not einstein
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 02:59 am
Been away for a few days and what has this blog become, it has become what i suspect it was always going to be, a shouting place for 2 weak willed individuals who just cannot bear to let other people listen to other peoples opinion, they may be right they may be wrong but the truth is lost in the bile and vindictiveness that comes from their mouths.

For the rest of the correspondents on this site do yourselves a favour and read the blog and look at what the individuals hold up as warranties. One is there trying to help individuals with any problems, not employed by JK not in the clutches of JK just trying to sort things for people that want the help.

Now, lets look at what is offered in return, bullying, altruism, vindictiveness, anger and threats, where would people believe the truth lies.

The freedom of the internet allows all to say and read whatever written but why dont you consider, when writing this thing the people it is meant to serve the past the present and the future investors in JK for there will be all three and this blog wont stop that.

Or are you saying that you want other people to suffer as you allege you have, i do not understand your logic i do not understand your stance you look for ghosts and conspirators at every corner but maybe the ghosts are purely of your making.

Here to help, for those that seek help
0 Replies
not einstein
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 03:08 am
In reply to your entry specifically aimed at me, no you cannot hurt me the truth is the only thing that hurts and the pain in your reply tells me where it is hurting.

Guilt i feel no guilt nor have anything to feel guilty for.

I consideration of your dealing with Mr Fick's wife your entries speak for themselves.

Skirting around i'm afraid is not something that i feel you are unfamiliar with you attack people without reason on any and all issues and have forgotten what you set out to do.

I have a firm grip....on reality and wonder if the same can be said.....people will judge by the blog entries i suppose.

For those people seeking help please consider contacting Mr Fick for those seeking anger and resentment contact either ....well you read for yourselves.

0 Replies
Heandshe decided
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 04:39 am
@christian fick,
Trading Standards Services was a usefull source for information and advice on my rights and the legal obligation of Jani King. Although they cannot compel Jani King to compensate me, they can intervene where they suspect the company is committing a criminal offence, and this may put Jani King under pressure to settle with me. I have also used the Community Legal Services in my area and the website on for help. I have now talked to Christian Fick. I do not expect overnight results but the way he explained it all to me has given me hope to have my complaints resolved quickly. I have faith in his system and has nothing to loose. Thanks
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 07:02 am
@Heandshe decided,
good you feel the need to go to trading standards.

You should go also tell the DTI about them

For new people here is the basic problem as i see it - from one earlier posting

jani king (GB)
Here is the agreement that your franchise fee of over £110k buys you - from an ex franchise description. I believe it is factually correct.

. They offered me loss making accounts, under-priced jobs and a terrible service.
If you are thinking about buying into Jani-King (GB), stop and think again.
Speak to a solicitor and an accountant. You will pay JK a one-off charge equal to 3 times the monthly invoice value of all new accounts in order to operate as a franchisee. JK will then deduct 15% of the contract value for all work you charge the client.
You must use all materials and equipment specified by JK ( indirectley, they get 15% "commission") . Above all else, you will never own the accounts...they belong to Jani-King. If you have a customer service problem, Jani-King will send an "account manager" to visit the client and you will be charged for his visit( ie expenses + £25/hour).
If you obtain customers by your own means, those accounts will belong to Jani King and you will have to pay them 15% each month.
If you decide to leave Jani King, they will only pay you a third of what you initially paid them for each account.


If anyone has experienced problems with Jani King (GB) Limited I would suggest the following :

Contact the CIB at the DTI with this complaint form
Companies Investigation Branch has the responsibility for conducting investigations into companies using the statutory powers of enquiry contained in the Companies Act 1985.
Tell them about any negligent misrepresentation and fraudulent inducement you think you have experienced

Logging your complaint is one click away!

