Foxfyre wrote:Why?
Because the majority wants them to be there and it is their right to have free exercise of religion if they want it.
It is a goddam pledge of allegience to our country, Fox. What the hell don't you understand about that.
Whether or not it is a nation under god has absolutely nothing to do with the pledge. It is in-your-face bullshyt.
What if the pledge read " nation, predominantly of white people..."?
Would you think that to be okay...even if the majority of people felt it to be true? Would you then argue that people are not being forced to recite it so it shouldn't matter?
Can you not open up your mind wide enough to see that the question of whether or not this nation is a nation under any not germane to the reason for the oath.
The reason for the oath is to pledge loyalty to this country without regard to any of its components.
Open your mind.
Be that "tolerant" person you suggested we all be.
Quote:So long as you aren't required to agree to it, state it, think it, or believe anything about it, you are not the least bit coerced or harmed in any way because the others choose to exercise their constitutionally protected right to express a belief.
The pledge is not the place for it.
And in school are the least bit coerced to recite the pledge. In fact, they are coerced by peer pressure a whole lot.
Why are you so blind to that?
Quote:Tolerance works both ways. One side won't force anything on the other. When it comes down to personal preferences, which constitutionally, this issue is, then the only equitable way to solve the problem is to allow the majority to rule. I don't have the right to force you to express any belief. You don't have the right to say I won't have the right to express a belief.
Wake the hell up!
If our side were saying we wanted the wording changed to " nation, without any gods..."...then you would have a point.
But we are merely saying that in the national pledge of allegience...the question of whether or not we are under any god should not arise.
Wake up!
Quote:I guarantee you that the day a majority does not want the phrase "under God" to be in the Pledge, it will soon be gone.
It should not be there because of the willfulness of the majority in any case.
And if on that day that you mention...the new majority wanted to put in a line specifying atheism for this country....I guarantee YOU that I would be every bit as opposed.
Wake up!