WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Thu 19 May, 2005 04:26 pm
Is that what they say, dys? <smile>

Just to let our audience know that Letty still has some wits about her:

1828, from Fr. morphine or Ger. Morphin (1816), name coined in allusion to L. Morpheus, Ovid's name for the god of dreams, son of Sleep, lit. "the maker of shapes," from Gk. morphe "form, shape." So called because of the drug's sleep-inducing properties.

Our Panz is fine, it seems, but I would still like to see the book of the Boo, back and performing.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 May, 2005 05:35 pm
A candy-colored clown they call the sandman
Tiptoes to my room every night
Just to sprinkle star dust and to whisper
"Go to sleep, everything is all right"

I close my eyes then I drift away
Into the magic night, I softly say
A silent prayer like dreamers do
Then I fall asleep to dream my dreams of you

In dreams I walk with you
In dreams I talk to you
In dreams you're mine all the time
We're together in dreams, in dreams

But just before the dawn
I awake and find you gone
I can't help it, I can't help it if I cry
I remember that you said goodbye

Too bad it only seems
It only happens in my dreams
Only in dreams
In beautiful dreams.

Roy Orbison - In Dreams
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Reply Thu 19 May, 2005 05:46 pm
My Happiness Connie Francis

[Words by Betty Peterson and Music by Borney Bergantine]

Evening shadows make me blue
When each weary day is through
How I long to be with you, my happiness

Every day I reminisce
Dreaming of your tender kiss
Always thinking how I miss my happiness

A million years it seems
Have gone by since we shared our dreams
But I'll hold you again
There'll be no blue memories then

Whether skies are gray or blue
Any place on earth will do
Just as long as I'm with you, my happiness

Whether skies are gray or blue
Any place on earth will do
Just as long as I'm with you, my happiness
0 Replies
Reply Thu 19 May, 2005 05:46 pm
Beautiful, Edgar. Here's another one:

Roy orbison

Where the nile flows
And the moon glows
On the silent sand
Of an ancient land

When a dream dies
And the heart cries
Is the word they whisper low

Shahadaroba, shahadaroba
Means the future
Is much better than the past

Shahadaroba, shahadaroba
In the future
You will find a love that lasts

So when tears flow
And you don't know
What on earth to do
And your world is blue
When your dream dies
And your heart cries
Fate knows what's best for you

Shahadaroba, shahadaroba
Face the future
And forget about the past
Shahadaroba, shahadaroba
In the future
You will find a love that lasts
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Reply Thu 19 May, 2005 05:47 pm
Equally beautiful, diane.
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Reply Thu 19 May, 2005 05:58 pm
"A candy colored clown"...

Isn't it interesting, listeners, that although color is the watermark of supposed intelligence, it is really the black and white that makes us who we are.

Just a twilight moment tonight:

Caught somewhere between the night and the day,
Of things we hear, but do not say,
All full of promises ; sensing danger,
There is always that cur,
Who snarls in the manger.

There will always be those who have found their own, but want it exclusively, theirs alone

Therein lies the human San Andreas fault.
Not the round and circle of naught.
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Reply Thu 19 May, 2005 08:01 pm
The Old Lamplighter - The Browns

He made the night a little brighter
Wherever he would go
The old lamplighter
Of long, long ago
His snowy hair was so much whiter
Beneath the candle glow
The old lamplighter
Of long, long ago

You'd hear the patter of his feet
As he came toddling down the street
His smile would cheer a lonely heart you see
If there were sweethearts in the park
He'd pass a lamp and leave it dark
Remembering the days that used to be
For he recalled when things were new
He loved someone who loved him too
Who walks with him alone in memories

He made the night a little brighter
Wherever he would go
The old lamplighter
Of long, long ago
His snowy hair was so much whiter
Beneath the candle glow
The old lamplighter
Of long, long ago

Now if you look up in the sky
You'll understand the reason why
The little stars at night are all aglow
He turns them on when night is near
He turns them off when dawn is here
The little man we left so long ago
He made the night a little brighter
Wherever he would go
The old lamplighter of long, long ago

Also Recorded in 1946 by Hal Derwin #5 and Sammy Kaye #1
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Reply Thu 19 May, 2005 09:52 pm
to all of you here at WA2K radio .................

