Mon 29 Nov, 2004 10:12 am
Just wondering if any of our trans-Atlantic members can give an opinion on this new Sci-Fi series? I have no idea how long since it started in the US, sorry.
It's just started last week in the UK on digital TV, and I've been quietly impressed with the first 2 episodes.
For those who aren't aware of it, it concerns a group of 4,400 people who were abducted by aliens over the last 60 years, then brought back to Earth and dumped at the side of a lake near Seattle in 2004. None of them have got any older since they disappeared, and most of those featured so far have some kind of special powers (healing, second-sight, preternatural reflexes, generating mini-earthquakes etc.)
It's so far been quite X-Files derived - complete with a male & female duo who are investigating/monitoring the "Returnees" - but I'm keeping an open mind for now.
Any thoughts from anyone?
I found it interesting, GD, but it ends abruptly. (As if they ran out of money or were hoping to continue the series at a later date perhaps.)
This was a mini-series produced by a cable network, shown spring 2004.
My understanding is there will be new episodes this spring. Although, as you will discover, Duke, the first series does answer the big question.
Thanks to you both.
A mini-series does make sense I think, as long as they can answer the big question - Why? - in a sensible manner. The alternative would be a massive sprawling multi-season monster like the X-Files became.
I am howver puzzled as to how they are going to attract and keep viewers with further seasons, if they answer the question at the end of the first series? Hmm...
I'm certain that we had a thread about this, but can't find it. Just as well, it probably would have given away too much for you, GD.
I did do a search for "The 4400" but came up with nothing that was related to the TV series.