WA2K Radio is now on the air

Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 03:07 pm
Well, I invited Ellinas here; let's hope he makes it, listeners. Would really like to hear more about Elena.

And there's our Try with love stuff. How about an antithesis, buddy:

Artist: Mary Chapin Carpenter Lyrics
Song: I'll Never Fall in Love Again Lyrics

What do you get when you fall in love?
A guy with a pin to burst your bubble
That's what you get for all your trouble.
I'll never fall in love again.
I'll never fall in love again.

What do you get when you kiss a guy?
You get enough germs to catch pneumonia.
After you do, he'll never phone you.
I'll never fall in love again.
I'll never fall in love again.

Don't tell me what is all about,
'Cause I've been there and I'm glad I'm out,
Out of those chains, those chains that bind you
That is why I'm here to remind you

What do you get when you fall in love?
You get enough tears to fill an ocean
That's what you get for your devotion.
I'll never fall in love again.
I'll never fall in love again.

What do you get when you fall in love?
You only get lies and pain and sorrow.
So, for at least until tomorrow,
I'll never fall in love again!
I'll never fall in love again!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 06:24 pm
Robbie Williams
Angels: Spanish version Lyrics

Asi es la ley
Hay un angel hecho para mi.

Te conoci... el viento se me fue
Tal como llego
Y te falle, te hice da? o
Tantos a? os yo.

Pase por todo sin pensar
Te ame si casi amar
Y al final quien me salvo
El angel que quiero yo...


De nuevo tuuuuuuu
Te cuelas en mis huesos
Dejandome tu beso..
Junto al corazon.

Y otra vez tuuuu
Abriendome tus alas
Me sacas de las malas .. rachas del dolor
Por que tu eres..
El angel que quiero yo!!

Cuando estoy fatal
No se que hacer ni a donde ir
Me fijo en ti en ti..
Y te siento cerca.. pensando en mi
El cuerpo se me va...
Hacia donde tu estas...
Mi vida cambio
El angel que quiero yo..

De nuevo tuuuuuuu
Te cuelas en mis huesos
Dejandome tu beso..
Junto al corazon.

Y otra vez tuuuu
Abriendome tus alas
Me sacas de las malas .. rachas del dolor
Por que tu eres..
El angel que quiero yo!!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 06:29 pm
love is in the air

Parallel Bars
Robbie Fulks

Well, she's got a temper like a Texas storm, my will's strong as brick
Sometimes when we wanna get along, we both gotta get apart quick.
Well, we'd take our troubles on the town to mend, but the town's too small for that
So we take our stools and we just pretend we don't know where the other one's at.

Parallel bars, one at my feet, one on the opposite side of the street
Where two hearts that just can't meet hide 'til the heartache's gone
We had words, we let fly, he took the low road and so did I
Straight downtown, and now here we are, working it out in parallel bars.

Don't think I'm not thinking 'bout your sweet face while I knock this 8-ball 'round
While I'm across Main gettin' yours erased, every highball I knock down.
But about midnight, when the storm has blown, and the beer's worn down our pride
We're gonna be makin' tracks back home and makin' up side by side.

Parallel bars, one at my feet, one on the opposite side of the street
Where two hearts that just can't meet hide 'til the heartache's gone
We had words, we let fly, he took the low road and so did I
Straight downtown, and now here we are, working it out in parallel bars.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 06:44 pm
Ah, Try and dj. What a lovely way to spend an evening.

Angels, American version: (the Brits won't get it) Razz

Artist: Robbie Williams Lyrics
Song: Angels Lyrics

I sit and wait
does an angel contemplate my fate
and do they know
the places where we go
when we´re grey and old
´cos I´ve been told
that salvation lets their wings unfold
so when I'm lying in my bed
thoughts running through my head
and I feel that love is dead
I'm loving angels instead

and through it all she offers me protection
a lot of love and affection
whether I'm right or wrong
and down the waterfall
wherever it may take me
I know that life wont break me
when I come to call she wont forsake me
I'm loving angels instead

when I'm feeling weak
and my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
and I know ill always be blessed with love
and as the feeling grows
she breathes flesh to my bones
and when love is dead
I'm loving angels instead

and through it all she offers me protection
a lot of love and affection
whether I'm right or wrong
and down the waterfall
wherever it may take me
I know that life wont break me
when I come to call she wont forsake me
I'm loving angels instead.

and for you, Canada:

Parallel Universe
by Robert L Ferrier

What happens to creations destroyed by the artist before being seen by anyone?

