Welcome back, M&M.
mooseman, funny clip by Steve Martin. Now I recall The Jerk and that was funny, but also had something to say. Thanks, Kansas. My favorite by him was the movie Simple Twist of Fate, however. He played a serious role and was terrific.
Mark, I don't know Suede and although I went to the archives, I didn't learn too much. Loved that song, Wales, but was perplexed by the visuals. Great voice by that man. I guess he was the lead singer of the band.
A couple of songs for the past noon crowd.
First, Steve and his banjo with another famous five string man.
Now a fantastic voice by an opera vocalist who my older sister inquired after. Had no idea that he was blind.
Be sure and check out the song that I played this morning, y'all.
Incidentally, hold healing thoughts for Barry the Brit. He is NOT well.