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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 10:03 am
Hey, edgar. I had forgotten about Cool Hand Luke, and I recall that song as well.

Raggedy, Thanks for The Royal Canadian version, (hbg should know that one) and as for Sweeny Todd, I haven't seen the Johnny Depp movie, but I was given to understand that Sondheim songs were featured.

Last evening I watched a Robert Redford movie called The Clearing. It's one of those whose ending is VERY unsatisfactory; however, it did bring this to mind, folks.

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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 11:20 am

The law they swore they'd get him . . .
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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 12:42 pm
Thanks, edgar, for reminding us that Robert Mitchum sang. Hey, he wasn't bad at all.

The last movie that I recall having seen Mitchum in was Scrooged, but I just found out that he narrated Tombstone. Loved that movie, so how could I forget that.

Well, folks, thanks to Raggedyaggie, I did find this song from Sweeny Todd by Sondheim. Should I have misspelled in proper names, let it be known that our editor has the weekend off. Razz

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 02:03 pm
good afternoon listeners .
i'm going to take you back just a few years now .

The Invincible Armado


Melody - Samuel Arnold

John O'Keefe

In May, fifteen hundred and eighty and eight,
Cries Philip, "The English I'll humble,
I've taken it into my majesty's pate,
And the lion, Oh! down he shall tumble.
The Lords of the sea!" - then his sceptre he shook,
"I'll prove it all arrant bravado.
By Neptune I'll sweep 'em all into a nook,
With th'invincible Spanish Armado."

This fleet started out and the winds they did blow;
Their guns made a terrible clatter.
Our noble Queen Bess, 'cos she wanted to know;
Quill'd her ruff and cried, "Pray, what's the matter?"
"They say, my good Queen," replies Howard so stout,
"The Spaniard has drawn his Toledo.
Odds bobbins! he'll thump us, and kick us about,
With th'invincible Spanish Armado."
The Lord Mayor of London, a very wise man,
What to do in the case, vastly wondered.
Says the Queen, "Send in fifty good ships, if you can,"
Says my Lord May'r, "I'll send you a hundred."
Our fine ships soon struck ev'ry cannon all dumb,
For the Dons ran to Ave and Credo.
Don Medina roars out, "Sure the foul fiend is come
For th'invincible Spanish Armado."

On Effingham's squadron, tho' all in a breast,
Like open-mouth'd curs they came bowling.
His sugar-plums finding they could not digest,
Away they ran yelping, and howling.
Whene'er Briton's foe shall, with envy agog,
In our channel make such a tornado
Huzza! my brave boys! we're still lusty to flog
An Invincible Spanish Armado.



The composer of this spirited song was one of the most distinguished musicians in eighteenth-century England. Dr. Samuel Arnold was organist and composer to the Chapel Royal, conductor of the Academy of Antient Musick and the editor of the first uniform edition of the works of George Frederick Handel. As well as all this, he found time to compose the music for several plays and operas which were given at Covent Garden. 'The 1nvincible Armado' comes from one of his musical plays The Siege of Cuzzola which was first performed in 1785. Although not as successful as some of his pieces, the songs contained in the play were published and performed frequently in the London pleasure gardens. Material success must have appealed to Dr. Arnold, but one gets the impression that his mind was mainly on higher things. He died of a fall from his library steps in October 1802.

John O'Keefe (1747-1833) was an actor and dramatist whose comic plays enjoyed enormous popularity at the Haymarket and Covent Garden. Nowadays he is best remembered for the song 'I am a Friar of Orders Grey' which was featured in his Merry Sherwood.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 02:33 pm
Great, hbg. What a wonderful song of history, Canada.

How about a parody of that Armada sung to the tune of Pina Colado. Razz

I was called by my lady.
England's glorious Queen.
Elizabeth said, "I need you
to fight that navy so mean."
I said, "Your Majesty, I shall
fight those Russians we hate."
She said, "I'm not Liz the Second.
This is 1588."

"And we hate Spanish Armada.
Let's get them caught in the rain.
They got sent out by King Philip.
They only have half a brain.
We'll fire on them 'til midnight
in the Channel, by the cape.
We'll be Spaniards' worst nightmare.
And they'll never escape."

(instrumental break)

'Twas the order of my lady:
"Drive them all from the scene."
Because King Philip is shady.
Married Mary, her late sister, so mean.
Allied another Mary, cousin.
Scotland's throne, that she had.
She's now out of the picture.
But Spain's still acting so bad.

I'll fight the Spanish Armada.
I'll get them caught in the rain.
With Francis Drake as our admiral.
We might be drinking champagne.
We've got to fight them at tomorrow noon.
We'll leave their mouths all agape.
With our fireships blazing
they will never escape.

(instrumental break)

So we sailed out with high hopes
and we ruled o'er the place.
We fired each one of our cannons.
The Spanish lost, a disgrace.
I went back up to my lady.
She said, "For this, I knight you.
Dub thee Sir Michael of Brunswick."
I said, "My Queen, yes, I knew..."

