I'm a secular humanist, we meet in the basement of the Lutheran church every weds nite where we have symbolic cannibalastic festivities drinking kosher vino with chesse whiz on saltines. We got tax exempt status. We are the only one true religion. We will seduce your wives and daughters.
In cheeses name we prey. Pass the gouda, comrade.
Only if you pass the vino...comrade.
I'll have one of those seduced husbands, if you please. And don't forget to garnish him with the cheese whiz.
Dys I love how you make me laugh.
yeah...ummmmm, why do the lutherans let ya'll use their basement?
And lola......how do you get your legs so thin?

I guess I just eat too much
hyper426 wrote:yeah...ummmmm, why do the lutherans let ya'll use their basement?
Well, Martin you know was catholic and in the interest of sharing the wealth, so to speak, encourged the congregation to pick up whatever they could by renting out the basement when they weren't using it (utilities surcharged) they do, however, demand that the poster "Keep the baby, Faith" remain on the wall at all times.
*snort* woops, that wasn't very ladylike!
so, what do your cannabalistic festivals entail besides snacks?
You will have to ask the "host" that question, don't you know your theology?
The bread destined to receive Eucharistic Consecration is commonly called the host, and though this term may likewise be applied to the bread and wine of the Sacrifice, it is more especially reserved to the bread.
According to Ovid the word comes from hostis, enemy: "Hostibus a domitis hostia nomen habet", because the ancients offered their vanquished enemies as victims to the gods. However, it is possible that hostia is derived from hostire, to strike, as found in Pacuvius. In the West the term became general chiefly because of the use made of it in the Vulgate and the Liturgy (Rom., xii, 1; Phil., iv, 18; Eph., v, 2; Heb., x, 12; Mabillon, "Liturg. Gall. vetus", pp. 235, 237, 257; "Missale Mozarab.", ed. Leslie, p. 39; "Missale Gothicum", p. 253). It was applied to Christ, the Immolated Victim, and, by way of anticipation, to the still unconsecrated bread destined to become Christ's Body. In the Middle Ages it was also known as "hoiste", "oiste", "oite".
woops, I actually knew that one. duh, i feel blond.
ok, well, we have been off track, but I don't think this train will ever run straight again, anywayz.
what is your answer and justification to the original topic? I think you gave it once, but I refuse to filter through all of this to find it
anyone else is welcome to give their concise answere and justification, so we can more easily see everyones' individual stance. (though it is not hard to guess on most of ya'll)
well my personal opinion is that any and all religion belongs in the privacy of one's own closet with the light off and the door locked. other than that I'm pretty open minded.
Only if they lock and throw away the key.
what if that persons religion involves broadcasting themselves? Do you advocate oppression if a person's religion is annoying to you?
Hey, where did everyone else go? Hello? Even the other topics are dead! Is it spring break? I didn't realized all you old ppl had them
Come back! We'll be good, I promise *devilish grin*
Re: Democracy is best served by strict separation of...
Ok, here's my official stance...
In the very first post on this thread, hyper426 wrote:Resolved: Democracy is best served by stricty separation of church and state.
And I agree completely.
(for details on why, please see page after page of my recorded history on this thread dealing with every nuance and example).

This has been a very fun thread. Thanks Hyper.
oppression. not that's an interesting question actually. I guess I feel that any fruit-cake can espouse any idea he/she wants within the confines of his/her territory/church public street etc but certainly not on my territory which includes tax-payer property.
hyper426 wrote:yeah...ummmmm, why do the lutherans let ya'll use their basement?
And lola......how do you get your legs so thin?

I guess I just eat too much
Laughing..........eat or be eaten, that's what I always say. I like your undies, what a nice pink bra......but you know, you are lookin a little plump through the thigh region. And where may I ask is your head?
Oh, but that's right, you might ask the same of me. I guess it's just our bodies that matter.....forget about the brains.
My legs are thin because I wear such high heels.
I like your thread, hyper. Thanks for it.
I think government should be secular and other than that......a person is free to speak, unless they are in my face and won't leave me alone, at which point I ask them to stop. But that rarely works. So then, I go to great lengths to avoid them.....but that's hard. So then I hide.
Evangelicals can be so persistent. But I understand that they think it's their duty. Still, I wish they would talk to someone else about it and leave me alone.
true, though some can be very sweet while persistant. There was a lady at work the other night that, when I asked how here day was, replied great because God was in it, which was just fine, but then she somehow got to talking about MY religious beliefs, and how i sould read this and this bible verse to get a better understanding (times like that, I with Bibliophile was still around) and it got into a little bit of a sticky situation, cause I didn't want to offend her, but I frankly didn't want to talk about it. *shudders* somehow i navigated through those waters in one piece.
Oh, and I will never get the thin legs, cuz my balance is so bad (I am a total clutz), that I would fall in high heels. Darn, I guess it is back to the chicken feed. cluck, cluck
Oh, and thanks to everyone who continues on this thread. I haven't debated it in forever, actually, I only debated it once...but...I am so glad i started this post, because it is sooooo interesting. It is the one post that I continually log on to see what is posted, although we are seldom on topic, and walter, who usually keeps us on it, has disappeared.