least it does wen i actually go, which is **** cos im actually really clever, but the teachers get so much on everyone's back's about coursework & homework that it just becomes worse & worse to go.
teacher's even spaz out if we dnt fasten our top buttons on our shirts & push the tie all the way up!
yeh cos that really helps us learn algebra or about hitler & the nazi's
think about the kids who dnt evn hav a school or a uniform!