Wed 1 Dec, 2004 07:22 pm
Do computers with Windows XP Professional provide a "calculator" where a user can put in numbers and the desired arithmetic operation and the calculator will calculate it?
I used to find it by going to Programs, then Accessories, then Calculator, but it's not there anymore.
It's there with my PC! Maybe whoever setup your machine either moved it to another folder or skipped installing it all together?
You can do a search of your drive for the file "calc.exe" and see if it's there somewhere. If not you can go into your Control Panel and select the "Add/Remove Software" icon and then "Add/Remove Windows Components" and install the Calc from your OS dics.
click on start ยป Run
and type in calc
this will bring it up. If nothing happens then you have not got it installed.
In case you really don't have it anywhere, well, Fishin' already explained how to install the built-in Windows calculator application from the installation source files, but another option is using one of the (superior) alternative free Microsoft calculator apps...they have 2 different ones on
MS Calculator Plus:
Includes most complete conversions capabilities I've personally used in a calc app.
MS Power Calculator:
With this PowerToy you can graph and evaluate functions as well as perform many different types of conversions.