Erased art lives in a shadow world
cut stanzas of first draft poems
digital photos deleted

like that shot of the goose at the pond
leg tumor forcing a looping gate
loser in the race for thrown bread

or ill conceived e-mails at midnight
flawed judgments consigned to nether worlds
excised at the speed of light.

Yet these rejections reconvene
a caucus of radical delegates
to a conference of unelected

freak art


into a Joseph's robe of many colors
more felt than heard or seen.

Wow! It's working, folks.

Tomorrow our Turtle man will be coming home.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 06:49 pm
Strange Angels
Laurie Anderson

They say that heaven is like TV
A perfect little world that doesn't really need you
And everything there is made of light
And the days keep going by

Here they come
Here they come
Here they come.

Well it was one of those days larger than life
When your friends came to dinner and they stayed the night
And then they cleaned out the refrigerator -
They ate everything in sight
And then they stayed up in the living room
And they cried all night

Strange angels - singing just for me
Old stories - they're haunting me
This is nothing like I thought it would be.

Well I was out in my four door with the top down.
And I looked up and there they were:
Millions of tiny teardrops just sort of hanging there
And I didn't know whether to laugh or cry
And I said to myself: What next big sky?

Strange angels - singing just for me
Their spare change falls on top of me
Rain falling
Falling all over me All over me
Strange angels - singing just for me

Old Stories - they're haunting me
Big changes are coming
Here they come
Here they come.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 07:03 pm
The Language of the Future
Laurie Anderson

Last year, I was on a twin-engine plane coming from Milwaukee to New York City.
Just over La Guardia, one of the engines conked out and we started to drop straight down, flipping over and over.
Then the other engine died: and we went completely out of control.
New York City started getting taller and taller.
A voice came over the intercom and said:

Our pilot has informed us that we are about to attempt a crash landing.
Please extinguish all cigarettes. Place your tray tables in their upright, locked position.

Your Captain says: Please do not panic.
Your Captain says: Place your head in your hands.
Captain says: Place your head on your knees.
Captain says: Put your hands on your head. Put your hands on your knees! (heh-heh)

This is your Captain.
Have you lost your dog?
We are going down.
We are all going down, together.

As it turned out, we were caught in a downdraft and rammed into a bank. It was, in short, a miracle.
But afterwards I was terrified of getting onto planes.
The moment I started walking down that aisle, my eyes would clamp shut and I would fall into a deep, impenetrable sleep.


Finally, I was able to remain conscious, but I always had to go up to the forward cabin and ask the stewardesses if I could sit next to them:
"Hi! Uh, mind if I join you?"
They were always rather irritated--
"Oh, all right (what a baby)"--and I watched their uniforms crack as we made nervous chitchat.

Sometimes even this didn't work, and I'd have to find one of the other passengers to talk to.
You can spot these people immediately.
There's one on every flight. Someone who's really on _your_ wavelength.

I was on a flight from L.A. when I spotted one of them, sitting across the aisle.
A girl, about fifteen.
And she had this stuffed rabbit set up on her tray table and she kept arranging and rearranging the rabbit and kind of waving to it:
"Hi there!"
And I decided:
This is the one I want to sit next to.
So I sat down and we started to talk and suddenly I realized she was speaking an entirely different language.

A kind of high-tech lingo.
Everything was circuitry, electronics, switching.
If she didn't understand something, it just "didn't scan."
We talked mostly about her boyfriend.
This guy was never in a bad mood. He was in a bad mode.
Modey kind of a guy.
The romance was apparently kind of rocky and she kept saying:
"Man oh man you know like it's so digital!"
She just meant the relationship was on again, off again.

Always two things switching.
Current runs through bodies and then it doesn't.
It was a language of sounds, of noise, of switching, of signals.
It was the language of the rabbit, the caribou, the penguin, the beaver.
A language of the past.
Current runs through bodies and then it doesn't.
On again.
Off again.
Always two things switching.
One thing instantly replaces another.

It was the language of the Future.

Put your knees up to your chin.
Have you lost your dog?
Put your hands over your eyes.

Jump out of the plane.
There is no pilot.
You are not alone.

This is the language of the on-again off-again future.
And it is Digital.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 07:05 pm
Yes, listeners. Strange Angels. Thank you, dj.


Where are you tonight?
Wild flower in starlit heaven
Still enchanted in flight
Obsessions lament to freedom

A timeless word, the meanings changed
But I'm still burning in your flames
Incessant, lustral masquerade,
Unengaged, dimlit love didn't taste the same

And I still wonder if you ever wonder the same
And I still wonder...