Contact the BFA


Contact a solicitor John Pratt who will offer some free advice : [email protected] or 0121 237 2020
Reply Tue 31 Mar, 2009 01:05 pm
@christian fick,
contact me on my email [email protected] maybe I can help ,have much info that could be useful
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christian fick
Reply Wed 1 Apr, 2009 09:20 am
Welcome back SEANGRAY 2 NOW CALLED SMALLKEYFOB. Your info is very good. Thank you. But people has seen that INFO for long enough now. Why dont you give me a call. I would love to talk to you regardless.
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christian fick
Reply Wed 1 Apr, 2009 09:48 am
I believe that everyone on these pages has got some problem with Jani King. Now. All the facts that you have stated is correct. I believe that it all depend on what plan they buy the fee may be different. But here is the problem. Everything you say below is in THE FRANCHISE AGREEMENT THAT EVERYONE SIGN. It is not a secret or something we dont already know. I paid finders fees on most of my hotels and please believe me it will make your 110k look small if you know the figure. So, why dont we rather try and help people out of the position they are in. Instead we are trying to prevent someone buying a Franchise. Everyone on here already have a franchise. And those who intend to will not after reading 13 pages of complaints.
0 Replies
christian fick
Reply Sun 5 Apr, 2009 01:38 pm
Thank you to all those Franchisees that called and who has send me emails. I will be following all of this up with you over the next few weeks and can assure you that I will give it my 110% attention. I am determent to get you answers and RESULTS.
Reply Tue 7 Apr, 2009 04:33 pm
@christian fick,
Thank you Ian. You have been wonderfull, and thank you for getting back to me so soon with answers. I am happy with the result so far. Please believe me, it is worth talking to Ian Fick.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 7 Apr, 2009 10:27 pm
After purchasing a JK franchise outside the US myself.....It left a bad taste also.
I personally dont like franchises anymore or if i was too even consider one, I'd make sure it was making mega bucks for my investment and hard work I was going to put it.

Under quoting Jobs is one they that is common with them. It took them nearly 12 months to give me my initial business...They just sell so many franchises and dont have enough work to go around for people!

I was so glad to sell it and would never buy any cleaning franchise again!

Dont waste your money on cleaning franchises ladies and gents!
They get these contracts for free.. and people pay around $40K- $50 to make $6,000K per month. Doesn't make anymore sense to me

Its not hard to pick up a few cleaning contracts yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 9 Apr, 2009 03:59 pm
Hi Pennilessking
I appreciate all you have done and thanks for all your hard work. I wish to bring something to your attention and I'm on your side.

Look at all this from a different perspective - we are at war! Replying to posts that have no bearing to what you are trying to achieve, is complete and total waste of time and effort. Concentrate your efforts where the effects will be felt the most, telling the current, past and future franchisees of your personal experiences with Jani King. Objectively (cause I know what you say will be the truth).

Let me borrow a couple of quotes - "In War Victory Should be Swift". If JK are trying to shut people up now it is a bit too late for that and a complete waste of time, freedom of speech allows people to say what they want as long as it is relevant and is the truth. As long as this forum costs them money I can live with that, the more franchisees know about this the less money goes into JK's coffers. One franchisee turned away today becomes 5, 10 , 1oo , 1ooo.

Can you imagine how much this costs them every month loads!! Just don't get distracted.

"If victory is slow, men tire, Morale sags. Sieges Exhaust strength". Part of my earlier quote, because there is no apparent victory for JK, it is tiring, how long do you think they can keep this up, this forum is soul destroying for JK because they are fighting something bigger than them with no end in sight. They are laying siege to this site wasting their time baiting people so that they can 'contain' them by threatening them with law suits. I personally would not like to respond to any of their replies, or psychological babble, it's a useful technique in war it's called baiting the enemy.

One last thing before I sign out - You may wish to vist
they deal with cases where amounts lost accrue to £1,000,000 if a couple of franchisees come together they could report as unit.

