George Carlin on prayer:
"Suppose your prayers aren't answered. What do you say? "Well, it's God's will." "Thy Will Be Done." Fine, but if it's God's will, and He's going to do what He wants to anyway, why the f*ck bother praying in the first place? Seems like a big waste of time to me! Couldn't you just skip the praying part and go right to His Will? It's all very confusing."
"So to get around a lot of this, I decided to worship the sun. But, as I said, I don't pray to the sun. You know who I pray to? Joe Pesci. Two reasons: First of all, I think he's a good actor, okay? To me, that counts. Second, he looks like a guy who can get things done. Joe Pesci doesn't f*ck around. In fact, Joe Pesci came through on a couple of things that God was having trouble with."
"For years I asked God to do something about my noisy neighbor with the barking dog, Joe Pesci straightened that ********** out with one visit. It's amazing what you can accomplish with a simple baseball bat."
I didn't see any specific question asked in the launch post - only a rhetorical one, not requiring an answer.
I believe God answers prayer.
Hey PDiddie - are you an agnostic, or an atheist? (not saying you're either one, just asking)
snood wrote:Hey PDiddie - are you an agnostic, or an atheist? (not saying you're either one, just asking)
I don't know and I don't care.
I'm just guessing mind you...I think religion God and praying are real low on PD's things to do list.
BTW...PD...I enjoy your posts...
Likewise, pz.
Let's's been almost eight hours since I've jerked some stupid conservative's chain.
Who can I f*** with? Any suggestions?
Not off the top of my head...but I wish there was a PD alert to my e mail...I hate missing 'em.
Ooo ooooo Pick me!! ME!
oh wait.. im not a conservative.
oh man, i never get in on any of the fun
( pout )
Getting God to answer your prayers are very simple in fact. You need to be a child to receive what the father gives. You ask and do not receive because you ask wrongfully. Everytime I pray, I receive more than what I asked for. I have prayed about a person and it happened. You all lack faith, you all ask to glorify yourself. Man tries to edify himself and wants God to help Him. Why must God respond to the wicked man, He doesn't even see Him, since God sees all righteousness but is blind to unrighteousness, you ask unrighteously and expect a righteous response. And yes, God does respond to prayers, I have seen it. Aids victim miraculously healed in one day, wait a second, there isn't a cure for aids right, how then was she healed? A heroin junky stopped doing heroin in one day, and never tried it again and had no withdrawal symptoms, once again how? I repeat what I said earlier, you ask and do not receive because you ask wrong.
No, actually, I consulted the international rule and guidebook for prayers, and unless I'm mistaken, I prayed correctly.
I followed all the rules...I knelt down, I got all quiet, I even did that crazy sacrifice a live goat part--I don't know what the hell that's all about--and still...nothing!
SmokingFire wrote:Getting God to answer your prayers are very simple in fact. You need to be a child to receive what the father gives. You ask and do not receive because you ask wrongfully. Everytime I pray, I receive more than what I asked for.
Are you sure you are not just sucking up to some god here, SF????
Quote:I have prayed about a person and it happened.
Quote:You all lack faith, you all ask to glorify yourself. Man tries to edify himself and wants God to help Him. Why must God respond to the wicked man, He doesn't even see Him, since God sees all righteousness but is blind to unrighteousness, you ask unrighteously and expect a righteous response.
It really does sound as though you are sucking up to a god!
Quote: And yes, God does respond to prayers, I have seen it. Aids victim miraculously healed in one day, wait a second, there isn't a cure for aids right, how then was she healed? A heroin junky stopped doing heroin in one day, and never tried it again and had no withdrawal symptoms, once again how? I repeat what I said earlier, you ask and do not receive because you ask wrong. definitely are sucking up to a god.
You'd better hope that god is not the Christian god, SF...because he is gonna roast you for being so goddam prideful!
What you people think is my arrogance is only the beginning of my humility....
In my experience with prayer it works but only if you pray for something that is possible. However, I admit to not know the rules of prayer.
I've seen a girl with aids healed...this being after the day after, so whats up with do you explain that....?
SmokingFire wrote:Frank....
What you people think is my arrogance is only the beginning of my humility....
Pride is pride...and like the long litany of other things that offend your god...pride does also.
We're only expressing interested in the welfare of your eternal soul, SF...since you seem so convinced you have one.
SmokingFire wrote:I've seen a girl with aids healed...this being after the day after, so whats up with do you explain that....?
I've seen a guy saw a woman in half and return her to whole...and he never uttered a single prayer.
It was magic...not prayer!
Absolutely I do believe I have an eternal soul, and the more interesting thing is that I do not need to suck up to God to make him like me, He already like me...and very much...
SmokingFire wrote:Nope...never...
I can see that.
And I can understand it.
Your god seems to want a good deal of ass-kissing sent its way...and I guess it makes sense to send as much as you can.
Frankly, from what I've read of your god, though, none of you people are suckin' up anywhere near as much as the god wants.
SmokingFire wrote:I've seen a girl with aids healed...this being after the day after, so whats up with do you explain that....?
Chance! Coincidence! How many thousands of aids sufferers are not healed after prayer?! You could of course put this to the test and see if, with prayer, a higher number of terminally ill patients are cured than is expected by chance. And whatshisname did try to do that - does anyone know what results he found? But anyway, God apparently won't have us putting his power to the test like that - proof denies faith, so God will nto prove himself. Very convenient explanation if whatshisname found insignificant results.