I'm not an expert, but a DNA paternity test can take 6-8 weeks and more.
The overcrowded labs figure murder evidence is more important than establishing paternity.
You write:
Quote:My sons father wants to try and see if it would work between us but my gut tells me not to but like people say it never hurts to try.
"It never hurts to try?" Suppose your son gets used to having Daddy in his life--and you become more and more sure that you don't want Daddy in your life?
I don't know how bitter the breakup was between you and the father of your child. Demanding a paternity test is not an announcement of love and trust.
He should be a part of his son's life and this should happen on a part-time basis. "Part time" means keep your legs crossed and don't serve breakfast. If he's willing to court you--and you are willing to be courted--fine, but don't let your baby assume that Daddy is firm and fixed part of his life when you aren't sure.
Good luck.