WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 04:37 pm
Weather With You
Crowded House

Walking 'round the room singing
Stormy Weather
at 57 Mt. Pleasant St.
Well it's the same room but everything's different
You can fight the sleep but not the dream
Things ain't cooking in my kitchen
Strange affliction wash over me
Julius Caesar and the Roman Empire
Couldn't conquer the blue sky
Well there's a small boat made of china
Is going nowhere on the mantlepiece
Well do I lie like a loungeroom lizard
Or do I sing like a bird released

Everywhere you go you always take the weather with you

(Repeat verse and chorus)
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 04:39 pm
for yet another year, our justice system will have to manage without the jury service of yitwail. at least i found another suitable tune, with many versions, most not as happy as this one:

A frog went a-courtin' and he did ride, M-hm, M-hm.
A frog went a-courtin' and he did ride,
Sword and pistol by his side, M-hm, M-hm.

He rode up to Miss Mousie's door, M-hm, M-hm,
He rode up to Miss Mousie's door,
Where he'd often been before, M-hm, M-hm.

He said, "Miss Mouse, are you within?" M-hm, M-hm,
He said, "Miss Mouse, are you within?"
"Yes, kind sir, I sit and spin." M-hm, M-hm.

He took Miss Mouse upon his knee, M-hm, M-hm,
He took Miss Mouse upon his knee
Said "Miss Mouse, will you marry me?" M-hm, M-hm.

"Without my Uncle Rat's consent, M-hm, M-hm,
Without my Uncle Rat's consent
I wouldn't marry the President." M-hm, M-hm.

Uncle Rat, he laughed and shook his fat sides, M-hm, M-hm,
Uncle Rat, he laughed and shook his fat sides
To think his niece would be a bride, M-hm, M-hm.

Then Uncle Rat rode off to town, M-hm, M-hm,
Then Uncle Rat rode off to town
To buy his niece a wedding gown, M-hm, M-hm.

"Oh, where will the wedding supper be?" M-hm, M-hm,
"Oh where will the wedding supper be?"
"Way down yonder in the hollow tree." M-hm, M-hm.

The first to come was the little white moth, M-hm, M-hm,
The first to come was the little white moth
She spread out the tablecloth, M-hm, M-hm.

The next to come was the bumblebee, M-hm, M-hm,
The next to come was the bumblebee
Played the fiddle upon his knee, M-hm, M-hm.

The next to come was a little flea, M-hm, M-hm,
The next to come was a little flea
Danced a jig with the bumblebee, M-hm, M-hm.

The next to come was Missus Cow, M-hm, M-hm,
The next to come was Missus Cow
Tried to dance but didn't know how, M-hm, M-hm.

Now Mister Frog was dressed in green, M-hm, M-hm,
Now Mister Frog was dressed in green
Sweet Miss Mouse looked like a queen, M-hm, M-hm.

In slowly walked the Parson Rook, M-hm, M-hm,
In slowly walked the Parson Rook
Under his arm he carried a book, M-hm, M-hm.

They all gathered round the lucky pair, M-hm, M-hm,
They all gathered round the lucky pair
Singing, dancing everywhere, M-hm, M-hm.

Then Frog and Mouse went off to France, M-hm, M-hm,
Then Frog and Mouse went off to France
That's the end of my romance, M-hm, M-hm.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 05:16 pm
the way I heard it:
Froggie went a courtin' and he did go, uh, huh.
Froggie went a courtin' and he did go, uh, huh.
Froggie went a courtin' and he did go
To the coconut grove for the midnight show
Uh, huh, uh, huh, uh,huh.

Well, Molly Mouse was a hat check girl, uh, huh.
Well, Molly Mouse was a hat check girl, uh, huh.
Molly Mouse was a hat check girl
So he thought he'd give this chick a whirl
Uh, huh, uh, huh, uh,huh.

Well, he sauntered up to Molly Mouse's side, uh, huh
Well, he sauntered up to Molly Mouse's side, uh, huh
He sauntered up to Molly Mouse's side
And he whispered "Molly won't you be my bride?"
Uh, huh, uh, huh, uh,huh.

Not without my Uncle Rat's consent, unh, unh
Not without my Uncle Rat's consent, unh, unh
Not without my Uncle Rat's consent
I wouldn't marry the President
Unh, unh, unh, unh, unh,unh.

Well, that's it Clyde, better hit the road, uh,huh.
Well, that's it Clyde, better hit the road, uh,huh.
That's it Clyde, better hit the road
You ain't no frog, you're a horny toad
Uh, huh, uh, huh, uh,huh.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 05:19 pm
i like that version--not so "squeaky" clean. heh heh.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 05:24 pm
As I recall, The Brothers Four version was like Dys's.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 05:29 pm
You people are fabulous, right listeners?

