Sun 21 Nov, 2004 12:45 pm
Just out of curiosity ... if you go to "your topics" (top left corner of your A2K screen) - what are the three or, say, five, topics you started that got the most views? And which ones got the least views?
Also, with most there'll be a correlation with the number of posts, but have you got threads with few posts but a great many views as well?
Who would you like to meet from a2k..., Apprentice, and Survivor
I feel bad to have to admit that they're all threads started by myself.
By far "What Book are You Reading ..." thread has gotten the most (27742) views (185 pages),
"Online Dating,...." has been viewed 12181 times (84 pages),
"Skin rash..." got over 9000 hits, but only 3 pages of posts,
and two threads got over 8000 hits: "portland, seattle, vancouver" (44 pages) and "Scouting out guys at the grocery store" (36 pages).
My least visited thread had 30 views. It is a thread about computing your risk of developing SAD. I was the one and only poster to that thread.
Oh Joa, but I'm actually only asking about the threads you started yourself! The "your topics" link, not the "your posts" link.
Don't know about MOST threads but when I asked about lipo, there was not one response. Not one. :wink:
Of the threads I started the ones that got most views were:
What made you smile today? - 37,323
If you were a bookie... Polls and bets on the 2004 elections - 23,957
Results! Election night'04 ... your armchair expert analysis - 5,951
Kazaa/etc MP3-sharers: What's your playlist? - 4,650
The Lies, foibles and misrepresentations of John Kerry - 3,512
Florid + typical swear words / expressions, around the world - 3,154
The Kazaa and swear words ones are interesting because they dont actually got many posts - both just 3 pages. Must be something in them that does well with Google or something.
My least viewed threads are:
Kuchma: another President-for-life i/t former Soviet Union? - 45
Spectacular socialist election victory in Uruguay - 44
Sounds like a Republican after my heart ... - 43 (but that one was in the Roundtable forum)
Teenage kicks - Belated John Peel commemoration thread - 42
Seattle voters reject tax on latte but grant stoners a break - 41
Who voted / supported Bradley in 2000, and why? - 37
Surviving as an asylum-seeker in Britain ... - 35
Okay, Nimh... there are more here than you asked for, but I'm "bolding" the two with the most and the least number of views.
The number at the end is the recorded "views" but the number of posts seems to be in a ratio of 1:10 to 1:20.
My Biggest Disappointments -- I was so interested in these and got so few responses:
Visiting the Callanish Stones..........Tue Nov 02, 2004 10:46 am .....91
Film Series and Program Management Mon Apr 26, 2004 9:11 am... 25
Probably My Favorite Subject -- who says I'm not frivolous?:
ReD SHoeS aRe SHoeS To MaKe YouR HeaRT Go PiTTeR-PaT! Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:02 am 1070
These were the Most Visited:
Modern Life:
Hybrid Cars.................................... Sun Mar 07, 2004 8:44 am....3084
Hey, We're Freezing Over Here.........Sun Jan 04, 2004 8:11 am.... 5946
Colossal Squid vs Giant Squid.......... Thu Apr 03, 2003 1:18 pm.... 4272
Have you ever experienced the numinous?... Mon Nov 18, 2002 8:20 pm... 3108
Vacation Plans -- United Kingdom..... Wed Jul 02, 2003 6:09 pm... 9058
San Francisco, California....... Sat Apr 05, 2003 7:27 am... 10088
Mr.Piffka's Quotes........................ Sat Dec 20, 2003 10:25 am.... 5205
Poems of October... Poems of Fall..... Sun Oct 05, 2003 2:55 am... 6043
Poetic Lines from Shakespeare's Plays.. Tue May 20, 2003 6:02 pm.. 3373
A2K members resist making a first post. I remember your thread and was watching with interest, but having no first or second hand experience with liposuction I didn't feel I could jump in and contribute.
Why don't you repost and see what happens?
What a coincidence. I was just looking at some of my old threads last night.
Most visited:
Are you "getting some" for Valentine's day?--13254 views
Camel Spiders in Iraq--12324 views
It was about that urban legend that there were these huge spiders in Iraq that would attack soldiers in their sleep.
Janet Jackson breast exposed during halftime show--9839 views
That one caused quite a stir for a short period of time
My least viewed are mostly stupid political threads in which I obviously had no idea what I was talking about, and a couple threads that got locked within about ten minutes because someone posted something too dirty for A2K. An example of that one would be my "Cute nicknames for a woman's..." thread. I guess I should have known, huh?
Some of mine get many viewers but few posters and some get almost no views. A few have been extremely successful.
You people must be retarded. My best visited thread is about Red Sox/Yankees, and my least is about kids and drugs.
My most viewed thread that is still going, is "the insult chain thread", with about 9700 views, and counting. People love to insult each other.
Oy, I hate it when my friends fight. You two play nice.
Aw, we always play nice.
To my great surprise, one of my threads got incredible 1246 reviews, but (besides my own) only one response.
It was a link to the online version of the Penis Atlas.
"Bush's plan to turn America into an ownership society", however, is going on quite well, with over 17 pages by now and 1636 reviews in 14 days.
My longest topic was the Insane 3 word story.
the least was a question about my Canary.
famous last words... 38 replies, 45,669 views
i think the reason is bcos i stuck in a pic of maria sharapova, and she's been getting gang-googled...
CAD: Autocad vs Microstation 0 replies, 8 views
this is one i wrote last night. i don't expect to get a lot of responses bcos its a specialized topic...
Hm, I have yet to open my own thread
My anxiety level is still to high on that one.....