With the old lamplighter as a guide, I will say, Goodnight.

From Letty with love
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Reply Thu 19 May, 2005 10:08 pm
Good night Miss Letty http://www.mainzelahr.de/smile/winkend/yaya.gif
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Reply Fri 20 May, 2005 04:30 am
Good morning, WA2K radio fans.

I'm in the studio early, because I had to get up early for another trip to the hospital.

(Carson Robison)

The sun comes up and the sun goes down
And the hands on the clock go round and roumd
I just wake up and it's time to lay down,
Life gets teejus, don't it.

My shoe's untied, but, shucks, I don't care
Cuz I recon I ain't a-goin' nowhere,
I'd brush my teeth and comb my hair
Just too much wasted effort.

The water in the well get lower and lower,
Ain't had a bath in a month or more
I've heard it said and I'm sure it's true
That too much bathing will weaken you.

Danged ol' mule, he must be sick.
I jabbd him in the rump with a pin on a stick
He hunched his back, but he wouldn't lick
Something cock-eyed somewhere.

Hound dog's howling so forlorn
Laziest dawg that ever was born
He's howlin' 'cause he's settin' on a thorn
Just too tired to move over.

Well, the cow's gone dry and the hens won't lay
And my well dried up last Saturday
My troubles keep pilin' up day by day
And now I'm gettin' dandruff.

Roof's a-leakin' and the chimney leans,
An' there's a hole in the seat of my old blue jeans
Now I've et the last of the pork an' beans,
Just can't depend on nothin'

Mouse is gnawin' at the pantry door
He's been at it now for a month or more
When he gets through he'll sure be sore
Cause there ain't a dang thing in there.

Well, it's debts and taxes and pains and woes
Aches and miseries and that's how it goes
And now I'm getting a cold in my nose,
Life gets tasteless, don't it.

0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 May, 2005 04:39 am
Good morning listeners. It's a beautiful (and rare) day here in Boston. Friday. That means I sing tonight. Poor folks. Now don't start. Someone should warn them. They don't suspect a thing. Well they should round up the usual suspects and show them to a safe haven. Don't bandy words with me. I don't bandy, Coot. Then hold your tongue. Have you ever tried that, yuk. I give up. Good move. The wonderful aggie will tell you this morning that It's Joe Cocker's birthday.

Joe Cocker
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Joe Cocker (born John Robert Cocker May 20, 1944) is a pop music singer.

He started his musical career in the city of his birth Sheffield, England in some minor bands at the age of 15: the first band was the Avengers (under the stage name Vance Arnold), then Big Blues (1963), and then The Grease Band (1966). In 1969 he was featured on the American TV program The Ed Sullivan Show.

His first big hit was the song "With a Little Help from My Friends," a cover of the song by The Beatles off the Sgt. Pepper's album, [with guitar played by Jimmy Page]. The same year he appeared at the Woodstock Music Festival. He had further success covering Beatles tunes with his cover of their song "She Came In Through the Bathroom Window" off their Abbey Road album. Other early hits included "Cry Me a River" and "Feelin' Alright". In 1970, his live cover of the Box Tops' hit "The Letter", which appeared on the tour compilation album Mad Dogs & Englishmen, became his first U.S. Top Ten.

Onstage, he often exhibited a physical intensity as he sang, and his unique stage presence was often spoofed by comedian John Belushi (including an impromptu duet when Joe was the guest musician on Saturday Night Live).

In the beginning of 1970s he had problems with drugs including alcohol that had a bad influence on his musical career. He managed, however, to make a comeback in the 1980s and 1990s with several massive chart hits like:

* Up where We Belong, (Academy Award winning song written by Will Jennings and sung with Jennifer Warnes for the motion picture An Officer and a Gentleman);
* You are So Beautiful;
* When The Night Comes;
* N'oubliez Jamais or Unchain my heart.


