WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 07:44 pm
On The Sunny Side Of The Street
Ted Lewis

[Lyrics by Dorothy Fields]
[Music by Jimmy McHugh]

Grab your coat and get your hat
Leave your worries on the doorstep
Life can be so sweet
On the sunny side of the street

Can't you hear the pitter-pat
And that happy tune is your step
Life can be complete
On the sunny side of the street

I used to walk in the shade
With those blues on parade
But I'm not afraid
Because this rover crossed over

And if I never had a cent
I'd be rich as Rockefeller
With gold dust at my feet
On the sunny side of the street
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 07:50 pm
Stein Song
Rudy Vallee

[Words by Lincoln Colcord]
[Music by Adelbert Sprague and E A Fenstad]

Oh, fill the steins to dear old Maine
Shout till the rafters ring
Stand and drink a toast once again
Let every loyal Maine man sing
Then drink to all the happy hours
Drink to the careless days
Drink to Maine, our alma mater
The college of our hearts always

To the trees, to the sky
To the Spring and its glorious happiness
To the youth, to the fire
To the light that is moving and calling us
To the gods, to the fate
To the rulers of men and their destinies
To the lips, to the eyes
To the girls who will love us someday

Oh, fill the steins to dear old Maine
Shout till the rafters ring
Stand and drink a toast once again
Let every loyal Maine man sing
Then drink to all the happy hours
Drink to the careless days
Drink to Maine, our alma mater
The college of our hearts always

To the trees, to the sky
To the Spring and its glorious happiness
To the youth, to the fire
To the light that is moving and calling us
To the gods, to the fate
To the rulers of men and their destinies
To the lips, to the eyes
To the girls who will love us someday

Oh, fill the steins to dear old Maine
Shout till the rafters ring
Stand and drink a toast once again
Let every loyal Maine man sing
Then drink to all the happy hours
Drink to the careless days
Drink to Maine, our alma mater
The college of our hearts always
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 07:54 pm
Winchester Cathedral
You're bringing me down
You stood and you watched as
My baby left town

You could have done something
But you didn't try
You didn't do nothing
You let her walk by

Now everyone knows just how much I needed that gal
She wouldn't have gone far away
If only you'd started ringing your bell

Winchester Cathedral
You're bringing me down
You stood and you watched as
My baby left town

Oh-bo-de-o-do oh-bo-de-o-do
Oh-bo-de-o-do de-do- duh
0 Replies
Tai Chi
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 07:54 pm
Emily, Please
by Luke Doucet

You take the whole thing, baby
not just the broken parts
because the rest ain't no good to me
without my broken heart
Emily, please don't send me packing
in this dilapidated state
I'm on the brink of being sober
this was to be my last drink

I know I lost my good fedora
and I lost my good cane
but I still have my old Waltham pocket watch
you call the ball and chain
so I'll make you beautiful promises
with all my biggest words
some I can keep better than others --
some don't belong in this world

Emily, please don't send me packing
in this dilapidated state
I'm on the brink of being sober
this was to be my last drink
Emily, please don't tell my mother
Emily, please -- she's getting old
won't you pour me just one more drink
if I'm to sleep out in the cold
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 07:55 pm
England swings like a pendulum do,
Bobbies on bicycles, two by two,
Westminster Abbey the tower of Big Ben,
The rosy red cheeks of the little children.

Now, if you huff and puff and you fina'lly save enough
Money up to take your family on a trip across the sea,
Take a tip before you take your trip; let me tell you where to go,
Go to Engeland, Oh;

Mama's old pajamas and your papa's mustache,
Falling out the window sill, frolic in the grass,
Tryin' to mock the way they talk fun but all in vain,
Gaping at the dapper men with derby hats and canes
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 07:59 pm
Levi Stubbs' Tears
Billy Bragg

With the money from her accident
She bought herself a mobile home
So at least she could get some enjoyment
Out of being alone
No one could say that she was left up on the shelf
It's you and me against the World kid she mumbled to herself

When the world falls apart some things stay in place
Levi Stubbs' tears run down his face

She ran away from home with her mother's best coat
She was married before she was even entitled to vote
And her husband was one of those blokes
The sort that only laughs at his own jokes
The sort that war takes away
And when there wasn't a war he left anyway

Norman Whitfield and Barratt Strong
Are here to make right everything that's wrong
Holland and Holland and Lamont Dozier too
Are here to make it all okay with you

One dark night he came home from the sea
And put a hole in her body where no hole should be
It hurt her more to see him walking out the door
And though they stitched her back together they left her heart in pieces on the

When the world falls apart some things stay in place
She takes off the Four Tops tape and puts it back in its case
When the world falls apart some things stay in place
Levi Stubbs' tears...
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:01 pm
Days Like These (U.K. Version)
Billy Bragg

