Thank you for the webcam shot ehbeth - Munich is my
Ul - Knecht Ruprecht made me pee on my fathers lap
when I was small. He and "Nikolaus" came to our house
and just the mere sight of him, frightened me to no end.
Sitting on my fathers lap didn't help much either, as he
found out when it got quite wet all of a sudden
Piffka - you've got to try Rum Topf next year, it is truly
worth while waiting for it until christmas. I would not
choose strawberries however, as they get muchy and
fall apart. Better are pears, apricots, apples and other
solid fruits - no bananas either. We've always used
somewhat expensive very potent Rum and no sugar,
as the fruits itself are sweet enough, or one can pour
sugar over the individual plates when serving.
Cost Plus, an import store sells every year an abundance
of German chrismas cookies, gingerbreads and stollen,
and the prices are reasonable too.