Let's ask Joe if he'll favor us with a song.

Don't You Love me Anymore

Cocker Joe

Oh oh
I thought I'd see you smile
When I walked in the door
Thought those arms of yours would be open wide
The way they were before
Why do you look at me
Like I'm some stranger now
Why do you pull away
When you used to hold me so tight

Don't you love me anymore
Have your learned to live your life without me
Don't you love me, anymore
When did the fire go out
Where did the feeling go
Did it slip away when I wasn't there
Baby now I've come home
I thought you'd want me babe
I was so sure you'd ask me to to stay
I thought you'd need this too
Guess it didn't work out that way

Don't you love me anymore
Have you learned to live your life without me
Don't you love me anymore
When did the fire go out
Where did the feeling go
Why do you pull away
When you used to hold me so close baby
Don't you love me anymore
Have your learned to live your life without me
Don't you love me anymore
Don't you love me anymore
Have your learned to live your life without me
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 May, 2005 04:39 am
Everything's Okay - Hank Williams

I [g] went to the country - just [c] the other day
To see [d7] my uncle bill and sorta [g] pass the time away
I asked him how he'd been - since [c] last, I'd passed his way
He rubbed his [d7] chin - here's what he had [g] to say.

My wife's been sick - the [c] young'ns, too
And I'm [d7] durn near - down [g] with the flu
The cow's gone dry - and them [c] hens won't lay
But - [d7] we're still a-livin' - so ever'-[g] thing's okay.

The hogs took the cholera and they've all done died
The bees got mad - and they left the hive
The weevils got the corn and the rain rotted the hay
But - we're still a-livin' - so ever'thing's okay.

The porch rotted down - that's more expense
The durned old mule - he tore down the fence
The mortgage is due and - I can't pay
But - we're still a-livin' - so ever'thing's okay.

The cow broke in the field and eat up the beans
The durn rabbits - they got the turnip greens
And my ma-in-law just moved in to stay
But - we're still a-livin' - so ever'thing's okay.

My land's so poor - so hard and yeller
You have to set on a sack of fetilizer to raise an umbreller
And it rains out here - nearly ever' day
But - we're still a-livin' - so ever'thing's okay.

The well's gone dry and I have to tote the water
Up from the spring - about a mile and a quarter
My helper, he quit - for the lack of pay
But - we're still a-livin' - so ever'thing's okay.

The house it leaks - it needs a new top
When it rains - it wets ever'thing we got
The chimney fell down - just yesterday
But - we're still a-livin' - so ever'thing's okay.

The corn meals gone and the meat's run out
Got nothin' to kill to put in the smokehouse
The preacher's comin' sunday - to spend the day
But - we're still a-livin' - so ever'thing's okay.

The canned stuff's spoiled - else the jar's got broke
And all we got left is one old billy goat
We're gonna have a new baby about the first of may
But - we're still a-livin' - so ever'thing's okay.

My crop it rotted - in the ground
I asked for another loan but the banker turned me down
But - we're still a-livin' and we're prayin' for better days
So - after all, ever'thing's in purty good shape.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 May, 2005 05:05 am
Glad to see Bob the hawk man back and singing with Joe. Thanks, for that bit of bio, Boston. Good luck tonight, and let us know how it goes.

edgar, Great "down at the heels" Hank song. I suppose the best way to cheer yourself up, is to get down first.

I was reading over Francis' thread on Flaubert and the response by C.J., and what a surprise. There was Mathos the Mercenary, and Spendius the slave. Shocked

Question for the day:

John Henry was a steel drivin' man, but what was "the shaker"?
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Reply Fri 20 May, 2005 05:32 am
Good Day to all.

Good Luck tonight, Bob.