"We could beat Spanish Armada.
Could get them caught in the rain.
I guess that arrogant Philip
he was far-gone insane.
For his empire's struck midnight
and there'll be shrinking of its shape.
Now can I have me a land-grant?
Virginia will be my escape!"

(instrumental fadeout)

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 03:29 pm
since we are already in spain ... ...

Eddie Fisher - Lady Of Spain Lyrics

He was heard in 1949 by Eddie Cantor at Grossinger's Resort in the Borscht Belt.

hey , that's a place we know . about a two-hour drive from kingston


(a two ladies man Question Shocked Laughing )
(does the left hand know what the right hand is doing ?)

Lady of Spain, I adore you
Right from the night I first saw you
My heart has been yearning for you
What else could any heart do?
Lady of Spain, I'm appealing
Why should my lips be concealing
All that my eyes are revealing?
Lady of Spain, I love you

Night in Madrid, blue and tender
Spanish moon makes silver splendor
Music throbbing, plaintive sobbing notes of a guitar
While ardent caballeros serenade:

Lady of Spain, I adore you
Right from the night I first saw you
My heart has been yearning for you
What else could any heart do?
Lady of Spain, I'm appealing
Why should my lips be concealing
All that my eyes are revealing?
Lady of Spain, I love you
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Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 03:38 pm

Wild Colonial Boy
Mick Jagger
From a film in which Mick stars as Ned Kelly, the Australian folk character.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 04:13 pm
Well, hbg. I know that one. UhOh! There's the eternal triangle-Liz, Eddie, and Debbie. Of course, there is also the song, "I've Never Been to Spain", but my sister has. Razz

edgar, I cannot believe how Mick has morphed, and it's for the better I think. Thanks for the reminder, Texas.

Well, we've done Spain, so let's do Portugal, shall we?

I found my April dream in Portugal with you
When we discovered romance, like we never knew.
My head was in the clouds, My heart went crazy too,
And madly I said: "I love you."

Too soon I heard you say:
"This dream is for a day"
That's Porugal and love in April!
And when the showers fell,
Those tears I know so well,
They told me it was spring fooling me.

I found my April dream in Portugal with you
When we discovered romance, like I never knew.
Then morning brought the rain,
And now my dream is through
But still my heart says "I love you."

This sad reality, To know it couldn't be,
That's Portugal and love in April!
The music and the wine convinced me you were mine,
But it was just the spring fooling me.

I found my April dream in Portugal with you
When we discovered romance, like I never knew.
Then morning brought the rain,
And now my dream is through
But still my heart says "I love you."

and in the original language...

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 04:43 pm
Breaking news:

Defunct spy satellite falling from orbit
By EILEEN SULLIVAN, Associated Press Writer 1 hour, 35 minutes ago

WASHINGTON - A large U.S. spy satellite has lost power and propulsion and could hit the Earth in late February or March, government officials said Saturday.

The satellite, which no longer can be controlled, could contain hazardous materials, and it is unknown where on the planet it might come down, they said. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because the information is classified as secret.
"Appropriate government agencies are monitoring the situation," said Gordon Johndroe, a spokesman for the National Security Council. "Numerous satellites over the years have come out of orbit and fallen harmlessly. We are looking at potential options to mitigate any possible damage this satellite may cause."

The rest of the story

0 Replies
Reply Sat 26 Jan, 2008 08:27 pm
I just had a memory, my friends, and I think I will take it to bed with me.

My goodnight song.

My desert is waiting,
Dear come there with me
I'm hoping to teach you
Love's sweet melody

I'll sing a love song or two,
Painting a picture of blue.

Blue heaven and you and I,
And sand kissing a moonlit sky
The desert breeze whispering
A lullabye, only stars above you
To say I love you.

Oh, give me that night divine
and let my arms and yours entwine
The desert song calling
It's song enthralling,
Will make you mine.



From Letty with love
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 08:52 am
Good morning WA2K.
Can't get the Desert Song out of my head, Letty. Laughing

Some of today's birthday notables:

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart; Lewis Carroll; Jerome Kern; William Randolph Hearst, Jr.; Donna Reed(died 1986) and Troy Donahue(died 2001)

Wishing a Happy 44th to Bridget Fonda and 60th to Mikhail Baryshnikov:


Remembering Jerome Kern:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 09:23 am
Good morning, Raggedy pup. Ah, the music of Jerome Kern, PA. Loved the Paul Robeson song, gal, and thanks for the dynamic duo. Yep, Sondheim is wonderful.

Here's another from the Kern creations, folks.

Yesterdays by Jerome Kerns

Days I knew as happy sweet
Sequestered days
Olden days
Golden days
Days of mad romance and love
Then gay youth was mine
And truth was mine
Joyous free and flaming life
Forsooth was mine
Sad am I
Glad am I
For today I'm dreaming of
Of yesterdays
Then gay youth was mine
The truth was mine
Sad am I
Glad am I
For today I'm dreaming of
Of yesterdays

0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 10:03 am
Christian Brando has died of pneumonia.

