CdK wrote:PS, anyone know of good free Photoshop filters?
I'm not a big "Filter Fan", so I won't venture to say whether these are "good" or not - I really don't have much use for any of 'em. You may already know about these, but what the heck.
Buncha Freebies Here Some interesting stuff - lotsa variety, if you go in for such stuff. They're pretty much "User Provided", so the usual freeware download and use cautions apply. I've sampled a few, haven't found anything to worry about, and they seem to have worked OK for what they are, but who knows ....
Some Freebies Here I haven't tried many, but the few I've used seem to have worked OK.
Some sorta funky older ones here Nothin' special, but they appear to work
Here's somethin' you might find interestin' -
Roll your own filters (Approx 250 KB pdf file - 51 pages) Decent discussion of what filters are and how they work and some on how they interact with one another is prolly the best thing here