Remember keep up the fight, don't give up tell the truth always - cheats never prosper!!!
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Apr, 2009 04:39 am
@Jani-King GB Forum,
A small number of malicious individuals, Is it?
There are hundreds of individuals whose lives Jani King (GB) has destroyed.
There may be a small number of individuals who have not yet learned of the Jani King method of managing but they will soon find out.
How many Franchisees do you think Jani King (GB) Ltd. has managed to recruit then dishearten, what you may call constructive removal, since they came to operate the franchise some 17 years ago? I bet it is in four figures, well over 1,000. Is that what you call a good franchisor and a good working relationship?
If J.K. are so good and honest why are they still using pictures in the Franchise Magazine, I saw the January 2009 issue, from over 5 years ago?
How many of the people in the pictures do you think are still with J.K? I would be willing to lay a bet. I would guess about 10%, if that.
Be honest for once in your life and post the real number left from those photos..
Your forum probably comes from J.K. head office, probably Will Gavin or Guy Strang
0 Replies
Reply Fri 17 Apr, 2009 05:12 am
@christian fick,
Alright Ian, I haven't look at the site for a while but I am surprised you are still a devotee. I was informed you actually bodily threw Nigel Young out of one of your hotels. But whatever makes you happy. You were always a good franchisee and procured a lot of business for J.K. yourself. I am however saying all the franchisees that have left J.K., like solicitor, come franchisee, John Steer, Franchisee of the year 2000, bank manager , come franchisee, Phil Meekin, multi franchisee Spencer Horsfield, Alexis DeJean. I could go on, have all left. Where that all bad franchisees?. Also how many office staff were comfortable with J.K.'s methods, that they for any length of time? Even Ian's ex wife Dawn left. Lisa Williams, Ruth Pitts Sam Morgan,Heather Jackson,Tammy Bullimare all left.
How many salesmen last long? How many Operation Managers last long ?
Finally why has J.K. taken so much In House, if they are such a good franchise ?
They are the conveyor belt kings.
Ian, Don't try and defend the indefensible!
Reply Sat 18 Apr, 2009 02:52 am
If anyone has experienced problems with Jani King (GB) Limited I would suggest the following :

Contact the CIB at the DTI with this complaint form

Companies Investigation Branch has the responsibility for conducting investigations into companies using the statutory powers of enquiry contained in the Companies Act 1985.
Tell them about any negligent misrepresentation and fraudulent inducement you think you have experienced

Logging your complaint is one click away!

Contact the BFA


Contact a solicitor John Pratt who will offer some free advice : [email protected] or 0121 237 2020

Contact trading standards in Kingston Upon thames [email protected]
0 Replies
Reply Sat 18 Apr, 2009 03:04 am
Thanks to the poster who earlier provided a link to the CIB. The Role of CIB is to “Deliver free and fair markets …ensuring markets work to the benefit of business, investors, employees and consumers, and for law enforcement to deter fraud”. This includes dealing with misconduct or unscrupulous practices, whether or not this amounts to fraud.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 19 Apr, 2009 01:01 pm
mabe you cant clean and bitch all the time thats why you lost your jobs with JanKing. I no 3 guy that have a Jani-king Franchise and make $20,000 a month. I work for one and get $10. a hour to take the trash out.
0 Replies
christian fick
Reply Wed 22 Apr, 2009 12:00 pm
Hi mate. Thank you for the kind words. Like I have been trying to say ALL THIS TIME. I wanted to help FRANCHISEES AND NOT JANI KING. I thought that a different approach might work. But as you just said in your blog. Don't try and defend the indefensible. With that I believe you mean the Franchisees. And yes I completely agree with you about Phill, Spencer and Alex. I always thought they were fantastic business people. John Steer was my hero when I first met him in 2000 as I was just starting out. I cannot answer for them. But I believe they can probably tell us a thing or two. I started out on this site to help ALL FRANCHISEES. All I got in return was been attacked by fellow franchisees. Anyway my friend I wish you well and may God bless you.
0 Replies
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 04:22 pm
@christian fick,
Hi Ian
Sorry I did not reply sooner. I had given up hope after our meeting. I presume you are looking for people with money to fight JK. Well I am not that person. All I have is with JK. I will last until end of this year, then??????
Ley me know if you still wish to get in touch. I even deleted your number from my phone. I will check this site in a few days again. rob
Reply Tue 5 May, 2009 11:38 pm
Rob - re your problems with Jani King (GB) Limited I would suggest the following contact.

The Role of CIB is to “Deliver free and fair markets …ensuring markets work to the benefit of business, investors, employees and consumers, and for law enforcement to deter fraud”. This includes dealing with misconduct or unscrupulous practices, whether or not this amounts to fraud.

I have done it and would suggest anyone else who has experienced problems do so also.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 May, 2009 06:20 am
@Big Ben,
Hey Ben. I am a happy franchise owner in the US. Seems the brits have massive problems. I Wanted to see how your experience has been and see if we can share ideas [email protected]
0 Replies

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