OK, so almost four years on, an update on mine..
Back then:
Quote:Of the threads I started the ones that got most views were:
What made you smile today? - 37,323
If you were a bookie... Polls and bets on the 2004 elections - 23,957
Results! Election night'04 ... your armchair expert analysis - 5,951
Kazaa/etc MP3-sharers: What's your playlist? - 4,650
The Lies, foibles and misrepresentations of John Kerry - 3,512
Florid + typical swear words / expressions, around the world - 3,154
The Kazaa and swear words ones are interesting because they dont actually got many posts - both just 3 pages. Must be something in them that does well with Google or something.
1. What made you smile today? - 139,941
2. A first(?) thread on 2008: McCain,Giuliani & the Republicans - 45,332
3. Things people posted that would make perfect sig lines - 42,774
4. If you were a bookie... Polls and bets on the 2004 elections - 36,277
5. Get yer polls, bets, numbers & pretty graphs! Elections 2008 - 33,598
6. Kazaa/etc MP3-sharers: What's your playlist? - 15,627
7. Florid + typical swear words / expressions, around the world - 13,509
8. Results! Election night'04 ... your armchair expert analysis - 10,618
9. A wish and a prayer for the Ukrainian democrats, please - 10,367
10. Elections in the Netherlands (again) - 10,154
Interesting: the Kazaa and swear words threads still trucking along, despite having few replies and having been abandoned by me a long time ago.. almost all the original six are still in there after three+ years... and the WMYST thread has taken a stupendous lead over all the others.
Quote:My least viewed threads are:
Kuchma: another President-for-life i/t former Soviet Union? - 45
Spectacular socialist election victory in Uruguay - 44
Sounds like a Republican after my heart ... - 43 (but that one was in the Roundtable forum)
Teenage kicks - Belated John Peel commemoration thread - 42
Seattle voters reject tax on latte but grant stoners a break - 41
Who voted / supported Bradley in 2000, and why? - 37
Surviving as an asylum-seeker in Britain ... - 35
Now (with apologies for the reverse order), it's:
10. While Baghdad burns, the WH presents: Theatre of the Absurd - 38
9. Britain opts out of War on Terror - 36
8. Reminder: How the US came to go to Iraq - 36
7. About those Zarqawi / Saddam links... - 32
6. Turkey: Iran and China more popular than US, EU - 32
5. The new $6 million Iraqi embassy in DC - 31
4. Revolutionary' arrested for driving vegetable-powered truck - 30
3. Meanwhile, in the states, a new spirit of bipartisanship - 30
2. I present you: the politician of the day - 29
1. Robert Gates, Iran, Syria, and what we said about Iraq - 20
Iraq fatigue...