My dad loved Will Rogers. Too young to understand his humor, but I certainly have done a lot of research since.

Incidentally, yawl. It was Mark Twain who said the weather thing.

My Gawd, The Froggie went acourtin'? Sheeze. That must be known the world round. Even Bob Dylan sang it.

Wondering about this version:

A froggy would a courtin' go,
High ho said Raleigh,
Wither his mither would have it or no,
With a rolly polly (something..something)
High ho said Anthony Raleigh.

Weather with you, dj. Great, Canada.

I'll try and remember my Mom's version later.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 05:33 pm

When I was single, I wore a plaid shawl
Now that I'm married, I've nothing at all

Oh, but still I love him, I'll forgive him
I'll go with him wherever he goes

He came up our alley and he whistled me out
But the tail of his shirt from his trousers hung out


He bought me a handkerchief, red, white and blue
But before I could wear it, he tore it in two


He brought me to an ale house and he bought me some stout
But before I could drink it, he ordered me out


He borrowed some money to buy me a ring
Then he and the jeweller went off on a fling


There's cakes in the oven, there's cheese on the shelf
If you want any more, you can sing it yourself

0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 05:35 pm

"What did I have?" said the fine old woman
"What did I have?" this proud old woman did say
"I had four green fields, each one was a jewel
But strangers came and tried to take them from me
I had fine strong sons, they fought to save my jewels
They fought and died, and that was my grief" said she

"Long time ago" said the fine old woman
"Long time ago" this proud old woman did say
"There was war and death, plundering and pillage
My children starved by mountain valley and sea
And their wailing cries, they shook the very heavens
My four green fields ran red with their blood" said she

"What have I now?" said the fine old woman
"What have I now?" this proud old woman did say
"I have four green fields, one of them's in bondage
In stranger's hands, that tried to take it from me
But my sons have sons, as brave as were their fathers
My fourth green field will bloom once again" said she
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 05:36 pm

Oh, I'll tell you a tale of peace and love
Whack fol the diddle o the die do day
Of a land that reigns all lands above
Whack fol the diddle o the die do day
May peace and plenty be her share
Who kept our homes from want and care
Oh, God bless England is our prayer
Whack fol the diddle o the die do day

Whack fol the diddle o the die do day
So we say "hip hooray"
Come and listen while we pray (1st chorus only)
Whack fol the diddle o the die do day

Now our fathers oft were naughty boys
For pikes and guns are dangerous toys
At Ballinahabwee and at Bunker's hill
We made poor England cry her fill
But old Brittania loves us still

God bless England so we pray (remaining choruses)

Now, when we were savage, fierce and wild
She came as a mother to her child
Gently raised us from the slime
And kept our hands from hellish crime
And she sent us to heaven in our own good time

Well, now Irish men forget the past
And think of the day that's coming fast
When we shall all be civilized
Neat and clean and well advised
Oh, won't mother England be surprised?
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 05:37 pm

The gypsy rover came over the hill
Down through the valley so shady
He whistled and he sang 'til the green woods rang
And he won the heart of a lady

Adi-doo, adi-doo da day
Adi-doo, adi-day dee
He whistled and he sang 'til the green woods rang
And he won the heart of a lady

She left her father's castle gate
She left her own fond lover
She left her servants and estate
To follow the gypsy rover

Her father settled up his fasted steed
Roamed the valleys all over
Sought his daughter at great speed
And the whistling gypsy rover

He came at last to a mansion fine
Down by the river Clady
And there was music and there was wine
For the gypsy and his lady

"He is no gypsy, my father" she said
"But lord of these lands all over
And I will stay 'til my dying day
With my whistling gypsy rover"
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 05:39 pm

There was an old woman from Wexford
In Wexford town did dwell
She loved her husband dearly
But another man twice as well

With me right fol lid-der-al ar-yl
And me right fol low-rel lee

One day she went to the doctor
Some medicine for to find
Saying "Doctor give me something
That'll make me ould man blind"

"Oh, feed him eggs and marrow bones
And make him sup them all
And it won't be so very long after
That'll he won't see you at all"

So she fed him eggs and marrow bones
And made him sup them all
And it wasn't so very long after
That'll he couldn't see the wall

"O," says he "I'd go and drown meself
But that might be a sin"
"Well," says she "I'll go along with you
And I'll help to push you in"

The old woman she went back a bit
To get a running go
The old man blithely stepped aside
And she went in below

Oh, how loudly did she roar
And how loudly did she bawl
"Arrah hould yer whisht ould woman," says he
"Sure I can't see you at all"

She swam and swam and swam and swam
'Till she came to the further brim
The old man got a long, larch pole
And he pushed her further in

O eggs are eggs and marrow bones
Will make your old man blind
But if you want to drown him
You must creep up close behind
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 05:41 pm
The Grey Goose
by Leadbelly