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Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 10:36 am

Marty Robbins in a great live performance.
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Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 10:42 am
Roger Cicero live in Hamburg - some German swing music...

0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 12:02 pm
edgar, do you suppose that Marlon named him Christian as a result of this? Thanks, Texas, for the Marty memory and the serendipity of the instrument gone wrong.

Urs, That was one swingin' Hamburg, honey. Loved listening To Cicero.


Speaking of "worry", folks. How about this one by Francis Albert.

0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 02:34 pm
this Joni Mitchell lyric is the only musical reference to Brando i can think of Cool

My darling dime store thief
In the War of Independence
Rock 'n' roll rang sweet as victory
Under neon signs
A girl was in bloom
And a woman was fading
In a suburban room
I said take me to the dance
Do you want to dance?
I love to dance
And I told him They don't take chances
They seem so removed from romance
They've been broken in churches and schools
And molded to middle class circumstance
And we were rolling rolling rock 'n' rolling

The dance halls and cafes
Feel so wild you could break somebody's heart
Just doing the latest dance craze
Gail and Louise
In those push-up brassieres
Tight dresses and rhinestone rings
Drinking up the band's beers
Young love was kissing under bridges
Kissing in cars kissing in cafes
And we were walking down Main Street
Kisses like bright flags hung on holidays
In France they kiss on Main Street
Amour, mama, not cheap display
And we were rolling, rolling, rock 'n' rolling

In the pinball arcade
With his head full of pool hall pitches
And songs from the hit parade
He'd be singing "Bye Bye Love"
While he's racking up his free play
Let those rock 'n' roll choir boys
Come and carry us away
Sometimes Chickie had the car
Or Ron had a car
Or Lead Foot Melvin with his hot-wire head
We'd all go looking for a party
Looking to raise Jesus up from the dead
And I'd be kissing in the back seat
Thrilling to the Brando-like things that he said
And we'd be rolling rolling rock 'n' rolling
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 02:58 pm
Love that song, M.D., Brando or no. Razz

Here's the only song that I can think of that refers to the book "Strangers in a Strange Land"

Here I stand, watching the tide go out
So all alone and blue
Just dreaming dreams of you

I watched your ship
As it sailed out to sea
Taking all my dreams
And taking all of me

The sighing of the waves
The wailing of the wind
The tears in my eyes burn
Pleading, "My love, return"

Why, oh, why must I go on like this?
Shall I just be a lonely
Stranger on the Shore?

The sighing of the waves
The wailing of the wind
The tears in my eyes burn
Pleading, "My love, return"
Why, oh, why must I go on like this?
Shall I just be a lonely
Stranger on the shore?

0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 03:13 pm
This post is for Letty's eyes only.

Just between you and me, Letty. Laughing

Earlier comment concerning Softly as in a Morning Sunrise which Letty played.
Letty: Wonder if that song was in Johnny Depp's Sweeny Todd?

Raggedyaggie: Confused about your allusion to Sweeney Todd.
Goes on to chatter about Sweeney Todd. Letty then plays music from Sweeney Todd.

Friday night Letty plays The Desert Song.

Raggedyaggie wishes a good morning and comments: Can't get the Desert Song out of my head, Letty. Proceeds to yak about today's birthdays and plays Ol Man River.

Letty replies: Ah, the music of Jerome Kern, PA. Loved the Paul Robeson song, gal, and thanks for the dynamic duo. Yep, Sondheim is wonderful.

Idea Idea Letty: Not that it's that important, but could you be confusing Sigmund Romberg with Steven Sondheim?

Cause if you are, I understand and if you aren't I understand anyway. Very Happy
0 Replies
Reply Sun 27 Jan, 2008 03:26 pm
Raggedy, I have been confused all day, honey. Got L.Ron Hubbard mixed up with Robert Heinlein. Confused Well, regardless, puppy, Romberg and Sondheim do good stuff, right?

Letty is not left-brained nor right brained but...

You're as pleasant as the morning and refreshing as the rain
Isn't it a pity that you're such a scatterbrain?
When you smile it's so delightful
When you talk it's so insane
Still it's charming chatter, scatterbrain
I know I'll end up apoplectic
But there's nothing I can do
It's just the same as being in a hurricane
And though my life will be too hectic
I'm so much in love with you
Nothing else can matter
You're my darling scatterbrain

You're as gay as New Year parties, you're as sweet as sugarcane
But when you get serious, you're such a scatterbrain
When we dance I think it's heaven
Till about the third refrain
Then you start your patter, scatterbrain
Perhaps I'm much too analytic
But I'm up the well-known tree
I've tried to understand your double-talk in vain
Yet won't you please forgive your critic
'Cause you mean so much to me
Nothing else can matter
You're my darling scatterbrain

Well, at least some folks think I'm pleasant and refreshing. Razz
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WA2K Radio is now on the air, Part 3 - Discussion by edgarblythe
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