WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 07:00 am
Good morning, Raggedy. It always great to see our favorite celeb posting favorite celebs. <smile>

I'm not familar with Ding Ling, PA, but I did a quick research and became fascinated with the end result.

The following is a test, folks:http://www.indigenouspeople.net/ChineseLit/art.jpg
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 07:54 am
Letty, thanks for the dedication! i'm off to jury duty this morning. here's the only song i can think of that suits the occasion:

They say ev'ry man needs protection
They say ev'ry man must fall
Yet I swear I see my reflection
Some place so high above the wall
I see my light come shining
From the west down to the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released.

yondah stands a man in this lonely crowd
a man who swears he's not to blame
every night I hear him crying out so loud
crying cause he was framed
I see my light come shining
From the west down to the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released.

They say ev'rything can be replaced
Yet ev'ry distance is not near
So I remember ev'ry damn face
Of ev'ry bastard who put me here
I see my light come shining
From the west down to the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released.
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 08:12 am
Ah, Yit. Jury duty? Well, it can be good and it can be bad. You must tell us how it went, Mr. Turtle.

The lyrics to your song were quite representative. Everyone in prison is innocent. <smile>

Loved all the songs from the movie, but this one is funny:

Artist: The Soggy Bottom Boys Lyrics
Song: In the Jailhouse Now Lyrics

I had a friend named Ramblin' Bob
Who used to steal gamble and rob
He thought he was the smartest guy in town
But I found out last Monday
That Bob got locked up Sunday
They've got him in the jailhouse way down town
He's in the jailhouse now he's in the jailhouse now
I told him once or twice quit playin' cards and shootin' dice
He's in the jailhouse now


He played a game called poker pinoccle with Dan Yoker
But shooting dice was his greatest game
Now he's downtown in jail nobody to go his bail
The judge done said that he refused a fine
He's in the jailhouse now he's in the jailhouse now
I told him once or twice quit playin' cards and shootin' dice
He's in the jailhouse now

I went out last Tuesday met a gal named Susie
Told her I was the swellest guy around
We started to spend my money
Then she started to call me honey
We took in every cabaret in town
We're in the jailhouse now
We're in the jailhouse now
I told the judge right to his face
We didn't like to see this place
We're in the jailhouse now

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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 11:42 am
I didn't do it. I'm innocent.
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 11:53 am
Whiskey in the Jar

As I was a-goin' over Gilgarra Mountain
I spied Colonel Farrell, and his money he was countin'.
First I drew my pistols and then I drew my rapier,
Sayin' "Stand and deliver, for I am your bold receiver."
Musha ringum duram da,
Whack fol the daddy-o,
There's whiskey in the jar.

He counted out his money and it made a pretty penny;
I put it in my pocket to take home to darlin' Jenny.
She sighed and swore she loved me and never would deceive me,
Bu the devil take the women, for they always lie so easy!
Musha rungum duram da

I went into me chamber all for to take a slumber,
To dream of gold and girls, and of course it was no wonder:
Me Jenny took me charges and she filled them up with water,
Called on Colonel Farrell to get ready for the slaughter.
Musha rungum duram da

Next mornin' early, before I rose for travel,
A-came a band of footmen and likewise Colonel Farrell.
I goes to draw my pistol, for she'd stole away my rapier,
But a prisoner I was taken, I couldn't shoot the water.
Musha rungum duram da

They put me into jail with a judge all a-writin':
For robbin' Colonel Farrell on Gilgarra Mountain.
But they didn't take me fists and I knocked the jailer down
And bid a farewell to this tight-fisted town.
Musha ringum duram da

I'd like to find me brother, the one who's in the army;
I don't know where he's stationed, be it Cork or in Killarney.
Together we'd go roamin' o'er the mountains of Kilkenny,
And I swear he'd treat me fairer than my darlin' sportin' Jenny!
Musha ringum duram da

There's some takes delight in the carriages and rollin',
Some takes delight in the hurley or the bollin',
But I takes delight in the juice of the barley,
Courtin' pretty maids in the mornin', o so early!
Musha ringum duram da
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 12:03 pm
Love it, Bob. Stand and deliver? That expression is priceless.

Hey, listeners, this is your local Ballad of Redding Gaol and The Night Thoreau spent in jail station. <smile>

Don't touch that dial. We'll have a wanted section later.
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 01:19 pm
Well, listeners, Here's the beginning of the WANTED segment:

someone who kissed me,
and held me closely,
then stole my heart!

someone I trusted,
who gave no warning,
( that ) we'd ever part!

He was last seen,
hiding out in someone's arms,
She knew nothing,
of the danger in her charms!

A jury,
may find him guilty,
but I'd forgive him,
if I could see,
a signed confession,
that he's repented,
and really wanted no one but me!

< instrumental break >

( repeat )
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 01:26 pm
We went one day about a month ago (a-ha-ha)
To have a little fu-un (a-ha) Mexico
We ended up in a gambling spot (oh yeah) a-ha-ha
Where the liquor flow-owed and the dice were hot

So here we a-are in the Tijuana Jail
Ain't got no frie-ends to go our bail
So here we'll sta-ay 'cause we can't pa-a-a-a-ay
Just send our ma-ail to the Tijuana Jail

I was shootin' dice, rakin' in the dough (long green)
And then I hea-ard the whistle blow
We started to run when a man in blue
Said "senor, come with me 'cause I want you."