The party that became so powerful by sinking
foreign boats
Is dreaming up new promises because promises
win votes
And being resolute in conference with the
ad man's expertise
The majority by their silence shall pay for days like these

The right to build communities is back behind
closed doors
'Tween government and people stands the right arm
of the law
And shame upon the patriot when the mark of the
Bulldog Breed
Is a family without a home and a pensioner in need

Those whose lives are ruled by dogma are waiting
for a sign
The Better Dead Than Red Brigade are listening on the line
And the liberal, with a small L cries in front of the TV
And another demonstration passes on to history
Peace, bread, work, and freedom is the best we
can achieve
And wearing badges is not enough in days like these
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:06 pm
Waiting For The Great Leap Forwards
Billy Bragg

It may have been Camelot for Jack and Jacqueline
But on the Che Guevara highway filling up with gasoline
Fidel Castro's brother spies a rich lady who's crying
Over luxury's disappointment
So he walks over and he's trying
To sympathise with her but he thinks that he should warn her
That the Third World is just around the corner

In the Soviet Union a scientist is blinded
By the resumption of nuclear testing and he is reminded
That Dr Robert Oppenheimer's optimism fell
At the first hurdle

In the Cheese Pavilion and the only noise I hear
Is the sound of someone stacking chairs
And mopping up spilt beer
And someone asking questions and basking in the light
Of the fifteen fame filled minutes of the fanzine writer

Mixing Pop and Politics he asks me what the use is
I offer him embarrassment and my usual excuses
While looking down the corridor
Out to where the van is waiting
I'm looking for the Great Leap Forwards

Jumble sales are organised and pamphlets have been posted
Even after closing time there's still parties to be hosted
You can be active with the activists
Or sleep in with the sleepers
While you're waiting for the Great Leap Forwards

One leap forward, two leaps back
Will politics get me the sack?

Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards

Here comes the future and you can't run from it
If you've got a blacklist I want to be on it

Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards

It's a mighty long way down rock 'n roll
From Top of the Pops to drawing the dole

Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards

If no one seems to understand
Start your own revolution and cut out the middleman

Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards

In a perfect world we'd all sing in tune
But this is reality so give me some room

Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards

So join the struggle while you may
The Revolution is just a T-shirt away

Waiting for the Great Leap Forwards
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:13 pm
Strike Up The Band
Red Nichols

Let the drums roll out
Let the trumpet call
While the people shout
Strike up the band
Hear the cymbals ring
Calling one and all
To the martial swing
Strike up the band.
There is work to be done, to be done
There's a war to be won, to be won
Come you son of son of a gun
Take your stand
Fall in line, yea bo
Come along, let's go
Hey, leader
Strike up the band
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:14 pm
Sunny Side Up
Earl Burnett

[Words and Music by B G DeSylva
Lew Brown and Ray Henderson]

Keep your sunny side up, up
Hide the side that gets blue
If you have nine sons in a row
Baseball teams make money, you know
Keep your funny side up, up
Let your laughter come thru, do
Stand upon your legs, be like two fried eggs
Keep your sunny side up
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:14 pm
BILLY JOEL lyrics - "Piano Man"


It's nine o'clock on a Saturday
The regular crowd shuffles in
There's an old man sitting next to me
Making love to his tonic and gin

He says, "Son can you play me a memory
I'm not really sure how it goes
But it's sad and it's sweet
And I knew it complete
When I wore a younger man's clothes"

Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feeling alright

Now John at the bar is a friend of mine
He gets me my drinks for free
And he's quick with a joke or to light up your smoke
But there's someplace that he'd rather be

He says, "Bill, I believe this is killing me"
As a smile ran away from his face
"Well, I'm sure that I could be a movie star
If I could get out of this place"

Now Paul is a real estate novelist
Who never had time for a wife
And he's talking with Davy, who's still in the Navy
And probably will be for life

And the waitress is practicing politics
As the businessmen slowly get stoned
Yes they're sharing a drink they call loneliness
But it's better than drinking alone

Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feeling alright

It's a pretty good crowd for a Saturday
And the manager gives me a smile
'Cause he knows that it's me they've been coming to see
To forget about life for a while

And the piano sounds like a carnival
And the microphone smells like a beer
And they sit at the bar and put bread in my jar
And say "Man what are you doing here?"

Sing us a song you're the piano man
Sing us a song tonight
Well we're all in the mood for a melody
And you've got us feeling alright
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:17 pm
As I remember it, we was listening to WBAP-Dallas Tx

All across Kansas, all across Kansas
in the night-
We'll reach Missouri in the dawn's
early light.
My sister and I in the back seat don't
care how far we got to go.
We want to keep rolling, listening to
that late night radio.

