@Region Philbis,
I'm a Tiger
Quote:Tigers are determined, enthusiastic and positive with a sense of superiority.
Not always enthusiastic.
Quote:They explore the potential in unlikely situations.
Oh definitely, I am lateral man
Quote:They like to see everything settled, rarely abandon projects and will become self centered and obstinate if they fail to achieve.
Actually more into change. Happy to abandon projects (not personal ones). Self centred and obstinate even when I achieve.
Quote:Tigers tend to place themselves in leadership or radical roles.
Never leadership, often radical.
Quote:They may become aggressive if trapped.
Na, I fall easily to mea culpa.
Quote: In love, they need a steady consistent partner who quietly gets on with their own life.
Not need, want. But you don't get to choose these things do you.
Quote: They are born leaders, are suited to travel, designing, advertising, politics or the military.
And selling used cars? That is so not me, or at least not where ended up. Or started.