So here we a-are in the Tijuana Jail
Ain't got no frie-ends to go our bail
So here we'll sta-ay 'cause we can't pay
Just send our mail to the Tijuana Jail (shout)

Just five hundred dollars and they'll set us free (shouted excitement)
I couldn't raise a penny if ya threatened me
I know five "hunderd" don't sound like much
But just try to find somebody to touch

So here we are in the Tijuana Jail
Ain't got no frie-ends to go our bail
So here we'll sta-ay 'cause we can't pay
Just send our mai-il to the Tijuana Jail

So here we a-are in the Tijuana Ja-a-a-a-il
Ain't got no frie-eh-ends to go our bail
So here we'll sta-ay 'cause we can't pa-ay
Just send our mai-il to the Tijuana Jail
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 01:40 pm
How much in pecos, edgar? <smile> Did you happen to run into this fellow?

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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 02:06 pm
He looks like a bud of revolutionary Zapata.
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 02:09 pm
Here is info on a book about Zapata.

Zapata of Mexico
Peter E. Newell

"We're all zapatistas, not just the compa eros with the rifles. Our demands are the same, and they have been the same for the last one hundred years: land and liberty." Interview with Franciso Lozano, campesino of the Altos de Chiapas, February 1994
Emiliano Zapata, hero of the Mexican Revolution that overthrew the Porfirio Diaz dictatorship in 1910, died a victim of that revolution. With his call for `land and liberty', Zapata helped make and shape the revolution. The governments that followed the toppling of the Porfirio Diaz dictatorship (1877-1910), while professing a commitment to the country's campesinos (peasantry or farmworkers), fell short of meeting the demands of the zapatistas for land and political freedom. In the end, the campesino general became an outlaw in the post- revolutionary State.

Ten years after he took up arms to defend the campesinos of his home state of Morelos, Zapata was assassinated by government emissaries in 1919. But his murder did not silence Zapata's Liberation Army of the South. Instead, cries of Viva Zapata emboldened the zapatistas in their struggle to win back control of ancestral community lands. Even after the original zapatistas put away their guns, Zapata's name continued to inspire campesino militancy. Whenever campesinos have gathered to seek land or confront the State, the image and the name of Emiliano Zapata have been present. Campesino militants inevitably invoke his legacy to build support for their own causes. In the history of the campesino struggles, the memory of Zapata has never died. How this came about, and why it continues to be is the subject of this book.

Zapata describes what Emiliano Zapata worked towards and what he and his companeros actually achieved in Morelos and southern Mexico between 1910 and 1920. It also includes a short account of the evolution of the ejidos and common lands of Mexico.
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 02:17 pm
edgar, I do believe that is the man. <smile> Great bio, Texas. Thanks for that. Didn't he ride a white horse? or was that just Hollywood.

Here's a song by Linda for the bandits:

Corrido De Cananea

written by Rubén Fuentes

Voy a dar un pormenor
De lo que a mí me ha pasado,
Que me han agarrado preso
Siendo un galla tan jugado.

Yo me fui para Agua Prieta
A ver quién me conocía
Y a las once de la noche
Me aprehendió la policia.

Me aprehendieron los gendarmes
Al estilo americano,
Como un hombre de delito,
Todos con pistola en mano.

La cárcel de Cananea
Está situada en una Mesa
Y en ella fui procesado
Por causa de mi torpeza.

Despedida no la doy
Porque no la traigo aquí
Se la deje al santo niño
Y al señor de Mapimi.
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 02:27 pm
The Marlon Brando version did.
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Walter Hinteler
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 02:33 pm
We had had some really nice and warm days during the last ten, with temparaturs at noon of about 24°C (75°F).

But it will go down to the 60°s from tomorrow onwards

The Doors

Summer's almost gone
Summer's almost gone
Almost gone
Yeah, it's almost gone
Where will we be
When the summer's gone?

Morning found us calmly unaware
Noon burn gold into our hair
At night, we swim the laughin' sea
When summer's gone
Where will we be
Where will we be
Where will we be

Morning found us calmly unaware
Noon burn gold into our hair
At night, we swim the laughin' sea
When summer's gone
Where will we be

Summer's almost gone
Summer's almost gone
We had some good times
But they're gone
The winter's comin' on
Summer's almost gone
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 02:34 pm
In Houston, summer never can end soon enough.
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 02:38 pm
Indeed he did, edgar.

Well, listeners, miss our European friends. Maybe they got busted. UhOh.

From Interpol:

c'mon, c'mon

my best friend's a butcher, he has sixteen knives
he carries them all over the town
at least he tries oh look it stopped snowing
my best friend's from Poland and oh he has a beard
but they caught him with his case in a public place
that is what we had feared

he severed segments and secretely he liked that
he always had the time to speak with me I liked him for that
he severed segments and secretely he liked that
he always took the time
he always took the time

c'mon now pussycat

my best friend's a butcher, he has sixteen knives
he carries them all over the town
at least he tries oh look it stopped snowing
my best friend's from Poland and oh he has a beard
but they caught him with his case in a public place
that is what we had feared

he severed segments and secretely he liked that
he always had the time to speak with me I liked him for that
he severed segments and secretely he liked that
he was growing on me
he was growing on me

Talk about crazy songs. Shocked
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 03:24 pm
Well, my goodness, folks. There's our Walter singing about weather via the doors. I was beginning to think that Europe had sunk into the ocean.

Speaking of weather. Who said, "Everyone talks about the weather, but no one does anything about it."
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 04:12 pm
I forget, but Will Rogers comes to mind.
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Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 04:14 pm
I do. Grump, grump, grump! Here in Massachusetts we're halfway through ten days of rain. This, of course, can only happen at the peak of the hawk banding season. Warnings today are not only storm warnings but also high winds and flooding. No, I don't think we'll top New Orleans. But I'm not happy. Grump, grump grump! So there.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 04:20 pm
Speaking of Will Rogers, here is the transcript of a radio broadcast in which he shares billing with Hoover.

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WA2K Radio is now on the air, Part 3 - Discussion by edgarblythe
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