As for my poor Paddy, he's such a klutz and accident prone. He just stepped into a gallon of paint, yikes! You'd want to see the scurrying to get him in the sink and washed off, the poor thing didn't know what hit him! He hates getting wet, won't talk for hours now!
Last week he fell into the toilet ...... he was just minding his own business, walking the edge, so to speak, and kerplunk!
We attribute this to the fact he was never in a home before we adopted him, he was caged up for 15 weeks, poor baby:(
Caged?! How horrible.
I never cease to marvel at Barney going from feral to a total people cat in the space of hours.
Yep, Roger.....we're convinced that Paddy began his life in a shelter. Poor little guy.
Great picture of dear Lacey and the wonderful paddy, loved seeing them.
How cute! Both of them! Poor Paddy - stepping into paint. So Nisse is not the only not-too-elegant cat :-)
I think I'll cancel our room so that urs can stay with the cats at your place, rae!
Ahem... I come with my´missus, too... Lacey's so cute!!!
Ummmm.....hope ya don't mind sleeping on the floor!
LOL, I wasn't meaning to invite usselves!
How do you like our new signatures? I nicked mine from joanne, and Roger has one, as does me darling urs!
What a lovely cat! She looks at home already!
Love the new signatures, bd! You can invite yourselves anytime! (But you're still sleepin on the floor!)
Thanks, msolga! We had a breakthrough last night.....She slept on the bed all night instead of under it! I woke up a few times to find her about an inch away from my face, purring loudly!
I got Nisse on my lap right now, purring for no reason, luv it... If it wasn't making me sit in a very awkward position, crouched over the cat, knees together, two feet away from the keyboard, back's aching... But he's also a bed cat, when we're alone in the morning!
Such a nice start to the day, yes?
I, too, have a cat on my lap as I attempt to type

... A great, big, bomba tuxedo cat! He's heavy & is also purring loudly..
Your early posts made me wonder, Rae! Now I know why, :grin: !
One of my cats (now 18 years old) had this trick to wake me, if she thought I was sleeping too long: Tickling my chin with her whiskers!

She got very good at this & it worked every time!
Nisse woke me up at 5.55 am this morning. Mysan likes to sleep in - but Nisse doesn't let us.