Fri 26 Nov, 2004 07:08 am
O.K. everyone, Bib is back, and I have a new Word Game that should keep some of you occupied or distracted for a while.
The CRYPTIC CODE CONUNDRUM is played as follows:
1. The 26 letters of the English Alphabet (A to Z) are each given a fixed numerical value (1 to 26)> e.g. A=1, B=2 ........ Y=25 and Z=26.
2. An 8-letter word is then presented as the CONUNDRUM Challenge with ONLY 3 letters shown and the remaining 5 letters left blank (in any position)> e.g. _ A _ _ E _ _ D.
3. A Numerical Value is then presented as the TOTAL count for the completed word> e.g. in this case 68 is declared as the VALUE for _ A _ _ E _ _ D.
4. When the WORD is completed and its total VALUE counted it should equate, in this example, to 68> in this case the ACTUAL completed WORD is GATHERED, which has a TOTAL VALUE of 68.
5. Just when you think you've figured out the WORD, and you've made its VALUE equate to the TOTAL required, there is one more hurdle to overcome!
The correct, completed WORD must be found in the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary (found at
6. During trials that I have run for this Trivia Game, there are circumstances when it is possible for more than one answer to solve the CONUNDRUM. All possibilities will be duly acknowledged and declared as equal answers to the CONUNDRUM.
7. The next CONUNDRUM will be started by myself, or any other person who may take over the Game in my absence. Should I leave A2K for a while then this will be announced on this thread.
If you think this Trivia Game is easy, then think again.
I have devised it in such a way so as to slow down those who may be using word jumble tools, or crossword solving tools, and encourage them to use good old detective work and word-sleuthing skills, combined with simple mathematics, as their ultimate code-breaking weapons.
Let's have Fun.
I'm not used to this game.
I guess I'll have to make up a values chart...
If ANYONE is working on this first CONUNDRUM then please pop in here and leave a message.
It will give me a feel for how many are interested in this new Trivia Game.
Thanks, Bib.
For the benefit of those who don't want to write out the alphanumeric equivalents, here they are:
A=1, B=2, C=3, D=4, E=5, F=6, G=7
H=8, I=9, J=10, K=11, L=12, M=13
N=14, O=15, P=16, Q=17, R=18
S=19, T=20, U=21, V=22
W=23, X=24, Y=25, Z=26
Francis: thanks for trying with WALLETED.
Walleted does add up to 82 but it doesn't appear in the Merriam Webster Online Dictionary, so it doesn't count.
Good try, but it's not the answer I'm looking for.
How are we doing?
Anymore guesses?
Bibliophile the BibleGuru wrote:Good try, but it's not the answer I'm looking for.
Slight digression - you're not a fan of Roy Walker & Catchphrase, by any chance, BTBG?
Good dog! Or is it bon chien?
I can't recall too much of my French.
I think I've got it!
Hello Boomer!
TAMPERED is one of the possible answers.
There is another...keep trying.
Hey back at you, Bib.
I didn't know I was supposed to look for more than one. I threw away all of my try-notes! Luckily, I kept the drawing board.....
For those who don't want to solve the remaining answer for CONUNDRUM#1, here is CONUNDRUM #2:
_ _ S _ I _ E _ with a
Good Sleuthing.