Well, las' Monday mornin', Lawd, Lawd, Lawd,
Well, las' Monday mornin', Lawd, Lawd, Lawd

My daddy went a-huntin'
Well, he carried along his zulu1
Well, along come a grey goose
Well, he throwed it to his shoulder,
an' he ram his hammer' way back

Well, he pulled on de trigger
Well, down he come a-windin'
He was six weeks a-fallin'
He was six weeks a-findin'
An' he put him on de wagon,
An'he taken him to de white house

He was six weeks a-pickin'
Lordy, your wife an'my wife,
Oh, they give a feather pickin'
An' they put him on to parboil2
He was six months a-parboil',
An' they put him on de table,

Now, de fork couldn' stick him,
An' de knife couldn't cut him
An' they throwed him in de hog-pen,
An' he broke de ol'sow's jawbone

An' they taken him to de sawmill,
An' he broke de saw's teeth out
An' de las' time I seed him,
Well, he's flyin' across de ocean,
Wid a long string o' goslin's,
An' they all goin': quank quink-quank
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 05:48 pm
Letty wrote:
Reyn, I didn't realize that there was a three hour difference between the states and British Columbia. I will do my best to give you more info on that other Bartlett guy. <smile>

Thanks, Letty. I've read your post. I'm totally clueless about that fellow. Confused

By the way, the 3 hour difference is between Florida and BC (Pacific Time Zone vs. Eastern). :wink:
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 06:22 pm
Well, folks, our dj has really bombarded us with wonderful memories of songs handed down through the ages. Thanks, Canada.

And edgar. I know the grey goose by another set of lyrics. Don't we all?

Reyn, honey. I don't know that duo either. I was simply trying to find something as a tribute to you and yours, and came across those two.

My goodness, listeners and contributors. I will be singing in my mind about frogs all night long, and believe me, I will have company with all the wet weather, so I know how Bob of Boston feels.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 12 Oct, 2005 07:08 pm
Well, my friends, time for me to say goodnight.

No song to sing me to sleep; just a thought of all that's sweet. <smile>

from your Letty with love
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 04:44 am
Good Morning WA2K and listeners. Wishing all a pleasant day.

Today's birthdays:

709 - Emperor Kōnin Japan (d. 781)
1381 - Thomas FitzAlan, 12th Earl of Arundel, English politician (d. 1415)
1453 - Edward of Westminster, Prince of Wales (d. 1471)
1474 - Mariotto Albertinelli, Italian painter (d.1515)
1566 - Richard Boyle, 1st Earl of Cork, Irish politician (d. 1643)
1696 - John Hervey, Lord Hervey, English statesman and writer (d. 1743)
1821 - Rudolf Virchow, German physician, pathologist, biologist, and politician (d. 1902)
1853 - Lillie Langtry, British actress (d. 1929)
1862 - Mary Kingsley, English writer and explorer (d. 1900)
1876 - Rube Waddell, baseball player(d. 1914)
1909 - Art Tatum, American jazz pianist (d. 1956)
1909 - Herbert Block, American cartoonist (d. 2001)
1911 - Ashok Kumar, Indian actor (d. 2001)
1915 - Terry Frost, English artist (d. 2003)
1915 - Cornel Wilde, American actor (d. 1989)
1917 - Burr Tillstrom, American puppeteer (d. 1985)
1918 - Robert Hudson Walker, American actor (d. 1951)
1921 - Yves Montand, Italian-born singer and actor (d. 1991)
1923 - Faas Wilkes, Dutch football (soccer) player
1924 - Nipsey Russell, American comedian, actor, and television personality (d. 2005)
1925 - Margaret Thatcher, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
1925 - Lenny Bruce, American comedian (d. 1966)
1931 - Eddie Mathews, baseball player (d. 2001)
1934 - Nana Mouskouri, Greek singer
1938 - Hugo Young, English journalist (d. 2003)
1940 - Pharoah Sanders, American saxophonist
1941 - Paul Simon, American singer, songwriter, and guitarist
1942 - Jerry Jones, American football team owner
1946 - Edwina Currie, British politician
1947 - Sammy Hagar, American singer
1948 - Ted Poe, American politician
1953 - Pat Day, American jockey
1954 - Mordechai Vanunu, Israeli nuclear technician
1956 - Chris Carter, American television producer
1959 - Marie Osmond, American singer, actress, and television personality
1962 - Kelly Preston, American actress
1962 - Jerry Rice, American football star
1964 - Nie Haisheng, Chinese astronaut
1969 - Nancy Kerrigan, American figure skater
1971 - Sacha Baron Cohen, British comedian
1971 - Pyrros Dimas, Albanian weightlifter
1973 - Brian Dawkins, American football player
1974 - Joseph Utsler, American rapper (Insane Clown Posse)
1978 - Jermaine O'Neal, American basketball player
1980 - Ashanti, American musician
1980 - Magne Hoset, Norwegian footballer
1982 - Ian Thorpe, Australian swimmer
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 04:50 am
Seven Brides for Seven Brothers

