Mon 10 Feb, 2003 09:29 pm
How do you get paint splatters off a wood desk without scratching the wood?
Any help would be appreciated:)
What type of paint is it Misti?
Is the desk stained? New, old, etc?
Well, I'm assuming the paint is dry or it wouldn't be to much of a problem. I'm also guessing that the desk is stained and varnished...
The only way I've found in the past is to try using the edge or a credit card and "chip" the paint spots off. If you hold the card at about a 30 degree angle from the wood and don't press to hard it shouldn't scrape the finish.
There is a product called, I think, Painter's Pal that you could try. I tried to find my bottle and it seems to have disappeared, but it is supposed to be used for paint clean-up.
Otherwise: iff it is oil-based paint, I think you have to use a solvent... mineral spirits. I'd use a Q-Tip cotton swab. Be sparing as it will take off some of the finish, which you may then need to touch up.
If it is water-based paint, you could try a small amount of warm, soapy water and a little agitation from a toothbrush or other soft brush. Don't use much water and immediately wipe dry.
Good luck!!!
JD: I don't know what type of paint, because it's a desk we bought used. I have no idea what I'm dealing with.
Quinn, it's a rather old desk, not antique, just "used". It's varnished too, but I don't know if it's wood or veneer finish. It will be delivered tomorrow.
You can try soap and water first, on an underside or some other place not well seen...
If that doesnt work, try a solvent, same idea...see how it works, if you can work with it without taking off the stain, etc.
Other than that..try the credit card thing.
Fishin', I shall try the credit card, great idea!
Piffka, I will try the water/soap first, that would be the easiest. Then if that doesn't work, I'll try the mineral spirits. Also, will try the credit card, as Fishin' suggested.
I'm getting excited, can't wait to see which of these great ideas work.
You guys are the best!
Hi all!
Misti- The suggestions so far are great, although I would try to stay away from a solvent, as it will harm the finish unnecessarily if it is a latex spill.
Try the credit card first, if you encounter resistance, try warming the area with a hair dryer (or heat gun) this will soften the paint if it is latex.
If it doesn't soften, you're probably dealing with an oil-base, in which case, I would use an extra-fine steel wool, soaked with mineral spirits....very carefully.
Good luck!!
Another thing you might try is to use a razor blade. Hold the blade as close to horizontal to the desk, and try to 'scrape' the paint off. If the blade is flat against the desk, it won't have a chance for it to dig into the desk. Usually works pretty well on smooth surfaces. Go slowly. If it doesn't seem to work, don't use this method. c.i.
Great idea about the heat ... it does make sense!
I will let you all know how it works out!
Thanks for the great suggestions:)
c.i., I think I'll stay away from the razor blade, I don't trust myself not to scratch the wood.
If I get desperate, well..........yah just never know:)
Just to update you all ... the desk was just delivered, and the paint came right off with a wet cloth! Yippeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Thanks again to all of you for your help!
Well, that makes life easy!
Some times on a very smooth surface, the paint doesn't 'stick,' and it's easy to remove. Glad you were able to remove it with a damp cloth. c.i.
This is MY new/used desk we've been talking about, folks! Thanks so much for the suggestions, and a big thanks to Mom for cleaning it up for me while I was at work! You da best, Ma!!!!!
The hutch does need a support right smack in the middle, but for $10, I'm not complainin.
There is now a place for everything.....deciding where 'everything' should go might take me a few days.
THe new kitty making her mark should be interesting as well..might want her own spot..consider that as a space issue
lol quinn.....Lacey's 'space' is wherever she wants! She's not too fond of the desk ~ but she knows that it occupies my attention and is just happy when I'm not facing it!
(Guess I should offer forgiveness for misspellings now because Lacey doesn't care where she has to lay down in order to put herself directly in my line of sight.....I'm so in love with this little kitten.....)