oh littlek. I am so envious. How amazing.
Do you have any photos of the site?
I would love to see.
is this a coincidence or what? probably not all that far from where l'k was digging I spent a summer doing much the same sort of thing working for the highway dept, (documenting sites that where within one mile of any state highway) it was 90% removal of superflous material (mostly horse/sheep/ cow ****), 9% site prep and 1% research excavation.
hey Dys,
How long have you lived in alpha turkey?
the more I listen to your humor,
the more i think i know you .
That was going to be my question.
Shoveling **** is many things but it isn't funny, wait maybe it is. <scratches head in confusion>
Shoveling **** in a clown suit on the bozo show..
NOW that is funny.
I'm jealous of lil k.....lol.
My passion is finding native american tools, camp sites..etc. WE don't dig, but if you wait till the right time and walk the roads after it rains, its surprising what we find laying in the road ditches. We have 11 camps found now....
One in particular has a large navaculite pit on it, with troughs located at the top of the mountain about 50 yards up above it....with a walk way between them. Its an amazing place to stomp around looking. Matter of fact, you can't walk around up there without stomping on flakes that were beat out of the pit. You can hear them crunching under your feet.
So theres something else I love........
willow(i'm in love with Kicky's right eye)_tl....
your secret is out my friend...you are a cutie...
Gus, it wasn't a profession, it was 8 weeks one summer during my college years. My degree is in anthropology, this was a field study for me. It would have been fun to do it as a profession. There are jobs, not many, but they're out there.
Shewolf, I do have photos, I'll try scanning some tomorrow. They aren't very good. I was totally unaccustomed to shooting in such a glaring environment.
Dys, where abouts and what year? I was there in 1989. I forgot about shoveling the cow ****. I brought dried cow patties home from that trip and gave them out as xmas gifts.
Quote:the more I listen to your humor,
the more i think i know you .
Quote:That was going to be my question.
You guys made me spill my latte.
Cow patties as Christmas gifts? Excellent! I'm sure you were very popular that year.
Joe, I found out that I am free to meet you tomorrow. I PM'd you about it.
Kicky(nervous about meeting one of his A2K idols)Can
Kicky, Joe!
Your not going to believe this, I'm going to be in N.Y. tomorrow, can I meet you guy's?
I just accidentally knocked the a2k christmas tree over, I'm so embarassed.
What are you going to be doing here, Paula? Yeah, I'd love to meet you! I mean, as long as it's okay with Joe, of course.
kickycan wrote:What are you going to be doing here, Paula? Yeah, I'd love to meet you! I mean, as long as it's okay with Joe, of course.
Kicky.........................................I was only kidding. <looking down feeling ashamed, but is grinning from ear to ear>
I'm just jealous because you guy's are going to have more fun than me!
ahahahahhaahhaa I'm SORRY! rotflmao!
Come here you big lug <grabs Kicky by the front of his shirt, a-smooch-a-smooch-a-smooch>
You got me all excited for nothin'!

Nicely done...but I will get even.
Paula.. you are supposed to kiss him on the lips..!