Wow golly Pete Min! There are at least a half dozen other 'lectr'n'c folk on a2k who might be able to help better'n me [Eng help, where ya been....], but I suspect you have an interaction problem where one system interferes with another, very common in the modern digi world where the slightest stray field with the click'va switch or plug'va 'fone causes a completely unpredicted phenom of one sort or 'nother
Sncce my BH gives me only Tue and Thu to do this kinda stuff, which interferes with any potential help I might otherwise provide her out in the garden, I hafta pull back for a while; but I'll sure think about this....
Edited to remark, hey you must be a newcomer, Mom, and mebbe no Prof 'cause ur afraid of the consequences of revelation. But some of us [(2 or 3 outa mebbe 100,000] welcomerswould like to know about you so I for one am
[email protected]
...nd oh 123, if you're esl so don't 'stand a word I'm sayin', pse lemme know, I'm not the least offended. But there's no wayta know....