Good morning.
Some December 5 birthdays:
1830 -
Christina Rossetti, English poet (d. 1894); 1898 -
Grace Moore, American soprano (d. 1947); 1901 -
Walt Disney, American animated film producer (d. 1966) ; 1906 -
Otto Preminger, Austrian-born film director, producer, and actor (directed The Moon is Blue (1953): a comedy which was condemned by the Catholic Legion of Decency for use of the word “virgin.” ; Carmen Jones (1954): A reworking of the opera Carmen in an African-American setting; The Man with the Golden Arm (1955): Based on the novel by Nelson Algren, one of the first Hollywood films to deal with heroin addiction.; Porgy and Bess (1959); Anatomy of a Murder (1959);Exodus (1960): Filming of the Leon Uris bestseller set around the founding of the state of Israel; Advise and Consent (1962): Political drama from the Allen Drury bestseller. One of the first mainstream films to deal frankly with homosexuality; The Cardinal (1963); Bunny Lake is Missing (1965): (d. 1986) ;
1932 -
Little Richard, American singer and pianist ;1934 -
Joan Didion, American writer ;1944 -
Jeroen Krabbé, Dutch actor (The Prince of Tides(Streissand's violinist husband, (1991) ;Stalin (1992) ; The Fugitive (1993) ; Immortal Beloved (1994), et al; 1946 -
José Carreras, Spanish tenor; 1947 -
Jim Messina, American musician (Buffalo Springfield, Loggins and Messina); and 1951 -
Morgan Brittany, American actress
Little Richard, Jeroen Krabbe, Jose Carrera and Jim Messina

And a good day to all.