Goin' Courting

Johnny Mercer

Goin' courtin', goin' courtin'
Oh it sets your senses in a whirl.
Goin' courtin', goin' courtin'
Dudin' up to go and see your gal.
Oh, it's fun to hunt and shoot a gun,
Or to catch a rabbit on the run
But you'll find it's twice as sportin' goin' courtin'.
Now there's lots o' things you gotta know
Be sure the parlor light is low
Y' sidle up and squeeze her hand
Let me tell you fella's that is grand.
You hem and haw a little while
She gives you kinda half a smile.
You cuddle up she moves away
Then the strategy comes into play.
Goin' courtin', goin' courtin'
If you find it hard to break the ice
Goin' courtin', goin' courtin'
Here's a little feminine advice.
Roll your eyes and heave a little sigh.
Grunt and groan like you're about to die.
That is what's known as emotin' goin' courtin'!

How 'bout parkin parlor's darkin'
And you're longing for a fond embrace

How 'bout pettin'
How 'bout sofa settin'

Suppose she up and slaps your face

Just remember "blessed are the meek"

Don't forget to turn the other cheek,
Soon you'll both be larkin',
Goin' sparkin'?
Goin' dancin'?

Goin' dancin'?

At a fancy ball or minuet.
Goin' dancin',
You'll impress her with your etiquette.

You mean that men are learnin' how to dance?

Yes, it came direct from Paris, France
It'll help with your romancin' goin' dancin'.

Goin' courtin', goin' courtin'
Oh, it sees your senses in a whirl
Goin' courtin', goin' courtin'
Duddin' up to go and see your girl.
Oh it's fun to shoot a gun
Or to catch a rabbit on the run,
But you'll find it's twice as sportin'
Goin' courtin'.

Keep your fishin'

And fussin'

And fightin'

And cussin'

And trappin'

'Cause we're goin' courtin'!
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 05:13 am

You missed Lola out on the birthday list.

Shame on you.An A2K vet and all.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 05:40 am
Cornel Wilde
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Cornel Wilde (October 13, 1915 - October 16, 1989) was an American actor. Born Cornelius Louis Wilde in New York City to Jewish immigrants from Austria-Hungary, Wilde traveled throughout Europe in his youth, acquiring the ability to speak many languages. He qualified for the United States fencing team prior to the 1936 Summer Olympic Games, but quit the team just prior to the games in order to take a role in the theater. Hired as a fencing teacher by Laurence Olivier for his 1940 Broadway production of Romeo and Juliet, Wilde was given the role of Tybalt in the production. Because of this role, he was noticed by Hollywood.

Life and work

Wilde had several small film roles until he played the role of Frederic Chopin in 1945's A Song to Remember, for which he was nominated for an Academy Award. He spent the rest of the decade appearing in romantic and swashbuckling films, but he also appeared in some significant films noir Leave Her to Heaven (1945), Road House (1948) and Shockproof (1949). Wilde's career entered an interesting creative stretch when in the 1950s he created his own film production company, producing the film noir The Big Combo (1955) and played the lead. He eventually produced, directed and starred in The Naked Prey (1966), in which he played a naked man being tracked by hunters from an African tribe affronted by the behaviour of members of a safari party. His other notable directing efforts include Beach Red (1967) and No Blade of Grass (1970).

He married actress Jean Wallace, the former Mrs. Franchot Tone.


Wilde is interred in the Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery in Westwood, California.

Wilde has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame at 1635 Vine Street.

0 Replies
Reply Thu 13 Oct, 2005 05:42 am
Good morning, WA2K radio listeners and contributors.

Raggedy, dear, thanks so much for the updates on the celebs. I, of course, recognized Paul Simon as I'm certain that all of us here did. I always think of The Sounds of Silence when it's my quiet time, but I know the lyrics to that song are more negative than positive.

Good morning, Bob of Boston. You know, Hawkman, I had no idea that Johnny Mercer wrote the songs for that movie. I never saw it, I'm afraid.

Dedication song:

Don't let the sun catch you crying
The night's the time for your tears
Your heart may be broken tonight
But tomorrow in the morning light
Don't let the sun catch you crying

The night-time shadows disappear
And with them go all your tears
But the morning will bring joy
For every girl and boy, so
Don't let the sun catch you crying

They say that crying's not a bad thing
But stop your crying when the birds sing

It may be hard to discover
That you've been left for another
But don't forget that love's a game
And it can always, always come again

So, don't let the sun catch you crying
Don't let the sun catch you crying
Oh, no, no, no, no
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