May 20 Birthdays:

1759 William Thornton architect (Capitol building, Washington DC) Died 1828
1768 Dolley Madison, First Lady of the United States (Guilford County, NC; died 1849)
1799 Honoré de Balzac, novelist (Tours, France; died 1850)
1806 John Stuart Mill, economist/philosopher (Britain; died 1873)
1844 Henri Rousseau, painter (Laval, Mayenne, France; died 1910)
1881 Sigrid Undset, novelist/poet (Norway; died 1949)
1890 Allan Nevins, historian (Camp Point, IL; died 1971)
1908 James Stewart, actor (Indiana, PA; died 1997)
1915 Moshe Dayan, Israeli general/public official (Israel; died 1981)
1919 George Gobel Chicago IL, comedian/TV personality (I Love My Wife) died 1991
1933 Danny Aiello New York NY, actor (Moonstruck, Do the Right Thing)
1936 Anthony Zerbe, actor (Long Beach, CA)
1944 Joe Cocker, singer (Sheffield, England)
1946 Cher, singer/actress (El Centro, CA)
1959 Bronson Pinchot, actor (New York, NY)
1960 Tony Goldwyn Los Angeles CA, actor (Ghost, Kuffs, Traces of Red)
1966 Mindy Cohn Los Angeles CA, actress (Facts of Life)
1972 Busta Rhymes, rapper (Brooklyn, NY)

http://www.wildestwesterns.com/images/issue_4_images/james-stewart.jpg http://www.peoples.ru/art/music/pop/cher/cher_1.jpg
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Reply Fri 20 May, 2005 05:56 am
Thanks, Raggedy for the celebs update. I was particularly impressed with Balzac because his short story, "Passion in the Desert", was fascinating to me when I read it as a child, and it still is. That must have been during my wild animal segment.

From Cher:

Drums keep pounding rhythm to the brave
La de la de deee
La de la de daaaa

When you have reached the edge by far
History has turned the page by far
We still wanna hear a brand new thing uh huh
We still need a song to sing uh huh

And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on

Drums keep pounding rhythm to the brave
La de la de deee
La de la de daaaa

Love is the first thing, last thing on my mind
From tonight till the end of time

And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes
And the beat goes
And the beat goes on

Drums keep pounding rhythm to the brave
La de la de deee
La de la de daaaa

We Still move to a rhythm just like this
We Still dream of sharing our first Kiss

And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on
And the beat goes on

World keeps turning faster everyday (everyday)
We still wannal dance the night away

And the beat goes on (and the beat goes on)
And the beat goes on (and the beat goes on)
And the beat goes on (and the beat goes on)
And the beat goes on (and the beat goes on)
And the beat goes on (and the beat goes on)
And the beat goes on (and the beat goes on)

Hmmmm. I always thought that line was "...drums keep pounding rhythm to the 'brain' ".
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Reply Fri 20 May, 2005 07:33 am
Happy 60th birthday to Pete Townshend, songwriter and guitarist for "The Who."
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 May, 2005 07:51 am
Dys: Pete was yesterday - May 19. But, two Happy B.D. greetings is even better. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 May, 2005 08:00 am

Did you know that Passion in the Desert was a 1997 movie, Letty?

Writing credits
Honoré de Balzac (story) (as Honoré De Balzac)
Lavinia Currier (screenplay)
Martin Edmunds (additional script)

Ben Daniels .... Augustin Robert
Michel Piccoli .... Jean-Michel Venture de Paradis
Paul Meston .... Grognard
Kenneth Collard .... Officer
Nadia Odeh .... Bedouin Bride
Auda Mohammed Badoul .... Shepherd Boy
Mohammed Ali .... Medicine Man
Habis Hussein .... Bedouin
0 Replies
Reply Fri 20 May, 2005 08:00 am
is this today already? I thought it was still yesterday (need to get my watch fixed)
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Reply Fri 20 May, 2005 08:15 am
Dys: You gave me a scare Laughing and then I realized that today's date is on our posts here.
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