Fri 11 Aug, 2017 11:08 am
"Little is just that – diminutive, somewhat withered – but Big thinks she has a nice round bottom and has been known to say as much, in private, of course."
in the above sentence, the last phrase refers to who? Big or Little? who has been known to say as much? and what does the last part mean in this sentence? I cannot relate.
Big thinks she (Little) has a nice bottom and has said so in private.
"As much" here is a phrase meaning "what was just stated described or summarised" -
I thought John was a liar and I said as much (that John was a liar) to my father.
I didn't want to go swimming and I said as much to the teacher.
"as much" means this? intersting & helpful.
fatimasima wrote:
"as much" means this? intersting & helpful.
'as much' is a phrase with a number of meanings; this is one of them.