That, my interesting audience, is for those who are no longer with us, living or dead.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 07:14 pm
and, dear dj, as for your language of the future, there may be no language at all, just signs of the times:

» Sign Of The Times

When the word is out from the other side
She turns around
Cause day and night she's waited patiently
Now a different kind of world out there
Is to be found
It's over now for everyone to see
This is the way it's meant to be

It's the way that we make things right
It's the way that we hold on tight
I know, it's the sign of the times
It's the way that we make things turn
It's the way that we live and learn
I know, it's the sign of the times

It wakes him up, he turns around
And now he's gone
He's been waitin' for this moment desperately
Now the time is right, he's turnin' back
He's going home
Yeah it's over now for everyone to see
This is the way it's meant to be

It's the way that we make things right...

And everytime it's on my mind
I feel so insecure
It worries me to end up here alone
But everytime I realize I need her more and more
I'd never make it on my own

It's the way that we make things right...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 07:19 pm
To Be Loved
Jackie Wilson

Someone to care
someone to share
lonely hours and moments of despair
to be loved, to be loved
oh what a feeling to be loved

Someone to kiss
someone to miss
when you're away
to here for me today
to be love, to be loved
oh what a feeling to be loved

Some wish to be a king or a queen
some wish for fortune and fame
but to be, truly, truly, truly loved is
more than all of these things

Someone to kiss
someone to miss
when you're away to here for me today
to be loved, to be love, to be love
oh what a feeling to be loved
to be loved, to be loved, oh what a feeling
to be loved
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 07:22 pm
Language is a Virus from Outer Space (--William S. Burroughs)
Laurie Anderson

I saw this guy on the train, and he seemed to have gotten stuck in one of those abstract trances, and he was going ugh ... ugh ... ugh ...
And Geraldine said: You know, I think he's in some kind of pain ...
I think it's a pain cry.
And I said:
If that's a pain cry, then language ... is a virus ... from outer space ...

Well I was feeling really rotten the other day,
I was feeling washed up .... and I said to myself:
I know what I'm going to do--
I'm going to take myself out.
So I went to the park and I sat down and I said:
Boy is this fun.
I'm really having fun now.
I can't remember having this much fun before ...
And then this little dog ran up, and this dog had ears like a drop-leaf table, and I said:
Boy is this ever fun ...

Well I was talking to a friend the other day, and I was saying:
I wanted you ... and I was looking for you ... but I couldn't find you.
And he said:
Hey ... are you talking to me ... or are you just practicing for one of those performances of yours?

You know, I don't believe there's such a thing as the Japanese language.
I mean, they don't even know how to write.
They just draw pictures of these little characters, and when they talk, they just make sounds that more or less synch up with their lips.
That's what I think ....

Well I walked uptown and I saw a sign that said:
Today's lecture Big Science and Little Men.
So I walked in and there were all these salesmen and a big pile of electronics.
And they were singing:
Phase Lock Loop.
Neurological Bonding.
Video Disc.
They were singing:
We're gonna link you up.
They were saying:
We're gonna phase you in.
They said:
Let's look at it this way
Picture a Christmas tree with lots of little sparkly lights, and each light is totally separate, but they're all sort of hanging off the same wire.
Get the picture?
And I said:
Count me out.
And they said:
We've got your number.
And I said:
Count me out.
You gotta count me out.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 07:30 pm
Language is a Virus
Laurie Anderson

Paradise Is exactly like
Where you are right now
Only much much better.

I saw this guy on the train
And he seemed to gave gotten stuck in one of those abstract trances.
And he was going: "Ugh...Ugh...Ugh..."
And Fred said: "I think he's in some kind of pain.
I think it's a pain cry."
And I said: "Pain cry?
Then language is a virus."

Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!

Well I was talking to a friend
And I was saying:
I wanted you.
And I was looking for you.
But I couldn't find you.
I couldn't find you.
And he said:
Hey! Are you talking to me?
Or are you just practicing for one of those performances of yours?

Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!

He said:
I had to write that letter to your mother.
And I had to tell the judge that it was you.
And I had to sell the car and go to Florida.
Because that's just my way of saying
That I love you.
And I
Had to call you at the crack of dawn
And list the times that I've been wrong.
Cause that's just my way of saying
That I'm sorry.

Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!

Paradise Is exactly like
Where you are right now
Only much much better.

You know?
I don't believe there's such a thing as TV.
I mean - They just keep showing you the same pictures over and over. And when they talk they just make sounds
That more or less synch up with their lips.
That's what I think!

Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!
Language! It's a virus!

Well I dreamed there was an island
That rose up from the sea.
And everybody on the island
Was somebody from TV.
And there was a beautiful view
But nobody could see.
Cause everybody on the island
Was saying:
Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!