Mama took the suitcases and blankets
made us a little nest.
Every time we peek up she says
"You kids try to get a little rest."
We can hear her and daddy singing,
warm as the dashlight glow,
In the back seat, rain for the drumbeat,
listening to that late night radio.

We're almost sleeping,
tucking in our legs and arms.
We're almost dreaming,
looking through the rain at the little lights of the farms.
If we get stuck in the mud,
my daddy he will carry us I know.
The music's coming all the way from
Texas on the late night radio.

Now my own children
are back in that nest where I used to be.
Every time they peek up, I say
"You kids now try to get a little sleep,"
And the older girl says,
"Daddy I wish we could drive all night,
Just go and go-
Oh I love it when it's raining
can we listen to the radio?
Listen to that late night radio.
Can we drive all night
and Daddy listen to
can we drive all night now Daddy and listen to that
late night radio?
In the back seat, rain for the drum beat,
listen to that late night radio?
In the back seat, rain for the drum beat,
listen to that late night radio.
Coming all the way from Texas,
Oh that late night radio.
In the back seat, rain for the drum beat,
listen to that late night radio.
Oh I love it, I love it , I love it,
Love it when it's raining
Can we go and go and go and go and go and go and go and ....
Listen to that late night radio.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:22 pm
Ten Cents A Dance
Ruth Etting

[Words by Lorenz Hart]
[Music by Richard Rodgers]

Ten cents a dance
That's what they pay me
Gosh, how they weigh me down
Ten cents a dance
Pansies and rough guys
Tough guys who tear my gown

Seven to midnight I hear drums
Loudly the saxophone blows
Trumpets are tearing my eardrums
Customers crush my toes

Sometimes I think I've found my hero
But it's a queer romance
All that you need is a ticket
Come on, big boy, ten cents a dance
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:23 pm
Three Little Words
Duke Ellington

[Written by H Ruby]

Three Little Words
Oh, what I'd give for that wonderful phrase
To hear those Three Little Words
That's all I'd live
For the rest of my days

And what I feel in my heart
They tell sincerely
No other words can tell it half so clearly
Three Little Words
Eight little letters
Which simply mean
I Love You
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:32 pm
What Is This Thing Called Love
Leo Reisman

What is this thing called love
This funny thing called love
Just who can solve its mystery
Why should it make a fool of me

I saw you there one wonderful day
You took my heart and you threw it away

Now I ask the Lord in heaven above
What is this thing called love
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:32 pm
I'm beginning to get worried about our Letty. Does anyone know anything? I do wish she'd check in. Confused Sad

Meanwhile, here's another great song from the Piano Man.


In every heart there is a room
A sanctuary safe and strong
To heal the wounds from lovers past
Until a new one comes along

I spoke to you in cautious tones
You answered me with no pretense
And still I feel I said too much
My silence is my self defense

And every time I've held a rose
It seems I only felt the thorns
And so it goes, and so it goes
And so will you soon I suppose

But if my silence made you leave
Then that would be my worst mistake
So I will share this room with you
And you can have this heart to break

And this is why my eyes are closed
It's just as well for all I've seen
And so it goes, and so it goes
And you're the only one who knows

So I would choose to be with you
That's if the choice were mine to make
But you can make decisions too
And you can have this heart to break

And so it goes, and so it goes
And you're the only one who knows
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:39 pm
Why Was I Born?
Helen Morgan

Why was I born
Why am I living
What do I get
What am I giving
Why do I want a thing
I daren't hope for
What can I hope for
I wish I knew
Why do I try to draw you near me
Why do I cry
You never hear me
I'm a poor fool
But what can I do
Why was I born to love you
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:41 pm
There has been no word, since letty informed us she would be away to tend to personal problems. Wish we had some sign from her.
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:44 pm
Without A Song
Paul Whiteman

Without a song the day would never end
Without a song the road could never bend
Without a song a man ain't got a friend
Without a Song

That field of corn would never see a plow
That field of corn would be deserted now
A man is born but he's no good, no how
Without a Song

I got my troubles and woes
But sure as I know
The Jordon will roll
I'll get along
As long as my song
Is strong in my soul

I'll never know what makes the leaves to fall
I'll never know what makes the grass so tall
I only know there ain't no love at all
Without a song
0 Replies
Reply Thu 10 May, 2007 08:45 pm
You Brought A New Kind Of To Me
Paul Whiteman & his Orchestra v/ Bing Crosby

If a nightengale could sing like you
They'd sing much sweeter than they do
For you've brought a new kind of love to me

If the sandman brought me dreams of you
I'd want to sleep my whole life through
For you've brought a new kind of love to me

I know that I'm the slave, you're the queen
But still you can understand that underneath it all
You're the maid and I am only a man

I would work and slave The whole day through
If I could hurry home to you
For you've brought a new kind of love to me
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WA2K Radio is now on the air, Part 3 - Discussion by edgarblythe
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