Tue 21 Dec, 2004 11:14 pm
Does anybody here do etch-a-sketch work or have any links to it? I think it would be awesome to be able to do.
I got one for my boss for Christmas. I'm going to tell him it's a laptop computer that you have to shake to reboot. I used to love the things, but could never draw a darned thing with them.
Bookmark - I know people do wonderful art with them - and I would like links, too...
I made one last night, come back later and it'll be up, definitly by christmas eve I'll have it posted.
Not bad at all. Now, reboot and do another.
I will, i looked at some of those links .. . wow, they're amazing
that etch-a-sketch looks pretty old school
here's the deal -- they pay me decent money, and i get to play with an etch-a-sketch all day, every day...
What, you can get paid for that? I feel so used.
yeah, man.
remember tom hanks in "big"?
testing new toys all day?
that's me...