Because they all lived on an island
That rose up from the sea.
And everybody on the island
Was somebody from TV.
And there was a beautiful view
But nobody could see.
Cause everybody on the island
Was saying: Look at me!
Look at me! Look at me! Look at me! Look at me!

Paradise is exactly like
Where you are right now
Only much much better.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 07:52 pm
Yes, dj. "Paradise is where we are right now, only much better."

And, edgar. The greatest thing we'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 08:11 pm
Has it really been two years since hurricane Frances? Just seems like yesterday.

As usual, listeners, the verse is always more evocative than the actual body of the song.


No use leading with our chins
This is where our story ends
Never lovers, ever friends...

Let our hearts call it a day
But before you walk away
I sincerely want to say...

I wish you bluebirds in the Spring
To give your heart a song to sing
And then a kiss,
But more than this,
I wish you love!

And in July a lemonade
To cool you in some leafy glade
I wish you health,
And more than wealth,
I wish you love!

My breaking heart and I agree
That you and I could never ever be
So with my best,
My very best,
I set you free!

I wish you shelter from the storm
A cozy fire to keep you warm
But most of all,
But most of all...
When snowflakes fall,
I wish you wealth
I wish you health...
I wish you love!

Written by: A. A. Beach & C. Trenet

Goodnight, but not goodbye. <smile>

From Letty with love
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 08:12 pm
Leann Rimes
"Can't Fight The Moonlight" Lyrics

Under a lover's sky
Gonna be with you
And no one's gonna be around
If you think that you won't fall
Well just wait until
Till the sun goes down
Underneath the starlight, starlight
There'a a magical feeling so right
It'll steal your heart tonight

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know, but you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark you'll surrender your heart
But you know, but you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it
It's gonna get to your heart

There's no escape from love
Once a gentle breeze
Weaves it's spell upon your heart
No matter what you think
It won't be too long
Till you're in my arms
Underneath the starlight, starlight
We'll be lost in the rhythm so right
Feel it steal your heart tonight

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know, but you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know, but you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it
No matter what you do
The night is gonna get to you

(You're gonna know, that I know)
Don't try, you're never gonna win, oh

Underneath the starlight, starlight
There's a magical feeling so right
It'll steal your heart tonight

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know, but you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know, but you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it

You can try to resist
Try to hide from my kiss
But you know, but you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
Deep in the dark
You'll surrender your heart
But you know, but you know that you
Can't fight the moonlight
No, you can't fight it
It's gonna get to your heart
0 Replies
Reply Sun 18 Jun, 2006 08:36 pm
Night Fever
Bee Gees

Listen to the ground
There is movement all around
There is something goin' down
And I can feel it

On the waves of the air
There is dancin' out there
If it's somethin' we can share
We can steal it

And that sweet city woman
She moves through the light
Controlling my mind and my soul
When you reach out for me
Yeah, and the feelin' is right

Night fever, night fever
We know how to do it
Night fever, night fever
We know how to show it

Here I am
Prayin' for this moment to last
Livin' on the music so fine
Borne on the wind
Makin' it mine

Night fever, night fever
We know how to do it
Gimme that night fever, night fever
We know how to show it

In the heat of our love
Don't need no help for us to make it
Gimme just enough
To take us to the mornin'
I got fire in my mind
I get higher in my walkin'
And I'm glowin' in the dark
If you want it

That sweet city woman
She moves through the light
Controlling my mind and my soul
Reach out for me
And the feelin' is right

Night fever, night fever
We know how to do it
Night fever, night fever
We know how to show it

Here I am
Prayin' for this moment to last
Livin' on the music so fine
Borne on the wind
Makin' it mine

Night fever, night fever
We know how to do it
Night fever, night fever
We know how to show it
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 02:01 am
Letty wrote:
Just found a new vocalist, folks. Her name is Elena Risteska. Let's hear a song by her in both English and Greek.

Elena's lyrics

Elena Risteska
FYR Macedonian Delegation


Ajde mom~e
ne se pla{i mom~e
}e ti dadam tebe.

Ka`i mi {to saka{
ka`i mi {to ti treba
ka`i mi {to posakuva{
}e napravam da se ~uvstvuva{ mnogu slatko.
]e gi razbudam tvoite fantazii
}e gi ostavaram tvoite soni{ta
no ako saka{ ninanaj so mene
}e ti ka`am {to da napravi{.

Igraj so mene ninanajna
pej so mene ninanajna
sakam da bidam so tebe
sakam da ti dadam tebe.
Igraj so mene ninanajna
pej so mene ninanajna
sakam da bidam so tebe
sakam da ti ja dadam mojata qubov.

Mo`am da gi ostvaram tvoite `elbi i najludi soni{ta
mo`am da napravam Bijonse
i [akira da igraat za tebe.
Opasno sum vqubena vo tebe
umiram za tvojot bakne`
no ako saka{ ninanaj so mene
}e ti ka`am {to da napravi{.

Igraj so mene ninanajna
pej so mene ninanajna
sakam da bidam so tebe
sakam da ti dadam tebe.
Igraj so mene ninanajna
pej so mene ninanajna
sakam da bidam so tebe
sakam da ti ja dadam mojata qubov.

Ti najde na~in da go dopre{ moeto srce i du{a
mi gi otvori mislite
nikoga{ nema da te pu{tam.
Ti si kako drugiot del od mene
bez tebe nemo`am da `iveam
mojot `ivot e necelosen.

Refren na Makedonski:
Pej si ti ninanajna
Zapej mi ninanajna
zaigraj so mene
i }e ti dadam se.
Pej si ti ninanajna
zapej mi ninanajna
zaigraj so mene
i jas }e bidam so tebe.



Come on boy
don't be afraid boy
I'm gonna give it to you.

Tell me what-ya want babe
tell me what-ya need
tell me what-ya wishing for
I'll make you feel so sweet.
I'll open up your fantasies
I'll make your dreams come true
But if you wanna ninanaj with me
I'll tell you what to do.

Dance with me nananinananajna
Sing with me nananinananajna
I wanna be with you
l wanna give it to you.
Dance with me nananinananajna
Sing with me nananinananajna
I wanna be with you
l wanna give my love to you.

I can make your wishes and your wildest dreams come true
l can make Beyonce and
Shakira dance for you.
I'm dangerously in love with you
I'm dying for your kiss
But if you wanna ninanaj with me
I'm gonna give it to you.

Dance with me nananinananajna
Sing with me nananinananajna
I wanna be with you
l wanna give it to you.
Dance with me nananinananajna
Sing with me nananinananajna
I wanna be with you
l wanna give my love to you.

You found a way to touch my heart and soul
you've opened up my mind
I'll never let you go.

You're like another part of me
with out you I can't live
my life is incomplete.

Chorus in Macedonian:
Sing ninanajna
Sing for me ninanajna
dance with me
I will give you everything.
Sing ninanajna
Sing for me ninanajna
dance with me
and I will be with you.

Wonder if that dance is anything like Zorba. <smile>

As a reply to your private message (I can't reply in PMs yet).

This song and singer is Slavic Macedonian not Hellenic Macedonian. This was the song the Skops (Slavic Macedonians) sent to the Eurovision pop contest in Athens to represent their country. The first language the song is written, the one they referred to as "Makedonski" is a Slavic dialect. I heard the song at the Eurovision contest, the song style is fast pop with a few ethnic elements.

If you want to find information search here: http://www.eurovision.tv/english/participants.htm
To listen to the song(s) go here:

If you want my opinion the song was not something special but I liked the singer Razz .
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 03:58 am
Good morning, WA2K listeners and fans.

First let me welcome Ellinas to our station. Thank you so much for accepting our invitation to join us here. I discovered that vocalist by accident as I often do when looking for other things. It's wonderful to have clarification of the differences in ethnicity, Ellinas. Thank you so much, Greece. Please stick around, ok? Having seen the lady's picture, I can see why the song would pale somewhat. <smile>

Thank you, Texas, for the Bee Gees and Night Fever, and butterfly, we all know that moonlight is hard to fight. Gravity? perhaps.

Well, listeners. We want to have as many different countries as possible represented here.

Now, for a cup of plain old coffee.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 04:12 am
Letty wrote:
First let me welcome Ellinas to our station. Thank you so much for accepting our invitation to join us here. I discovered that vocalist by accident as I often do when looking for other things. It's wonderful to have clarification of the differences in ethnicity, Ellinas. Thank you so much, Greece. Please stick around, ok? Having seen the lady's picture, I can see why the song would pale somewhat. <smile>

So, what you do here is posting the lirycs of songs from different genres and countries?
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 04:17 am
Ellinas wrote:

So, what you do here is posting the lirycs of songs from different genres and countries?

basically, it's a virtual radio station, post songs you like, news stories that interest you, anything really
0 Replies
Reply Mon 19 Jun, 2006 04:21 am
dj said it, Ellinas. So far, we have had India, France, Germany, England, and, of course, America. We always have our Canadian neighbors as well.
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WA2K Radio is now on the air, Part 3 - Discussion by edgarblythe
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